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Posts posted by AlessandroTax

  1. In my log errors I got this:

    [Mon Aug 21 22:27:07 2023] [error] [client] [host www.stampa3d-forum.it] AH10131: FastCGI: server "/homez.1017/stampadflh/www/fenomeno/index.php" stderr: Primary script unknown, referer: https://www.stampa3d-forum.it/fenomeno/?app=core&module=system&controller=login&error=&ref=YXBwPWNvcmUmbW9kdWxlPWFwcGxpY2F0aW9ucyZjb250cm9sbGVyPWVuaGFuY2VtZW50cw==

    Ideas for solving it?

  2. I am running the Self Hosted Invision Community platform and I would like to activate Zapier to perform some automations... is it possible?

    I have found this guide: https://help.zapier.com/hc/en-us/articles/8496160685069-How-to-Get-Started-with-Invision-Community-on-Zapier#about-invision-community-s-integration-0-0

    When I got to the AdminCP and click on Enable to activate Zapier, I get a 503 error in web browser.

  3. Hello,

    I add the Email object and Text inside the body. Then I click Save, the page refreshes but get stuck.

    If I refresh nothing happens.

    If I go back in my Bulk Emails List, the Email is not saved.

    I did the last update 1 week ago and this is the first Email I'm sending out. Before it was working well.

    Maybe we have a bug?

    Let me know, bests.

  4. 36 minutes ago, opentype said:

    You should moderate the first posts from new members

    I started doing it, but this is not an acceptable solution...

    If there is a way for automatic spammers to register, this is something that has to be solved by the developers.

    Am I wrong or missing something?

  5. Dear all,

    It has been 3 days that my community is attacked by spam accounts.

    These users are able to register, passing the spam verification, and to post more than 10 topics in minutes. It happens  2 or 3 times a day.

    Am I the only one having this issue? Maybe there is a problem with the last version of the platform?


  6. 2 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Testing this myself I can confirm that there is a bug with the editor in the ACP with Pages. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention!

    Woa! So good so far, I'll wait this fix as soon as possible, the Preview feature is so useful.

    15 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I would check the fields available

    It seems you solved this.

  7. I am writing in the ACP, it happens with all contents.

    Now I tryed to do it from the front-end (I never do this) and discovered that something is not working right... like I am missing the space to write the content or the title.


    If I try to write a content in another Database, everything looks good. Maybe it's something related to my templates?


  8. Hello,

    I prepared a new closed Club and inside it I placed a Page. Into that specific Page settings, I should be able to choose if the Page is visible to "Members not in this Club", "Club Members" or only to "Club Moderators".

    The thing is that if I choose "Members not in this Club", they don't see it.

    I already checked the Members Group permissions. Any advice? Thanks!

  9. 10 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    why not make it a 'Private' club (nobody sees it unless a member) to which you can invite people to join?

    I could do it also with a closed Club.

    Instead to add manually each user with User Name, I would enable them to do join the Club independently, just using a password.

  10. Thanks for asking.

    Thing is like following:

    I want to move a not so small number of users (1500) from a private Facebook group to a closed Club. In this moment, to access the private Facebook group, users are using a password. I would like to set the same password to access a closed Club, which I prepared specifically for them.

    If I'm not missing something, right now I can only make them to ask joining the closed Club, manually validating their identity.
    Instead, it would be great to set a password to access the closed Club, so to enable them to access independently.

  11. Hi all,

    I am running a sidebar advertisement on all my community, but I dont whant to show it in some specific Pages (for "Pages" I mean webpages designed with Pages Builder in Pages App).

    Actually, the target is to don't show the sidebar at all in these pages. Sidebar is showing only because of the running adv.

    Any quick solution?

    Maybe we can insert a "non content" tag in these pages, given that adv are not showed in non content pages by deafult?

    Thank you all!

  12. Some weeks ago I did some changes to my DB tables. I did two things:

    1. changed some tables from MyISAM to InnoDB
    2. changed InnoDB tables format from STATIC to DYNAMIC.

    I followed discusions on the community to do this.

    Now, sometimes I get the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, some users of my community get it too.

    From my side, I noticed it affect the website only when I navigate from my home network. If I navigate the community from my office, for example, no problems at all and everything is super fast.

    I don't think its a network problem, but a DB one.

    Does anyone has an idea to fix this?

  13. Hello,

    am I the onlyone having problems with images and logo quality on my platform?

    If I upload, for example, a 300x150 adv banner for the sidebar, you can see it clear on non-retina desktops but blurred on the retina desktops. 

    If I try and upload a 2x version of it, so a 600x300 banner for the same sidebar, you can see it clear on retina desktops but blurred on the non-retina ones. 

    Same happens with the community main logo.

    I'm not finding a solution but it also seems strange that it's not possibile to provide good quality images for different screens.

    Any advice?

  14. Hi!
    I’m writing ‘cause I have a problem with images’ quality on my platform. 

    If I upload, for example, a 300x150 adv banner for the sidebar, you can see it clear on non-retina desktops but blurred on the retina desktops. 

    If I try and upload a 2x version of it, so a 600x300 banner for the same sidebar, you can see it clear on retina desktops but blurred on the non-retina ones. 

    Same happens with the community main logo.

    Is there a way to upload both the versions and ask the system to display the right one based on the device that’s being used to navigate the platform? 


    I feel like it’s impossible that I can’t have a high quality result on both retina and non-retina displays… There must be a solution! 

  15. I followed all the steps reported here and I was able to change the tables to InnoDB and Dynamic format. Unique difference is that I am still running MySQL version 5.6.

    Now I have an issue where the website sometimes is super fast and sometimes it takes really long to load pages, forums, etc. Sometimes it sais the website is not reacheable and, after 3-4 page refresh, it works.

    Any idea to solve it?

  16. 19 hours ago, Ibai said:

    I loved this plugin and it's a pity all of this.

    Installed last version and I sth is not working fine. First the plugin was not saving my settings, then I unistalled and installed back again and most of the settings are saving fine (some of them not). However, the footer is not being displayed in my forum 😞 

    Yes, I also had this issue. Unfortunally it seems that the developer does not agree to release a new version. What a pity.

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