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Community Answers

  1. Marc's post in How to customize member profile pages was marked as the answer   
    This is not something that is possible without customisation of the product. Items such as that posted by Adriano above that have been written by 3rd party authors may allow you to achieve these.
  2. Marc's post in Change Default Blog Entry Featured Photo was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to do this at present without modification to the software. Please feel free to post this up within our suggestions area, if you would like to see this appear in a future release.
  3. Marc's post in Display "Member_name is also here" box at the top left of a topic? was marked as the answer   
    This is part of our new upcoming features on the platform
  4. Marc's post in Remove individual "1 month later" box? was marked as the answer   
    You can indeed remove those. If you go to Community->Forums->Settings within your admin CP, you will see this under topic settings. It's the "Show large time gaps between posts"
  5. Marc's post in Images in forum posts skewed was marked as the answer   
    The issue is that wherever you are pasting from, it has a height set, as you can see in the image below. You would need to remove those, or check the checkbox to preserve its aspect ratio

  6. Marc's post in Display Clubs Country was marked as the answer   
    There would be no way to do this without customisation at present. As a thought, you could use a drop down for countries as a custom field maybe? 
  7. Marc's post in Bug : periodic "contact us form request" sent was marked as the answer   
    You would need to check this with your email provider. Usually when something is downloaded via pop3 it would then no longer be present, however it seems it is in your case. So each time it checks the item is there, and it will create a new topic
  8. Marc's post in calendar feeds not working? was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned by nathan above, the reason for this is you are trying to add an rss feed to an ical feed location. You can read RSS feeds, but only into forums of pages databases rather than the calendar. The calendar needs the items present in an ical feed to correctly add it to a calendar.
    Incidentally the calendar you are trying to import there does actually have an ical link, which is what you would use instead of the rss feed. Hope that helps you get to where you need to be 🙂 

  9. Marc's post in In the bell menu, can we highlight notifications that haven't yet been clicked? was marked as the answer   
    It does, but thats not a feature of the platform at the present time unfortunately, as the number is for number of notifications you havent seen, rather than items you haven't read. As soon as you click on the notifications, you have seen you have notifications, so the number would disappear
    Please do feel free to post this up within our suggestions are if you wish to see a change in the future.
  10. Marc's post in Stored Payment Method Issue was marked as the answer   
    That is correct. They would need to remove that payment method if its incorrect. The reason you cannot edit stored payment methods, is that they are not actually stored within invision, but rather within the payment processor. 
  11. Marc's post in Moving Invision Installation Directory was marked as the answer   
    You had a custom URL set in your storage method. This has now been corrected for you, and your site is back online
  12. Marc's post in Custom permission denied message - Gallery was marked as the answer   
    That would be if they are unable to access areas, not if they have no permission to upload. i believe that may be what you are missing here.
  13. Marc's post in Massive topic movement was marked as the answer   
    You can move topics from the admin CP if you have a criteria in which to move them on. Next to the forum in question in the admin CP, select "Move/delete content" and you will be given the options there
  14. Marc's post in Zapier Issues was marked as the answer   
    I see thats now working for you. Thank you for letting us know 🙂 
  15. Marc's post in latest activity / discover page can be access even user is not logged in was marked as the answer   
    You would need to switch off the "content discovery" permission at a module level for guests. Please see the following guide, and look at the module permission section
  16. Marc's post in Can I edit posts silently? was marked as the answer   
    It will show to you and to other staff, but not to members
  17. Marc's post in How to modify pages CSS beyond blocks? was marked as the answer   
    CSS in relation to pages could be edited in 3 different locations. 
    Block level - This is what you have already seen, whereby the block itself has CSS sections you can enter
    Pages templates - Pages has its own set of templates, of which control how pages and databases display. You can see these in Pages->Page Management->Templates . There is a CSS. This is where you would create full custom wrappers if you wish to do so
    Theme level - For most people, this would be where you would change CSS. You find this in Customization->Appearance->Themes, by selecting the </> icon at the side of your theme. Here you can edit the way your site looks as a whole, in every way. If you want to add or override CSS elements, generally you would add to the custom.css file you can see on the CSS tab. This is never changed on upgrades, and is loaded last in the cascade (therefore you can use this to override any CSS element)
    While we cannot assist with customization itself, you can take a look through our guides in the following location, which has more information on the above areas and much more
  18. Marc's post in Change the default font-family ? was marked as the answer   
    You can change the default font that is used by editing your theme, and selecting the "text" tab. Anything outside of what is shown there however, would need to be set within your themes stylesheet
  19. Marc's post in Should the Uploads directories be browsable? was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned, there should be an index.html file in each, that would stop them being browsable. Please check that first of all. If there is one present and you are still able to browse the folder, you need to contact your hosting company as they are not processing index.html as a default page for directories
  20. Marc's post in Achievement new rule calculation was marked as the answer   
    If you add a new rule, then only when an action checks that condition would it apply to the user. It wouldnt do so retrospectively. If you wish for it to apply retrospectively you would need to recalculate. 
  21. Marc's post in How can I add a public room or a chat room for my members? was marked as the answer   
    Looking at the marketplace for chat solutions is the only thing you would be able to do to add at present. We dont have a chat solution within the core product
  22. Marc's post in Increase number of entries shown IP.Downloads was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, this is not something that is achievable within Invision Community at this time. Please feel free to post up within our suggestions forum if you would like to see this in future releases of the platform.
  23. Marc's post in Database Bloating was marked as the answer   
    You have issues on your database instance there. At times (often) when the system queries the database, the server is reporting tables dont exist, such as the topics table, the forums table and more. This is an issue on the database server side, rather than the software, but of course its logging this every time.
    The other issue you have is that there is a field named 'choice' which has no default value in the table ibf_core_voters . This is not a default table. So you may be able to remove that column if you are not using that for any 3rd party item. Ensure you take a database backup before you do
  24. Marc's post in AWS S3 Storage HTTP 400 issue [ v4.6.10 ] was marked as the answer   
    For other who may come across this, the guide for this has now been fully updated, and can be found in the following location
  25. Marc's post in Any way to switch themes for disabled site? was marked as the answer   
    Recovery mode is something that disables everything. However your issue was caching there, which is not something it would have accounted for. In this instance, I cleared out the datastore folder manually, which is what brought back the ACP login page.
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