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25,501 topics in this forum
How to fix IPB Pro skin header width?
by Guest PeterJ- 2 replies
I know this is not the right place to ask but at IPSBeyond right now it looks like everyone is on vacation. :P How or where can I setup the IPB PRO Skin "header part" (the one with banner in it) to be the same width as main wrapper is (960px)? huh.gif Thanks guys,
Last reply by PeterJ, -
Cookie trail -- Navigation in display->do_output
by Guest Palamedes- 7 replies
When passing an array to do_output that is to be used as the navigation cookie trail, it would be nice if we could also pass URLs. This way we could have more control over our entire cookie trail when creating our own components. class_display.php line 126 simply says; if ($n) { $nav .= "<{F_NAV_SEP}>" . $n; } where as something more along the line of this seems more useful. if ($n) { if (is_array($n)) { $nAnchor = (!empty($n[0]))?$n[0]:""; $nUrl = (!empty($n[1]))?$n[1]:""; $nTarget = (!empty($n[2]))?$n[2]:""; $nav .= "<{F_NAV_SEP}><a href='".$nUrl."' target='".$nTarget."'>".$nAnchor."</a>"; } e…
Last reply by atomicknight, -
Moderator Options in Fast Reply
by Guest jndave5104- 21 replies
I think that it would be really cool to have the Moderator Options Dropdown (Close this topic, Pin and Close this Topic, etc.) on the Fast Reply box if the user has moderator capabilities. Thanks! :D
Last reply by atomicknight, -
Prevent/limit signatures to long
by Guest ArSoX- 2 replies
Hello people... this is my first time here in the forum, sorry if this is not the correct section to post my question of help I'm not a admin of a IPB forum, just a moderator. I have one doubt... I really need to limit signature... The users in our forum have long singnatures, but my admin say that it's impossible to limit correctly like number of characters or lines? Because what they say to me is that the only think that we can limit is the number of bytes, but that sucks because there are images with for example X bytes bigger then others in the same number of bytes. So, my really question is if there is another way to limit the signatures? Thx in advance and ple…
Last reply by atomicknight, -
Anything That Can Be Done For AOL Users?
by Guest dieselpowered- 8 replies
I know this is not an IPB problem, however, is there anything that can be done for AOL users? As I am sure everyone is aware, for whatever reason, validation e mails will not get through for people who use AOL e mail accts. Any thoughts?
Last reply by Luke, -
- 3 replies
Hi! Could you plz tell me is it possible in Invision Power Board to give to some members of Administration Group limited access for the facilities (functions) of Group . For example, 2 members of Administration Group have full access to all the facilities/functions of Group, but the rest 2 have some limits, but they must not know that they don`t have all the rights of Administration Group. Thank you!
Last reply by Jason H, -
Advanced Post Statistics
by Guest dieselpowered- 1 reply
Hello everyone...I understand that there are statistics that can be pulled through the admincp, however, they are not really as specific as I would like. Maybe add something to allow the admin to pull a certain date range and be shown say the top ten members who posted and the number that they posted? I would like to do a posting contest, however, in the end, I want to be able to run a report to determine who posted the most topics / posts. Anyone else think this would be beneficial?
Last reply by akiratheoni, -
Piracy Report LINK (link inside)
by Guest Zero-CU- 4 replies
I know this probably isn't my place, but i've seen people report piracy reports in this forum for the past week now, people, use the piracy report page found Here Thank you :)
Last reply by Zero-CU, -
[feature] close all tags
by Guest andaril- 3 replies
Can you add this button in post editor, like in 2.1x?
Last reply by Rοb, -
use IBF Null - No Licensed
by Guest hiphopcoi- 1 reply
I to discover big Forum at VietNam use Invision power Board no Register (Licensed) . But they is write :"Licensed to: Cty TNHH Nhật Nguyệt (2006)" in Forum. This is infringe copyright ... Video Demonstrate:
Last reply by Jason L, -
[Suggestion] Skin
by Guest AndyF- 10 replies
Yes i know this has probably been suggested 1,000,000* times already :P ... but can the devs please consider (either for 2.4 or 3.0) adding an option per member group to allow that group to choose skins or not please :cool: The existing option (in tools / settings) to allow skins to be chosen is ok as that would be a global switch :) * =
Last reply by Jonessie, -
Sites using cracked versions of IPB.
by Guest joeylong- 3 replies
I've seen many underground community/warez forum such as this one: that are using the latest versions of IPB that have been cracked and pirated. A quick search on several warez sites reveals loads of places to get pirated copys of the IPB board system. Does IPS have any legal recourse to this problem, if only to make it fair for those of us who pay for our forums?
Last reply by joeylong, -
err not working HELP
by Guest xx rudeb0y xx- 2 replies
i know this is the wrong section but..well i have the forum on my website and i cant edit peoples profile... theres a save button but when i click it it just gets highlighted and nothing happens.. its really annoying its not my web client cause i tried it on mozilla and internet explorer someone please help..
Last reply by Jason L, -
erm help not working
by Guest xx rudeb0y xx- 1 reply
i know this is the wrong section but..well i have the forum on my website and i cant edit peoples profile... theres a save button but when i click it it just highlights it and doesnt save it..i know its not my webclient cause i tryed both ie and mozilla someone please help..
Last reply by Jason L, -
Thread Subscription (feature)
by Guest LoveIP- 3 replies
Hi everyone, im new... see red circle...(blue tick logo) i would like what called of this Thread Subscription feature (install)?.....i know its for let you know you have post already. Because i need install this feature for my friend's forum website. thanks.
Last reply by Nils, -
ipb 2.2.2 illegal.....
by Guest raffa- 2 replies
Premised small: I use ipb 2.3.1 with regulating licence. A friend has made me to see that in sources/action_admin/login.php
Last reply by wickedfpoop, -
Qustion of language
by Guest cbak007- 1 reply
i just want buy one copy of IPB,can you give me The provision of official Chinese language support after i buy a copy?
Last reply by Mert, -
IP.Nexus - Approx. price?
by Guest Alex- 7 replies
Hey there, Sorry to bring up a topic on Nexus, but we are very interested and will be buying a license for it, but do you have any price ranges atm $200-$250? Etc. Thanks!
Last reply by maccrazy, -
by Guest maskedman- 3 replies
Okay well Casey was my Co-Owner and he is leaving and taking his IPB with him. I still have his info in as he hasnt changed anything yet however this other guy is telling me this: xCursedManx (8:22:53 PM): needs to be were it says URL under Key and download MinnyM0nico (8:23:03 PM): Thats done. MinnyM0nico (8:23:08 PM): But you dont need to. xCursedManx (8:23:10 PM): huh? MinnyM0nico (8:23:20 PM): You dont need to do that in IPB xCursedManx (8:23:26 PM): Why is that MinnyM0nico (8:23:58 PM): Cause it is not needed. MinnyM0nico (8:24:02 PM): I worked for IPB MinnyM0nico (8:24:11 PM): I didnt IPB forum building. xCursedManx (8:24:17 PM): im l…
Last reply by Jonathan S., -
can i use the same licence key?
by Guest kirov- 4 replies
hello if i wanna install IPB on but i already have installed IPB on can i install it using the same key on ?( the domin is the same, the subdomains difer)
Last reply by kirov, -
Installing Skin Problem
by Guest Amzv101- 2 replies
hey guys, im having a problem when i install skins on ipb 2.3.1. Im installing skins compatible on IPB 2.2 and 2.3, and when i import the image set (e.g. ipb_images-skinname.xml) the image folder for the skin within the style_images directory is blank?!?! I have tried installing like 3-4 skins, and they all come out the same way - blank! Any ideas why? Any help would be good thanks.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 reply
I came across a script ( ) where a text-box is automatically enlarged as the text typed in it gets longer... I think this will look great for our Quick Reply box!
Last reply by Jonessie, -
Suggestion: remember the last color used on text editor
by Guest TCWT- 3 replies
Another vbulletin feature that ipb should have, for example when you format text color, the color should remain on the dropdown so you can just click the icon again to format more text with the same color. Avoids having to click on the down arrow then selecting the text.
Last reply by TCWT, -
by Guest `Scotty`- 0 replies
With IP. BLog and IP. Gallery, when you are in thta section you can till see the Blog and Gallery buttons below the loggo, I think if you are in that section those should go away and be replaced with Forums, just like when you are viewing the forums you dont have a seperatr button that says Forums, you simply click the header to go back to the forums, and if you are in Blog the header should redirect you to the Blog same thing as in gallery.
Last reply by `Scotty`, -
"Lo-Fi Version" bad for Google?
by Guest markus99- 14 replies
Does people actually use the "Lo-Fi Version". I am afraid that this duplication of content is bad for your sites rankings in Search Engines. Can the "Lo-Fi Version" be turned off?
Last reply by WoLeRiNe`,