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Fierce God

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Everything posted by Fierce God

  1. Fierce God


    @onlyME For the Customizable Widget Feed... Is there a way to make that pull out 100% of all the Online Live Streams? For some reason its only pulling out about half of what is actually Live. ......Also for the Page that has the Category for Live Stream, Is there a Option for Sort by Live Status? I don't see or cant seem to find it
  2. Fierce God


    Another reason why I love @onlyME and his app He is willing to rack his brain till the last drop to find the problem and he has that "on time" support!!
  3. @Adriano Faria does this mean we will have to purchase all over again??
  4. Fierce God


    Yeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait, thank , thank , thank you!!!!!!
  5. Fierce God


    I'm using 4.2 beta 4 It works, but has flaws only because it needs a 4.2 update but i still have it up and running
  6. I believe that's what Kev already said?? But thanks for re explaining it, I'm sure i got what I needed out of @Kevin Carwile and he explained it just fine Again thx
  7. Now thats what im talking bout and wanted to see @Kevin Carwile That right there will give the push for EVERYONE to keep your app up and running...May i add that you are a Beast when it comes to making apps!! But back to your response...you give enough detail to answer questions and more, i appreciate it and will be looking forward to new updates! keep up the good work!!
  8. ok, thats what i was asking kev to explain, if it is better then i see to keep it, and thats why i ask these questions, spending money like that, i need to know and ask alot of questions so thanks and i will also wait for kevs response so he can tell more on whats better in Collabs
  9. i got a question, and forgive me for butting in But how is Collabs differ from Clubs?? The clubs default app has all the features Collabs has... for that amount of money, do you have something that is better than clubs to make someone want to buy it?? I think alot of ppl would like to know this?? i have 4.2 and i have Collabs im trying to see the difference and see if i should renew when the collab term is up for my app
  10. Fierce God


    Oh trust me, I know the full update will be off the chain, I'm a big fan, of your work @onlyME So count me in on writing one of the first reviews for 2.0!
  11. Fierce God


    Ok, I was just letting you know, not trying to frustrate you @onlyME Thx for letting us know
  12. Fierce God


    Ok, new update on incompatibility... This new beta 3 has alot more of the advanced features in it.... Videobox has officially started throwing errors in the AdminCP 1. When you try go to member group, its an error 2. when making a custom field for Videobox...throws an error All of this is in the AdminCP....still works good on the server front view though @onlyME
  13. Im gonna take back what i said as again @Adriano Faria has spoken, and has a good point
  14. Fierce God


    Ok, gotcha!! Still an awesome app no matter what
  15. Fierce God


    @onlyME If im wrong for suggestions here, forgive me! But can we go back to a earlier suggestion made by someone else a yr back? It would be of great benefit and use, if you would put Beam.pro streams in this......If you did do this, your sales would sky rocket! and i know of about 10 more Suite owners who would jump on this asap, if you add Beam.pro..... Just a suggestion
  16. Fierce God


    Awesome, downloading now!! thx @onlyME
  17. thx, i know this...just passing on the info its still the best out no matter what...and i cant wait till your next update!! Looking forward to the new inputs and features!!
  18. @Adriano Faria So the Beta 3 is out and i have it.......something to keep in mind plz, i had to totally disable your app after the Beta 3 was released due to these errors 1. The member credit is throwing an error on member registration page
  19. Fierce God


    @onlyME Did you know that Hitbox is no longer Hitbox?? Its now smashcast Are you gonna do an update the Videobox to be able to support the Smashcast streams??
  20. Fierce God


    Ok, thx, and i will be purchasing it, i appreciate the test site, helped a lot @onlyME
  21. Fierce God


    @onlyME is this compatible with and are you gonna be making a update so this is compatible with 4.2??
  22. Fierce God


    ok thx so much @onlyME
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