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Is it possible in 2.2.0?

Guest ysun

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I want to make several forums only can be accessed by the forum id and these forums now shown in the forum list.

Is it possible in 2.2.0?

You mean hidden forums? I guess we'll have to wait until Friday to find out. But honestly, this has been a feature in vB since at least the 3.5.x days, so I don't see what IPS is waiting for. It's a very useful feature that should be added, imo.
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You mean hidden forums? I guess we'll have to wait until Friday to find out. But honestly, this has been a feature in vB since at least the 3.5.x days, so I don't see what IPS is waiting for. It's a very useful feature that should be added, imo.

Yes, strongly agree with you. I remember this function is used in vbb at least 5 years ago. I hope 2.2.0 can have this function. :ph34r:
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I don't understand what you guys mean :unsure: doesn't ipb have hidden forums?

I got this problem in actual usage. As we know the subforums of IPB cost a large space to display especially you have a lot of subforums. In this condition, I moved all subforums into one forum and made these subforums only show links in the forum rules in order to save the space. The problem is I can not hide the category which holds all the subforums, if I hide the category(set no group has permission to view), all subforums can not be accessed.

If I didn't describe clearly, you can take a look at this forum http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?showforum=26 , you will see there are some color links, they are displayed in a forum rule but actually they are linked to subforums.

So that I think the function of hiding subforums but can access them by forum id is necessary.
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I don't understand what you guys mean :unsure: doesn't ipb have hidden forums?

Yes, but it can only be done via user groups. What we want is a way to completely hide a forum from view completely, with knowing the forum ID as the only way to view it, which can then be controlled via user groups. It's useful for staff forums and what not.
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I think this was a feature in the IPB 1.3 series. I doubt they'll add it to a current version if they had a good reason to remove it from an old one.

Alternatively, you could just use the forum masks in addition to/or password protected forums, both of which would be much more secure regardless.

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Uh, could you not just uncheck 'Show Forum' in permissions for all groups? That'd do pretty much what you're saying, no?

Edit: Guess not. It stops you from seeing the listing too >_<

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this was a feature in the IPB 1.3 series. I doubt they'll add it to a current version if they had a good reason to remove it from an old one.

Alternatively, you could just use the forum masks in addition to/or password protected forums, both of which would be much more secure regardless.

The option to create a poll only and no topic was in the 2.0.x series, then removed from 2.1.x and added as a "new feature" for 2.2. So it's possible that if this feature was in 1.3.x, it could make a comeback.
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The option to create a poll only and no topic was in the 2.0.x series, then removed from 2.1.x and added as a "new feature" for 2.2. So it's possible that if this feature was in 1.3.x, it could make a comeback.

Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I see an upgrade as an opportunity to add stuff, not take something out. The only condition in which something should be taken out is when it's being replaced with something that serves its purpose and more.
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Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I see an upgrade as an opportunity to add stuff, not take something out. The only condition in which something should be taken out is when it's being replaced with something that serves its purpose and more.

Exactly. And I know that being able to have "hidden forums" has been requested by many people, including myself, in the past.
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Why the big deal about hidden forums, you set the permissions.. you either have access to the forum and should be able to SEE it, or you don't have access, and the ability to know it's there is removed.

Because there may be times when you don't want a forum listed. I may be wrong, but I believe Neowin does this with one of its forums, which has an ID of 168. It's an "invite-only" type of board where you must know the ID number. (Last I heard.)
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