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Posts posted by Philooo

  1. @Joel R

    - set up Word Filters for keywords  DONE

    - Prepare and warn your moderator team. They can mark users as Spam DONE

    - Change your registration and security challenges (especially hcaptcha to the highest setting) DONE

    - Drink lots of alcohol 🥃 ALWAYS

    @Marc Stridgen

    - switching to email login ALMOST DONE (dual login enabled for some weeks before enabling email login, time to communicate with customers)

    Thank you very much to everybody

  2. Should we test the several tens of thousands of addresses of our members in this way???

    Double auth is not generalized on the forums, if we implement it, our members will see this as a constraint that we _only_ impose on them and will turn away from us to go to other less "complex" forums to use.

    This issue is a real problem for our communities

  3. Hallo,
    I regret to inform you that my forum has been facing the same problem for several weeks.
    The proliferation of testimonies over this same period is disturbing.

    In the case of my forum, it is often profiles that are 2-3-4 years old that are used, often profiles with low activity.

    The Spam messages are always identical: "Super Casual Dating - Genuine Ladies" which suggests that it is a robot... Disastrous for the image of the forum...

  4. Since some weeks, I got regularly (not always) errors when validating new member. 

    The error says :

    TypeError: IPS\forums\_Forum::setLastComment(): Argument #2 ($updatedItem) must be of type ?IPS\Content\Item, IPS\forums\Topic\Post given, called in /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Content/Comment.php on line 1360 (0)
    #0 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Content/Comment.php(1360): IPS\forums\_Forum->setLastComment()
    #1 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php(4869): IPS\Content\_Comment->changeAuthor()
    #2 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php(4821): IPS\_Member->_processPostBeforeRegistering()
    #3 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(2630): IPS\_Member->validationComplete()
    #4 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->approve()
    #5 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #7 {main}

  5. Hi Invision crew

    I use Events with my community. I discovered that pics (green arrows) that are used for each event does not have "alt" tag valued.

    Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, Car, Transportation, Vehicle, Machine, Wheel, Person

    When I do an SEO audit of the Events pages, the score is not good and the first correction requested is to enhance the Alt tags

    When I look at the HTML code of the Events pages, I observe that the Alt tag is indeed provided for by the code, but is not valued.

    Do you have any idea on how to correctly populate these Alt tags, either automatically (eg: event title) or in a personalized way?

    THANKS !


  6. 11 hours ago, Jim M said:

    It is still something your hosting provider will need to assist you with as it is an issue with your PHP configuration.

    Not PHP configuration
    As the website was recentely migrated from a cPanel hosting to a non-cPanel hosting, it seems that Invision system had kept some old path references.

    Clearing all caches before uprgrading solved the problem and the new version was correctely installed some minutes ago.

    Suggestion : may be clearing automatically all caches before upgrade process could be an idea

  7. Hi all,

    I want to show some ads from a remote website. I use the plugin for the lateral blocks
    I configure RSS feed, number of items, cache delay 

    Ads are correctely displayed .... but without pics.

    Is there any way to show the pics that are in each ad of the RSS feed ?

    Many thanks for helping

  8. I will have to email my community about some news and evolutions.

    I made some tests with the bulk email system. It sends around 700 emails in 2 minutes. 5 to 6 emails per second.

    I think it can generate some problems. 

    - It is a spammer speed degrading server reputation
    - Some hosting companies have hourly limits
    - As all mail arrives in a short period of time, there is an influx of connections to the site at the same time

    is the a way to manage email sending speed ?
    By example : 1 email each 2 seconds, or other...

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