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Posts posted by batarjal

  1. They have to have an account to your forum in the first place. The plugin only synchronizes information between the to accounts. You can use it to grant pledgers access to special forums or features from other plugins.

  2. On 10/10/2021 at 12:15 PM, OptimusBain said:

    Hello, sorry if this question has already been answered in the support topic.

    I have a membership base community using IPS but I was thinking of creating campaigns on patreon to capture new clients. I want to offer the IPS community instead of a discord chat like most people do. I want to post very little in the patreon site and redirect patreon users to my community. I want to use my community as the place where all the posts will be submitted on commented.

    Does this plugin allow the patreon members to be synched with the IPS community seamlessly? That is, the same username and password can be used to log in patreon and IPS? I need to know this before even creating my own patreon either to promote my service.

    Thanks a lot for creating this tool @batarjal


    The plugin only allows to link patreon accounts and assign them to groups according to their patreon tier, show how much has been pledged and so on The patreon login can't be used to login to the forum.


    42 minutes ago, Schaken said:

    Long ago this plugin was great.. NOW it is not. I left a good review, and it wont let me change it. I have reached out to the author with no response, and have reached out to them here. If anyone uses this plugin, I urge you to stop immediately.
    I have 192  Patreons but the plugin is allowing 596 people in. It is not removing most members, and some members its not allowing to get the required roles. So with that note, I am shutting my Patreon that I have had for a couple years because people have found a way to scam me, due to this plugin. IF you use this plugin, You should take a look for yourself.
    My patreon:


    My website..


    Hello - sorry that you have trouble with the plugin

    I didn't see your message before.
    There is an issue with groups not being removed that other people have, I'm working on an update for that.

  4. The version currently in the marketplace supports 4.6 but the core plugin isn't marked as compatible yet - I contacted the support to quickly get it resolved.



    Everything should be working now

  5. ThreadStarter: Books is no longer supported as goodreads does no longer provide an API.

    All my other plugins will be are compatible to 4.6 and the updates will be available in the store soon hopefully.

  6. On 6/27/2021 at 1:22 PM, HeavyWolfPL said:

    So far everything works, but I will check again after the month ends.

    I know that only dollar goals are supported, but this is kind of weird.image.png.f578a7bf574ec88234f73cdc633142bc.png
    That person supports us in his own currency by paying 45SEK which then ends up saying that he pays $45 instead of 45SEK.

    The API just doesn't return any currency. I have no experience with payments from different currencies - Is everything just converted into SEK by patreon? Then I could just make the currency icon configurable.

  7. I just double checked and everything should be working as intended.
    When a member removes their Patreon pledge the Patreon members page in the ACP should show 'no active pledge' at the next update interval or when you manually click 'Update Pledges'

    Is the status still verified after updating the Pladges?
    Does the 'Updated' date change?
    Can you verify that the accounts are really not listed anymore on the Patreon page?
    Are there any patreon related errors in the System Logs? If so please sent them via PM.

  8. On 1/4/2021 at 7:51 PM, Lucas von Mecheln said:

    Hello! The option to update pledges in the ACP doesn't seem to be working, either that or I don't understand what it's supposed to do.

    One of my new patrons connected his Patreon account before pledging, and now I can't get his status to update and get his group assigned via the ACP. When I click the "Update Pledges" button, the status column shows api error, even for members who are correctly pledged, connected and have had their group assigned.

    Edit: System log is getting absolutely spammed with this:

    array (
      'errors' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        array (
          'code' => 1,
          'code_name' => 'ParameterInvalid',
          'detail' => 'Invalid parameter for \'Unknown\': Unknown misencoded parameter value.',
          'id' => 'b25e19e0-46a1-4c5d-a744-4983a0d2d7eb',
          'status' => '400',
          'title' => 'Invalid value for parameter \'Unknown\'.',
      'url' => 'https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/api/campaigns/92426/pledges?page%5Bcount%5D=10&sort=created&page%5Bcursor%5D=2014-11-21T14%3A22%3A25%2B00%3A00',

    Edit 2: I got that sorted out by updating some software on the server, but now I ran into another issue.

    Said Patron didn't select a tier when making a pledge. Is there a way to assign patrons to groups regardless if they chose a tier or not?

    I didn't consider this, I'll add a 'tierless' level for the next update



    Would it be possible to have an option where linking your Patreon to an IPS account is permanent? Or only allow administrators to disconnect an account?

    We have an issue with users linking their Patreon account, redeeming all their rewards, unlinking the account, creating a new account on our website, linking their Patreon account again, and then redeeming all their rewards twice.

    If we had a system that made linking your Patreon account a permanent action (unless an administrator intervenes) that would solve this issue. Would this be possible?

    Yes, I'll add that in the next version

  9. Goodreads stopped giving out API keys so I will halt selling the plugin till I found an alternative.

    The current API will still be available for a while so the plugin should keep working if you bought it already and got an API key.

  10. Does the search autocomplete work? If you enter some letters a game should be suggested.

    If that doesn’t work you can try running the update games task from the ACP under tasks, it might failed before because core wasn’t installed.

  11. 3 hours ago, V0RT3X666 said:

    Hi, this is not about movies, it's more about Threadstarter: Core (the plugin links this as the supportthread).

    Everything works fine so far, I only have a few suggestions for the widget in future versions ...

    - It would be nice to use an own title for each widget instead of {lang="$settings['title']"}: {lang="{$settings['order']}"}

    - A setting for the image size would be great. Here are two examples, one default, another one with some custom css...

    Before https://prnt.sc/v6rni2

    After https://prnt.sc/v6rn72

    - Truncating titles and genres would be great too.

    But that's all cosmetics, application works fine, good work 🙂

    Thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into your suggestions for the next update.

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