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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by JoNaDo18

  1. Excellent person and excellent worker. I asked him to modify his plugin for my forum and he did it quickly and efficiently. We will work again, without a doubt!
  2. Thanks to all guys. That was it, it is necessary yes or yes a web page. Thanks for your help! Cheers 🙂
  3. I just did it and nothing, but here it works:
  4. In any post edit. This is when it gives you the option to add photos. Oh of course... it's true that I had it like that. I'm going to try leaving a website. I have removed the redirect, and it still happens :S
  5. Hi. I upload the images from my website and it doesn't allow me to upload them with http or https. I have tried activating and deactivating the SSL option and it doesn't work either. Someone knows? Thanks greetings.
  6. Thank you very much for your help. I managed to fix it by restoring a previous backup. I don't know what must have happened. Still, thank you very much. A hug.
  7. I have done. Could it be because it is in a cloud with shared vcpu?
  8. Hi guys. I have moved to a new server and over the days this has happened, that you cannot write messages either in posts or in private messages. Import the SQL from plesk and then change the password in the config. Anyone else has happened? Thank you very much for your help. All the best.
  9. Well, it works for me with it being activated. Thank you very much for your help!! A hug.
  10. Thank you so much!! Now it seems to work. Is there a possibility of deleting the previous ip's of everything to start from 0?
  11. No, as it will be quite expensive. That's why he asked if something had already been done, since I've seen it in another forum.
  12. I mean that in the users my local ip comes out. where is the server. The external ip does not come out, the public ip. It's off. Does it have to be like this?
  13. And do you happen to know which one could suit me?
  14. Good morning guys. As the title says, in the ACP panel, I only get the local ip's, but not the external ip's of the users. To what is due? Thanks. Regards.
  15. Hi guys. I don't know if to do this it requires a plugin or application, or it can be done from the same platform. Where it says Activity and Ratings It would be to add a new tab with the latest topics assigning specific forums. Would it be possible? Thanks greetings.
  16. yes, it is a custom theme. Could it be because of that? I'm going to open post. No, I think I remember that it does not come from any problem with any add-on. Thanks for your help!
  17. Good Morning Support. I have noticed that there are posts that do not contain the creation date, it disappears and I do not know the reason. I attach a photo: Thanks! Regards.
  18. Would this add-on work for guests? Currently I have all the forums that the guests cannot see or read messages but I want the rss for a telegram bot. Would it help me? Thanks
  19. Would it be possible to create different filters according to the forum and once blocked, move them to another section?
  20. Hi. How can I change the "positive"? I can not find the key to translate it. Thank you. http://prntscr.com/jizko6
  21. Hi! How can I remove the background of the category, only in these two elements? Within the forum leave it. http://prntscr.com/j3xi0j and http://prntscr.com/j3xi8f Thanks!
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