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Everything posted by sadams101

  1. I did look at each category, in the example I gave there is only one parent category, and the "Set custom permissions" was not enabled. The article is visible in its category, so I don't believe this is the issue. Interestingly, if you search for the entire headline the article cannot be found "Top Brands of Gluten-Free Canned Chili", but if you search for part of it, for example "Canned Chili" it comes up first, so I do think there may be an issue somewhere, and perhaps caused by my expanding the number of characters in that field, but again, in this particular case the headline is well under 128 characters anyway, so I'm not even sure the field size change is the issue.
  2. Great, it sounds like an easy fix, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. How would I give the permission necessary to make the search work correctly?
  3. I can tell you that I initially imported articles into your application, and your team helped me with that, and in that process we did have to increase the field size of the title to accommodate the titles in my old app. I am not sure if @Ioannis D also changed the character length in his app, or if doing that is related to this issue. PS - I'm going from memory here, but I believe that original character length was 128, and I may have bumped it up to 256.
  4. I've been meaning to write a post about this for years, but there is a real issue with the IPB search engine in the Pages App. It does not seem to be able to find, for example, an article headline when you cut and paste the actual article headline into the search. For example, there is currently an article on my site called "Top Brands of Gluten-Free Canned Chili" and if I cut and paste that exactly and search for it, not matter how I run the search (using quotes or not), it will not find the article: https://www.celiac.com/search/?q="Top Brands of Gluten-Free Canned Chili"&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy I can run the same search in the ACP in the articles area and it instantly finds that article. It does not matter which article you search for, if you put in the headline/title, the article cannot be found using the search engine, but if you do the same thing in the forum, it does find the correct forum, just not an article in the Pages app. Another example of your search limitations was demonstrated today when I searched your forum for an error code "1C223/4" and it found lots of things with "4" in the results, and probably somewhere in the results was something to do with that error code, but I had to google it to find this thread: Even putting quotes around the search did not work in your search "1C223/4": https://invisioncommunity.com/search/?q="1C223/4"&quick=1
  5. I was thinking more of also being able to add in some options, for example date ranges, it it would make no sense to just sort everyone by device. Options like a date range for when their account was created, last login, etc. That would be helpful, and you'd be surprised how different everyone's device is, especially given the different versions of software updates, etc.
  6. Well, then the code doesn't work as I would expect it to. You've already stored the device, so, in my opinion, this feature should simply detect other users who also use that device. Why? Because anyone who is doing malicious stuff will be blocking and/or deleting their cookies.
  7. I have an issue where I had to ban someone and they keep coming back with new accounts. I've been able to block them via IP, however, during this process I've noticed that the device "use by other members" is not working as intended, or at all actually. The person keeps creating accounts and logging in using the same device: and each account shows this EXACTLY, however, when you click the "use by other members" tab it never shows the other accounts that use the exact same device.
  8. I have someone trying to register a new account but is being blocked. I have no manual blocks in place, and when I search for their IP I do see that they are being blocked in the spam defense longs. How do I unblock them? They are seeing:
  9. Rather than try to find the source of this issue, I've found that my site is just as fast with guest caching turned off, so I've turned it off. I've noticed other issues with guest caching, for example, my mobile banner ads regularly appear to desktop users, even though we do have the correct CSS tags that should not allow this to happen, so there are other reasons why I suspect that the caching system has issues. If turning off guest caching does not fix this, I will create a new ticket...thank you!
  10. I hope we've provided you with enough clues here...please let me know. I don't plan to reply to the open ticket unless you still think it's necessary.
  11. Will do! My developer just reported this: I managed to imitate issue. In a browser, I set your domain with a comma in addition. https://www.celiac.com/, This generates the page directly with this issue. But from this browser I make continuously - more than a minute requests to reload this page with the this message. Then I opened another browser and with the first load on your site and came across the same page ... Ie guest cache page is to blame. A few minutes ago I hope you follow this, but once you create this error it will appear, even if you open a new browser and try to go to different pages.
  12. I will reply to it soon, thank you, I just want to test some things first. My site is highly modified so I'm trying to go though some basic testing first. @Charles, thank you for the input, but I don't use a CDN. We did run more tests and the ban message is very different: and what we're seeing is the 404 message with this code: 1S160/2 When I search the IPB forum for this error code, most of the results lead to issues with Google or other login methods. I guess my question is, could these somehow cause this?
  13. I have not changed any messages for banned users, and when I search for that message in my languages file it is for requested_route_404. I have also turned off my guest caching to see if this issue is related to it.
  14. This would be my main home index page, so definitely yes...
  15. My developer who is in Europe said that he's getting this error each day now when he visits my site. When he gets the error he waits for a minute or two, and then it goes away. He believe that the error is related to a bug in the guest caching, which I have set to 3 minutes, and this might explain why it goes away after a short time. He says it only happens before he logs in, never after. Is anyone else seeing this? What could be causing it? This never happened until I upgraded to 4.6. Here is a screen shot of when it happens:
  16. When running the update from to 4.6.6 I saw no indication that any CSS was changed, which normally happens with all of your updates. I typically see a page that shows me my modified CSS templates, and allows me to compare them with the updated ones before running the update. I have a customized site, so before running this on my live site I want to verify that there are not CSS changes in this new update? Is there a list of changed files somewhere for the 4.6.6 update?
  17. Reverting the CSS did make the icon smaller, but it still overlapped. My developer came up with what I think is a better solution...moving the code for the rank so that it appears at the top of the menu...see below. It doesn't interfere with the menu, not matter how many items you have, and it looks nicer. <div id='elMobileDrawer' class='ipsDrawer ipsHide'> <div class='ipsDrawer_menu'> <a href='#' class='ipsDrawer_close' data-action='close'><span>&times;</span></a> <div class='ipsDrawer_content ipsFlex ipsFlex-fd:column'> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id }} <div class='elMobileDrawer__user ipsBorder_bottom ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPadding_horizontal ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsPos_sticky ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:between ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-fw:wrap'> <div class='ipsFlex-flex:11'> <ul class='elMobileDrawer__user-panel ipsList_reset ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'> <li class='ipsMargin_right:half'> {template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="\IPS\Member::loggedIn(), 'mini'"} </li> <li> <div class='ipsType_light'>{lang="logged_in_as_headline"}</div> <div class='ipsType_dark ipsType_large ipsType_bold'>{{if isset( $_SESSION['logged_in_as_key'] )}}{lang="front_logged_in_as" sprintf="$_SESSION['logged_in_from']['name']"} {{endif}}{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) )}}<a href='{member="url()"}' title='{lang="view_my_profile"}'>{member="name"}</a>{{else}}{member="name"}{{endif}}</div> </li> </ul> </div> <ul id='elUserNav_mobile' class='ipsList_inline signed_in ipsClearfix'> <li class='cNotifications cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobNotifications_menu' id='elMobNotifications' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullNotifications_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-bell'></i> <span class='ipsNotificationCount {{if !member.notification_cnt}}ipsHide{{endif}}' data-notificationType='notify'>{member="notification_cnt"}</span> </a> </li> {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_disable_pm and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'messaging' ) )}} <li class='cInbox cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobInbox_menu' id='elMobInbox' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullInbox_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> <span class='ipsNotificationCount {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->msg_count_new}}ipsHide{{endif}}' data-notificationType='inbox'>{member="msg_count_new"}</span> </a> </li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_view_reports')}} <li class='cReports cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobReports_menu' id='elMobReports' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullReports_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-warning'></i> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->reportCount()}}<span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-notificationType='reports'>{member="reportCount()"}</span>{{endif}} </a> </li> {{endif}} </ul> </div> {{else}} <div class='ipsPadding ipsBorder_bottom'> <ul class='ipsToolList ipsToolList_vertical'> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login" seoTemplate="login"}' id='elSigninButton_mobile' class='ipsButton ipsButton_light ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth'>{lang="sign_in"}</a> </li> {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() != 'disabled'}} <li> {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'redirect'}} <a href='{expression="\IPS\Settings::i()->allow_reg_target"}' target="_blank" rel="noopener" class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_important'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> {{else}} <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'normal'}}data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="sign_up"}' data-ipsDialog-fixed='true'{{endif}} id='elRegisterButton_mobile' class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_important'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} </ul> </div> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canHaveAchievements() and \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id && \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::getStore() and $rank = member.rank()}} <div class='elMobileDrawer__rank ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPos_sticky ipsPadding_horizontal ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsBorder_top'> <div class='elUserNav_achievements ipsFlex ipsGap:4 ipsGap_row:0'> <div class='elUserNav_achievements__icon'>{$rank->html('ipsDimension:3')|raw}</div> <div class='elUserNav_achievements__content'> <div class='ipsType_light'>{lang="achievements_current_rank"}</div> <div><strong class='ipsType_large'>{$rank->_title}</strong></div> {{if $nextRank = member.nextRank()}} <div class='ipsMargin_top:half'> <div> <div class='ipsAchievementsProgress'> <div style='width: calc({expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->achievements_points"} / {$nextRank->points} * 100%)'></div> </div> </div> <div class='ipsType_small ipsType_light'>{lang="achievements_next_rank" pluralize="$nextRank->points - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->achievements_points"}</div> </div> {{endif}} </div> </div> </div> {{elseif \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canHaveAchievements() and \IPS\Settings::i()->achievements_rebuilding}} <div class='elMobileDrawer__rank ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPos_sticky ipsPadding_horizontal ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsBorder_top'> <div class='elUserNav_achievements ipsFlex ipsGap:4 ipsGap_row:0 ipsType_light'> <div class='elUserNav_achievements__icon ipsFlex-flex:00'><i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-fw ipsType_large"></i></div> <div class='elUserNav_achievements__content ipsFlex-flex:11'> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_light'> {lang="ranks_are_being_recalculated"} </p> </div> </div> </div> {{endif}} <ul class='ipsDrawer_list ipsFlex-flex:11'> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <li class='ipsDrawer_itemParent'> <h4 class='ipsDrawer_title'><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_account"}</a></h4> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> <li data-action="back"><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_back"}</a></li> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) )}} <li><a href='{member="url()"}' title='{lang="view_my_profile"}'>{lang="menu_profile"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'messaging' ) ) and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_disable_pm AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_disable_pm != 2}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=messaging&controller=messenger&do=enableMessenger" seoTemplate="messaging" csrf="true"}' title='{lang="go_to_messenger"}' data-confirm data-confirmMessage='{lang="messenger_disabled_msg"}'>{lang="menu_messages"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_attach_max'] != 0}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=attachments" seoTemplate="attachments"}'>{lang="my_attachments"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'promotion', 'promote_manage' ) and \IPS\core\Promote::promoteServices()}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=promote&controller=promote&do=view" seoTemplate="promote_manage"}'>{lang="promote_manage_link"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('nexus') and settings.nexus_subs_enabled}} <li><a href='{url="app=nexus&module=subscriptions&controller=subscriptions" seoTemplate="nexus_subscriptions"}'>{lang="nexus_manage_subscriptions"}</a></li> {{endif}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=followed" seoTemplate="followed_content"}'>{lang="menu_followed_content"}</a></li> <li id='elAccountSettingsLinkMobile'><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=settings" seoTemplate="settings"}' title='{lang="edit_account_settings"}'>{lang="menu_settings"}</a></li> {{if settings.ignore_system_on}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=ignore" seoTemplate="ignore"}'>{lang="menu_manage_ignore"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission() ) or ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() AND \IPS\SHOW_ACP_LINK )}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission()}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=modcp" seoTemplate="modcp"}'>{lang="menu_modcp"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() AND \IPS\SHOW_ACP_LINK }} <li><a href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::baseURL() . \IPS\CP_DIRECTORY"}' target='_blank' rel="noopener">{lang="menu_admincp"} <i class='fa fa-lock'></i></a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} </ul> </li> {{endif}} {{$primaryBars = \IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->roots();}} {{$subBars = \IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->subBars();}} {{foreach $primaryBars as $id => $item}} {{if $item->canView()}} {{$children = $item->children();}} {{if ( $subBars && isset( $subBars[ $id ] ) && \count( $subBars[ $id ] ) ) || $children}} <li class='ipsDrawer_itemParent'> <h4 class='ipsDrawer_title'><a href='#'>{$item->title()}</a></h4> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> <li data-action="back"><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_back"}</a></li> {{$showSelfLink = true;}} {{if $subBars && isset( $subBars[ $id ] ) && \count( $subBars[ $id ] )}} {{// Determine whether we should show the parent link as a clickable sub item by comparing child links.}} {{// If the *same* link exists as a child item, don't show it twice}} {{foreach $subBars[ $id ] as $child}} {{if $child->canView()}} {{if $children = $child->children()}} {{foreach $children as $subChild}} {{if method_exists( $subChild, 'link' ) && $subChild->link() && (string) $subChild->link() == (string) $item->link()}} {{$showSelfLink = false;}} {{break 2;}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{elseif method_exists( $child, 'link' ) && $child->link() && (string) $child->link() == (string) $item->link()}} {{$showSelfLink = false;}} {{break;}} {{endif}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{endif}} {{if $showSelfLink && method_exists( $item, 'link' ) and (string) $item->link() !== \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url}} <li><a href='{$item->link()}'>{$item->title()}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $children}} {template="mobileNavigationChildren" group="global" app="core" params="$children"} {{endif}} {{if $subBars && isset( $subBars[ $id ] ) && \count( $subBars[ $id ] )}} {template="mobileNavigationChildren" group="global" app="core" params="$subBars[ $id ]"} {{endif}} </ul> </li> {{else}} <li><a href='{$item->link()}' {{if method_exists( $item, 'target' ) AND $item->target()}}target='{$item->target()}'{{if $item->target() == '_blank'}} rel="noopener"{{endif}}{{endif}}>{$item->title()}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <li> <a data-action="markSiteRead" data-controller="core.front.core.markRead" href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=markread" seoTemplate="mark_site_as_read" csrf="true"}'>{lang="mark_site_read_button"}</a> </li> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login&do=logout" csrf="true"}'> {{if isset( $_SESSION['logged_in_as_key'] )}}{lang="switch_to_account" sprintf="$_SESSION['logged_in_from']['name']"}{{else}}{lang="sign_out"}{{endif}} </a> </li> {{endif}} </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id='elMobileCreateMenuDrawer' class='ipsDrawer ipsHide'> <div class='ipsDrawer_menu'> <a href='#' class='ipsDrawer_close' data-action='close'><span>&times;</span></a> <div class='ipsDrawer_content ipsSpacer_bottom ipsPad'> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> <li class="ipsDrawer_listTitle ipsType_reset">{lang="add"}...</li> {{foreach \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->createMenu() as $k => $url}} <li> <a href="{$url['link']}" {{if isset( $url['extraData'] )}} {{foreach $url['extraData'] as $data => $v}} {$data}="{$v}" {{endforeach}} {{endif}} {{if isset($url['title']) AND $url['title']}} data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="$url['title']"}'{{endif}} {{if isset($url['flashMessage'])}} data-ipsdialog-flashmessage="{lang="$url['flashMessage']"}"{{endif}} data-ipsdialog-fixed="true" >{lang="$k"}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> </div> </div>
  18. I have one drop down menu on my site called "Articles," and after upgrading from 4.5 to 4.6 the new badge, in my case "Grand Master" blocks the lower half of the menu. See the below screen shot and ~5 menu items are blocked by this image, and the very last link does show below it. Is this a bug? Does anyone have a quick fix for this issue?
  19. I tried my site using PHP 8 and had the same 500 error. I limited the error to the plugins, then one by one I turned them on, each time reloading a page on my site. I expected to eventually hit one that threw the error and broke everything, but this did not happen. Strangely, after I turned on the last plugin everything worked. So now my question is, do I need to worry about anything? It seems very strange that switching over to PHP 8 with all plugins running would cause such an error, but disabling all plugins, then switching to PHP 8, then turning each one on one by one would not cause issues.
  20. I would like to point out that, as far as I know, nobody has heard from @newbie LAC since January, is that correct? If this is true then I fear that the worst has happened, and he may not be back. If anyone has heard from him please let us know. I am making contingency plans on keeping this plugin up to date. I haven't tested it in 4.6, but I am having some small issues with certain features in 4.5. I also plan to upgrade to 4.6 soon so it would be good to know it if works.
  21. I got it going, finally, on PHP 7.4. The issue I had is that Redis was not properly set up for PHP 7.4, which caused the 500 server errors. Once I fixed that, it switched over without issues.
  22. I tried switching my site to use PHP 7.4 in cPanel but got 500 server errors. Strangely, it worked fine on my test site on the same server, but there is no load or traffic on the test site. Any ideas about what could be the issue? Does anyone know what PHP.INI settings I should use for things like memory_limit , post_max_size, etc? PS - I'm using Invision Community v4.5.4.2
  23. PS - How are your topic speed tests with 4.6?
  24. @Steve Jabba For me the conclusion has been having to do lots of custom work on the mobile side to get my site to score just ok, maybe averaging 75 on topic pages in mobile now. Without all the custom work I would be getting scores of 35-45. I have not yet upgraded to 4.6 because I never upgrade quickly to an IPS new version. From my tests of this site which is running 4.6 there are still lots of site speed issues in mobile.
  25. Thanks, I do understand that content is king and focus on this and a lot of other things as well, but the ante has been up'ed by Google now, it's both content AND many other factors, and site speed, errors, not running outdated Java or code, etc., are now, I believe, just a important as content. Google has a reason for this too, increasing efficiency of them crawling your site (they have a crawl budget for each site) saves them money by reducing power usage, and it is greener and better for the planet (although the former reason is probably the right one--it saves them money = bandwidth).
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