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Carole Asselin

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Posts posted by Carole Asselin

  1. 6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you are looking for only /forum and /gallery you would need to move to root. Is this what you are looking to do?

    Yes, that is what I want. I want the /gallery to be the link for now (/forum will be when I add the forum, later this year). Currently, this is what I have:

    Could contain: Text, Page

    What/where do I move to the root? Isn't that already on the root?


    EDIT: Oh, I see that file now, and see where the URL has to match. I replaced the /forum by /gallery in the folder and in that conf_global.php file and it is now showing mysite/gallery correctly. Yay!! Thanks!

  2. OK, I must have changed something, because I seem to have confused things further for myself.

    I currently have a folder "forum", on the root where Invision is installed. I likely made a naming mistake because I am not YET installing the forum. Can/Should I just change "forum" to "gallery" on the root? 

  3. I am starting with installing the Gallery. I will install the Forum later only. Now, I am a little confused how to set the URL correctly for the Gallery now with the option for the Forum later.

    I uploaded everything on my server under the folder name Gallery, but now, found a similar site that has both, and the gallery url is site/forum/gallery/ and the forum is site/forum/

    As I am not live yet, I can still make changes. Is there a way to have the gallery as site/gallery, and later have site/forum when I add it? What confuses me is the fact that the whole Invision suite is likely installed only in ONE location, right?

  4. I know that the forum and the gallery are clearly using the same base platform so that is not where my question is.

    My plan is to have a gallery AND a forum, but in my forum, I have all kinds of activities, workshops, etc. where participants will want to post their project. I know they will also want to post them in the gallery. Is there a way to have the image they post in the forum automatically added to their gallery? That would make things faster for them and prevent doubling on the uploaded files.

    Or maybe an add-on?

  5. I am allergic to CSS, but I would also like to be able to tweak a few details (like align the navigation menu to the right instead of the left, and such).

    Is there any general guide to CSS that I could use? I can usually understand code that is given and tweak as needed, but I am not sure where to start with this.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    You would need to customize your theme to do this. 

    I am currently working on customization but I only see colors, fonts and size. Is that where I would change the alignment? Or do I need CSS? (I am allergic to CSS!)

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