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Sinistra Sensei

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Sinistra Sensei last won the day on November 26 2014

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    Landis N.C.
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  1. I am not deleting 124 records just to find the one that is broken. there has to be a better solution
  2. If you are referring to the patch @Matt put in the beta 8 topic, did not work for me.
  3. Not in the main header no. I am talking below the breadcrumb links. Kind of the concept I was talking about but allow the sidebar under the article slider
  4. This is more of a general question but also a suggestion. Is there any way we can get a page editor block to were we can put blocks that span the entire width of the community for the top and bottom of the page with the side bar. So basically it would go on top/bottom of the side bar and main content?
  5. when viewing the community as guest I get this error on pages [[Template core/front/global/sidebar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  6. Need some feedback please? Home - Anime Social
  7. I have a 3.4 Database that I've been wanting to upgrade, but I was informed that there's no direct upgrade path to 4.0. Currently, I have almost nine years of content that is relevant to my community.
  8. I figured I would make a Halloween Theme for my community what do ya think?
  9. I don't know if this is a bug or not or if has anything to do with the cacheing of the blocks from dark mode to light mode light mode to dark mode
  10. I thought I saw something in @Ehren theme video about backgrounds for the header. Did that idea get scrapped or do we have to use CSS for that
  11. When the Comments in the forum option is selected, commenting in the database does not post in the topic.
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