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  1. In the end, give the points from ACP, is not recommended and buggy
  2. What about the scrollbar on firefox?
  3. Feature Request Allow members to spend the coins, to buy a Member Group (a specified group) [Members > Members > Group]. Allow members to post a topic in a specified Forum. Bug If I give the point from the ACP (Member Preferences > Member Shop or From Member Shop > Point > Settings > Award Points) when I spend the coin, the system doesn't remove the points from the user!
  4. good!
  5. a normal rectangle for example, and not with that oblique part, if i can’t do it, it would be nice to implement!
  6. Hi, what's the variable to show the points on the global template? I would like to add it on the header ipsLayout_container
  7. Does the application use the IP scan only or devices too?
  8. Is there a way to make the UI/Containers, just "normal"?
  9. Thank you very much!!
  10. Hey, the theme is really cool, but is not possible to modify the "mobile logo" <div class="mobilelogo"> <div align="center"> <a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elSiteTitle' accesskey='1'><img src="{resource="cyberapex/mblogo.png" app="core" location="global"}"></a> </div> </div>
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