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Posts posted by Redmak

  1. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    Personally, I add this to the structure of the forum itself, i.e. I have categories where I group public and member-only forums. Example: https://typography.guru/forums/
    That makes it fairly obvious. 

    In the past, I would also add a lock emoji to the forum name or description to achieve the same. 

    Thanks a lot for that!

    Okay I have another question for you, how do you get around Google complaining it cannot access (crawl) member only forums? I used to display the member forums to try and get guests to register (because they just got a permission denied message on trying to open a members forum) so I have again hid the member only forums to guests.

    Google suggests supplying a member login at Search Console for crawling and enabling ads in member only areas, but I don't want member topics ending up in Google Search. 

    My forums have a mixture of guest and member (sub)forums across a couple of categories so it is not viable to lump the member only ones all in the same category.

  2. I've been thinking about how I can make it clearer to my members how certain forums cannot be viewed by guests and my preference would be to have a tag like suffix after the forum name, (or even just an icon of sorts) but how can I ensure it only appears on forums that guests cannot see? (I would add this directly into the forumRow template).

    I was sad to see that the forum title (in ACP forum management) does not support HTML, because that would have made things a lot easier.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. 16 hours ago, Genestoy said:

    Is this what you want put in custom.css (change the background color to whatever you want)--

    *adds the zebra stripes between topics
    .ipsResponsive_pull .ipsDataList .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):nth-child(even) {
    	background: #F7F7F7;


    Thanks, I already have something like that in custom.css


    /* Zebra striping */
    /* Need to exclude all the other color options here, since they should override the zebra stripes */
    .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):nth-child(even) {
    	background: #edf1f4;

    when I replaced it with yours, forums and topic lists alternated okay, but not posts in topics, they remained the same color.

    Example thread with lots of posts https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1409174-microsoft-should-stop-with-this-charade-and-make-windows-11-a-paid-upgrade

  4. 35 minutes ago, christopher-w said:

    I don’t know where exactly you are referring to, but the standard way of targeting odd and even rows is with CSS nth child selector  

    See here for example (towards end of page) 

    CSS :nth-child() Selector

    You can combine this with :not(something) to exclude those elements with existing class assignments  - thus not interfering with highlighted/moderated etc.

    Hi Christopher, thanks for replying. I am basically looking to alternate the color of posts in topics like we can do for forum rows and topic lists already.

  5. I have added back the alternating row colors for the topic lists (ipsDataList_zebra) in my forum, but I noticed that does not work on the article class for posts, like in this thread.


    Is there a magic trick I can do to alternate posts in a thread between color1 and color2 ?

    I remember with IPB 3.x we actually had CSS class for post1 and post2 with the color set, and I think "special" post colors like moderated/answered simply overrode it.

    I've been looking at postContainer, but I can't see how I can set a post1 and post2 color that also lets the other classes override this (like highlighted/moderated etc).

  6. 31 minutes ago, jesuralem said:

    i don't know how many posts you have on your forum but i have "only" 85 000 members and the rebuild is going to take 3 days. I hope you are not in a rush 🙂

    I'm not in a rush, but does that suggest that this 41% is only a part of the overall process then?


    We have 388,849 members and the rebuild started around an hour and a half ago.

  7. We don't even have achievements enabled yet but the member titles of those who never edited them have all changed to "Newbie" which isn't great, but now I am wondering if when I enable them, everyone is started at zero, or are rules from previous contributions (now achievements) applied to the member accounts?

    For example there are rules for every 10th follower of an account, we have accounts with tens of followers, will that achievement get immediately applied then? And we have accounts with more than 500 posts, so does that achievement get applied too?

    I want to be sure what starting platform we have here, because although there is a ACP page that shows how many members have achieved whatever I think it only shows the other achievements  when it is enabled because right now I have almost 400,000 "newbies" which is obviously not correct


  8. We upgraded from 4.5 to 4.6.4 this past weekend and all posts including notifications now have absolute date and time instead of "Posted x mins ago". I tried looking for a setting relating to how dates and times are shown in the ACP but can't find anything related. I also asked one of our developers what it could be and he doesn't know.


    For example, the top notification should say "57 mins ago". Anyway I hope someone knows what it could be and can help us out, our community is at www.neowin.net/forum


  9. I read around the web last week that Google is going to start charging for reCaptcha which would make hCaptcha even more desirable if it was incorporated into the forum software as a supported feature.

    Although the criteria for charging is high (million requests a day, or 1000 a second) it only takes some bad actor to target a site and run up those requests, and that article is from 2020 so that criteria may have already changed, knowing Google.

  10. Is there a proper way to disable the sidebar in certain forum pages like Activity streams? It seems stupid to have two stacked ads (normally a top and bottom one in the full sidebar)

    This page https://www.neowin.net/forum/discover/

    This is the logged in view (stacked ads) 


    This is the guest view, better but for some reason a broken newsletter block


    Removing the the newsletter sign up block seems to have fixed it. I think it was glitched.

  11. Hello, we've discovered that despite setting the plugin not to notify on topic closure, it is randomly doing this for Topic Starters with this option set "Automatically follow new content I post" it has become so annoying that I have now had to disable a post reply (that instructs a reader or topic starter to contact if a toipic should be reopened) so we lost a helpful message due to this bug. Here's the complaint, and it has also happened for me a few times https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1404614-notification-issues


    How it was set (now disabled post replies)


    The notification (note how it is also still the only "unread" notification in the last week). Thread it links to https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1391131-google-added-icons-to-search-results-and-now-i-think-its-all-spam/?tab=comments#comment-598621934

  12. I just purchased this, but due to the way our server is setup we can't install plugins from the Marketplace directly on the live servers, we must do it through a staging and then push live with GIT. Is there a way I can get the actual files? I assume they will show up in our Plugins in ACP after that so we can update.

  13. We can only flag those that register to spam the boards, but what about guests that keep spamming the contact requests and other areas enabled for guests? I have two-factor turned on for the ACP and it is a pain to have to go through that to ban a spammer, spammers should not take up any more time of day than is absolutely needed imo.


    This little spammer was sad we never replied to their spam.

  14. I've had user_posts enabled since Status imports has been available, but Facebook recently required me to re-request the permission. I followed this exactly (almost two months ago) but they still denied it.


    I have a feeling this has to do with GDPR, I also use Zapier to post news to our Facebook page and it was down for much of the weekend, although they did manage to fix it. Zapier said that it was due to Facebook changing the way it can interact with the API.

    If they are going to deny it when I followed IPS' instructions, and uploaded a screencast of me logging in and setting the permission to import status update, what more can I do?


  15. Another bump that might be useful to other admins. We have facebook/twitter connect that allows status updates retrieval but some people connect to my site so they can spam the status updates sidebar with links, those users (who haven't made a post yet) appear in status updates without a member name, so I created a second members group that promotes them from the default member group when they have made a post (which requires a member name) the default member group has had status updates disabled, sort of fixing that issue.

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