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Posts posted by flrn98

  1. No. Everything is the same just Pages is the main application for my installation. The link that I have in Client Area is licensed, but the location of my forum, exemple.com/forums, is not licensed. As I remember I ask support when I bought pages and made it the main app, can I still have exemple.com/forum and not forums and the answer was no. Considering that is a must, I would guess that the checked should know that my link is licensed.


    Let me get you a better example. I looked on gametracker to find a community like mine, using pages for a portal/blog/index etc.

    The URL https://fearless-assassins.com/ is licensed.

    The URL https://fearless-assassins.com/forums/ is not licensed.


    I didn't want to use my website for the example but they are in the same boat. I guess doesn't bother anyone, but me.

  2. Hey, @Marc Stridgen , I've got another question regarding licensing but not the same problem and don't want to open another topic.

    I'm using Pages as my Core application (or first, however you want to call it), using the link for Check Licensed URL, my /forums, says is not licensed. Of course, the first Page, the link I have in Client Area, is licensed. I get that when is just a domain, not a subdomain entered, you can't assume the whole domain is licensed.

    So, I can't modify my preference in subdomains, but still with forums, that I'm obliged to use, is red, not licensed, any fix?

  3. I think from the 4.6 update (i'm not sure) I keep getting the 'License Key Invalid' error. Doesn't matter how many times I re-enter it, goes away for a few days and then reappears. In client area, still no link. After I re-enter it in ACP, it shows the URL, but as I said, not for long. Any fix?

  4. I might be blind and I wanna add points for posting a file on Downloads, but everything I see is just when a comment is added.


    Am I doing it wrong? Or is something that still needs adding


    edit; I saw just now that 'When a comment/reply is posted' but I can't find the category where an item is posted, a topic/thread.

  5. 5 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    you can't transfer 3rd party apps and plugins as I can't remove the other persons purchases, if I give you a purchase of it then you and who ever purchased it will both have licenses to it, if their account is empty then I doubt they owned any 3rd party apps and plugins as they would still show in his account, all he transferred over to you was his IPS license there is no transfer 3rd party apps and plugins feature

    Ok, i get it, but now i can't even access the application i paid for in the old account, thats seems just fine. Thanks for your responses.

  6. 15 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    when you transfer your license over you only transfer over the IPS apps, you won't have access to any of their 3rd party apps or plugins, you would need to buy them for your own account as the other person still have the license to them

    That account is empty, I bought everything and I needed to transfer everything. IPS support said I should speak with the creater of the plugins.

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