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Menu Option

Guest RaDiOAcTiVe

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i don't have ipb but i do know that there is a mod for a menu dropdown. this would be convenient if you implicated this as a feature. you can add into some menu some options for what goes where and different menus. i always loved those style dropdown menus cuz im a member of a lot of ipb sites and i usually notice how convenient it is when all the links are in one menu. :cool:

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This really isn't something the vast majority of board owners would need, and could quite easily be either a skin edit and setting, if you want a admin interface.

If this can be done, how so? I"d would love to be able to make menus, and shortizie (make shorter) the amount of links I have in global_board_header.
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can be done, how so? I"d would


to be able to make menus, and shortizie (make shorter) the amount of links I have in



We did it as a skin edit on the IPS Beyond skin, which is publicly accessible on ipsbeyond.com/forums :)
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