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All Astronauts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. Ugh, alright, thx. I'll take a closer look.
  2. Well, this is the first time I've actually went over the plugin with 4.4. When they announced built-in formatting with 4.4 my initial thought was they were just flipping a bit in some of the standard templates from OFF to ON, in which case this plugin would still be valid for edge cases. However, they've done the thing more completely and aside from the top of the messenger message where it lists all the members in the conversation, everywhere else is accounted for. 1) Disable this plugin. 2) ACP - Members - Profiles - Profile Settings Tab, scroll to the bottom of the page: Flip that to Global and save and you have this plugin. I'll be editing the Marketplace description now but this is pretty much over and done with unless anyone can find somewhere it's not applied with that setting set to global.
  3. What in the plugin isn't working? Everything checks out so far except for search and streams which I'm just getting to now (which is to say I'm just starting to look at that stuff in the plugin now, but everything else seems fine)
  4. Just a note to say this is fine for 4.4.
  5. Alright. Spacious 15 is now released - for 4.4.x only! I have not updated the description or the screenshots yet - that will be awhile. See the changelog for all the new stuff. You have a new Alexa widget with graphs and tracking over 90 days. A full ACP journal for admin notes. And so on, etc... Yell if there are bugs.
  6. Yeah, hmm. Not sure there is an easy way here. I'll have to look. Maybe I can ditch this and ride on the official Pages one. Otherwise, yeah, you need to match the two.
  7. Look what happens to old emoji once that library has been removed 🙂 Anyways, Version 5 released. Old version and this new one are both 4.4 compatible. This just tweaked the code slightly for new standards and added a missing lang bit.
  8. Pages Searchable Text Fields 2 Released! 4.4 compatible - for use with 4.4 exclusively! New manual database re-index feature. Seems fine but please report any bugs.
  9. Version 3 Released! 4.4 compatibility sweep but this should work with 4.3.2 or greater. If not, just revert to 2.1 Howler library updated to 2.1.1 (newer than what will kick out with Invision Community 4.4) Safety check to only swap in sound if the actual IPS notification sound file is provided to Howler on the off-chance IPS or someone else muscle's in on this library.
  10. 4.2 Released! Nothing special and not a required upgrade. No new features, just some minor code tweaks. Should be compatible with 4.3.6 but if not just use the 4.1 version. This was just a general sweep to ensure 4.4 compatibility. 4.1 is fine on that so, no biggie.
  11. Gosh yes. Now that they edited the title.
  12. And so it does! We all missed that one word this morning. Glad they highlighted it.
  13. Our Slack channel pulls in the text, but sure, whatever...
  14. You do realise they *just* edited all that to say that it is beta right? See the Lindy comment. Phew. Glad they weren't dumping all this on us like this.
  15. Yes, it's still a beta download. Doesn't change the fact that they did this a few hours ago. No mention of beta-status.
  16. Hey guys. So devs have had a couple of days at most of hands-on with the 4.4 code and IN_DEV, what we use to work, is a bit wonky. So naturally IPS posts that 4.4 is good to go. 🤷‍♂️ Please consider Spacious ACP not compatible with 4.4 until you hear from me. If you upgrade to 4.4, you are on your own. Yes, this is insane.
  17. Hey guys. So devs have had a couple of days at most of hands-on with the 4.4 code and IN_DEV, what we use to work, is a bit wonky. So naturally IPS posts that 4.4 is good to go. 🤷‍♂️ Please consider KS not compatible with 4.4 until you hear from me. If you upgrade to 4.4, you are on your own. Yes, this is insane.
  18. If that Steam integration is a plugin just drag Enhanced Joined Date below it in the plugins list. That should make EJD display after the Steam one.
  19. Yeah, not a lot of hook points in there. You could get it right after the userphoto, or before (or after) post count, but that's really it without blowing up that template (which I wouldn't want to do this or any other side of hell)
  20. This plugin works for user names on forums, if you have this I'm not sure why it isn't working. Nicks would have to be a new mod, or added to this one, but either way its more work - I don't think there is anything out there right now that does it.
  21. This plugin doesn't do anything with those titles, just the names. You could target all of those with some CSS but it would color all of them the same color.
  22. Yep, it was the UK thing that I needed to know. Once I had that info I could get at the problem.
  23. I actually scrolled up and saw that, was implementing as you responded. I pulled a function call out that I can't off-hand see what the utility was for that was part of the Joined Month Year option as well. Give the new version a try and let me know if that fixes things. It won't. Give me two shakes... Ok, NOW download version 5. Just overwrote the one already there, no need for a 5.1 yet.
  24. Just out of curiosity what version of PHP you running? Also, are you using version 4 of this plugin? I've just checked again and it's fine on 4.3.6, both on my dev install and a live site.
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