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Posts posted by Orelie

  1. there is a lot of questions and answers on my forum.

    I would like to give my members the opportunity to "save" (or to add to their favourite) the discussions or comments that they really like and would like to read again later.

    This would allow them to take better advantage of the content on the forum.

    is there a way to do that ?

    thank you 


  2. Hello,

    Every single email that IP board send to my member with a notification ends up in SPAM.

    Even if the members have my email in their whitelist and even if they receive all the others email I send to them...

    Still every single email from IPBOARD ends up in the SPAM folder.

    What can I do to improve the delivery ?

    Notification is key for the engagement on the forum and for my retention rate.

    I really need to solve this asap.



  3. if I tagg @orelie - essences d'elles. Orelie received an notification by email to tell her that someone tagged her in a topic and to invit her to check it out.


    If I tagg @marie-josée ou @aida (with their full name, I don't put them here for privacy reason), they don't receive an email notification.


    Do you understand what I mean?


  4. Hi @Marc Stridgen

    I am sorry but in fact, my members still report a problem.

    In addition to my admin account, I have created another "normal user" account to test everything out.

    With my testing account, I do receive an notification email when I tagged this account in a topic.

    However, yesterday evening, my members told me they did not receive any notification email even if I had tagged them.

    I don't understand why.

    Do you have any idea/suggestion?

    Best regards

  5. Hello,

    I have several issue with my forum and notification.

    1. the users don't receive an email notification when they are tagged in a post. Which is the biggest problem.

    2. the users don't automatically follows topics they have submitted

    3. as the admin, I don't receive notification by email neither .


    here is a screenshot of my setting (it is in french but i guess it is the same very were :

    "member automatically follow content they have created and commented"

    "email (= courriel) is activated by default".



    as you can see on the next screenshot, if someone write a comment, he  had to click "follow this topic" (= suivre ce sujet). He does not follow it by default even if in my setting I selected that they follow by default all the topic they comment.....  Why ?




    thank you very much for your help

  6. Hello,

    whatever the color I select for my icones and how dark color it may be, the icones always look much lighter on the forum.

    I have tried to add my own image as well, but there is the same issue. I appear very light. It looks like there is a "opacity" setting somewhere, but I can't find it.

    Do you have any idea about where I can change this setting  and allow my icone image to appear as they are and not lighter?


  7. Thanks, @Randy Calvert

    we did that. Now, it brings me back to my subdomain log-in page.

    It is a good news in the sense that I doesn't send us to the main domain...

    However, it brings me to the general log-in page for my membership so people ends up on the course portal instead of the forum.


    Futher, I am still unable to edit the forum. The forum still consider myself as "log out" and when I try to log-in, it sends me back to the course portal... even if I am log-in there. It doesn't give me access to the forum.. I really don't understand.

  8. thank @Randy Calvert I have updated the key licence.


    Hello @marc stridgen, not yet, I did not.

    The config file contains:

      'base_url' => 'https://champ.aromaquantisme.com/communaute/',

    This is the correct path.

    When I try accessing:

    Everything works fine. However whenever I try accessing https://champ.aromaquantisme.com/communaute/index.php?/login/, I am redirected to the old main domain, which is the problem.

    I will check the htaccess file and see if it helps.


    I have also noticed that when I am connected to the admin panel, I am not allow to custom the layout/desing of the forum (like changing color). It doesn't consider myself as "log-in".

    Just now, Aurélie Grignard said:

    thank @Randy Calvert I have updated the key licence.


    Hello @marc stridgen, not yet, I did not.

    The config file contains:

      'base_url' => 'https://champ.aromaquantisme.com/communaute/',

    This is the correct path.

    When I try accessing:

    Everything works fine. However whenever I try accessing https://champ.aromaquantisme.com/communaute/index.php?/login/, I am redirected to the old main domain, which is the problem.

    I will check the htaccess file and see if it helps.


    I have also noticed that when I am connected to the admin panel, I am not allow to custom the layout/desing of the forum (like changing color). It doesn't consider myself as "log-in".

    Hello @Marc Stridgen you were not tagged proprely so I add you here 😉

    Hello @Marc Stridgen


    The .htaccess in the upper folder contains no domain specific elements:

     cat .htaccess 
    # SGS XMLRPC Disable Service
    <Files xmlrpc.php>
    	order deny,allow
    	deny from all
    # SGS XMLRPC Disable Service END
    # SGS XSS Header Service
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
        # SGS XSS
         Header always set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
         Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
        # SGS XSS END
    # SGS XSS Header Service END
    # BEGIN WordPress
    # Les directives (lignes) entre « BEGIN WordPress » et « END WordPress » sont générées
    # dynamiquement, et doivent être modifiées uniquement via les filtres WordPress.
    # Toute modification des directives situées entre ces marqueurs sera surchargée.
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    # SGO Unset Vary
      Header unset Vary
    # SGO Unset Vary ENDbaseos

    There is no htaccess in the communaute folder.


    could tell me where I could find this htaccess folder in order to update it ?


  9. Thank you @Randy Calvert,

    When checking the advice  you provided both conf_global.php files for the main and sub domain are migrated properly and updated to point towards their respective database and URL.

    I also made sure that there isn't any server side redirections occurring for your domain or subdomain and I temporarily disabled the static caching provided by Nginx direct delivery from SiteTools -> Speed -> Caching to make sure no .htaccess rules are affected or have cache served for them.

    After additionnal research, I have managed to log in the AdminCP for the subdomain.. and I may have found the main issue : on my dashboard I have a big read warning saying "Invalid licence Key".

    Do you know how I can valid my IPBOARD licence key for my subdomain instead of my main domain?

    Thank you for your help.


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