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Wayne B

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    Wayne B reacted to Morrigan in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    So I just purchased (been thinking about it for too long honestly).... Is there a way to make an "All" checkmark for sections?
    For example if I choose "Forums" I don't have to choose individual forums but it will pull all featured topics from all forums?
    Edit: It would also be awesome to be able to set the "default" No image icon via a setting. That way if it doesn't have an image it will pull your own.
  2. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Morrigan in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    One more thing (sorry), is there a way to actually only show "featured" content and also a way to put a time delimeter on the content if you are choosing random. Or at least something that doesn't pull archived content? I found that mine pulled archived topics and that's certainly not the way to attract new members. <_<
  3. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    Sure, I like the ideas from my clients to complete my app.
  4. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from abetts in IPS Rules Application   
    They are both amazing pieces of kit @Kevin Carwile and you deserve an enormous amount of credit for both of them, they have absolutely transformed the way we use IPB4 and for me IPB should pay you a significant amount of money and incorporate these into the core so you can retire to a desert island and live the dream .... in the meantime I thank you for your flexibility in developing both applications. I have let you a review on the GC application back on the 29th April but it is still showing as hidden and not yet approved. Not sure who approves them, you or IPB but its there pending somebody seeing it  
  5. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    @Police Community you can try 4.0.19 now
  6. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    I'm finding a solution.
  7. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    Hang in there. I'm working on a solution for your issue.
  8. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Joel R in Group Collaboration   
    You should assume all mods, plugins, and third-party apps to NOT be compatible with 4.1 unless the author specifically says it is.  
    With that said, I think you will find @Kevin Carwile to be one of the more responsive and attentive developers in the Marketplace, and he'll be able to provide an update pretty soon.  
  9. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    I love your idea, I will try it.
  10. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    Yes, there was a recent change to 4.1 which is breaking. Collab is being updated to accommodate.
  11. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in IPS Rules Application   
    Yes, I know why. IPS core is designed in such a way that inline messages are lost if you set one and then the page view results in a redirect.
    I planned on creating a workaround but never got around to it. 
    Version 1.3.0 of rules is in the works. I'll see if I can toss this in.
  12. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    Sorry that you are losing face. However, you are experiencing intermittent 500 server errors. Errors which are server configuration related. Errors which (whatever they are) have not been disclosed to me.
    Now I am more than willing to assist where I can, and I will absolutely bend over backwards to fix a problem with my software for you. As soon as we can confirm that there is one, I will definitely get it fixed.
  13. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from KPDub in Group Collaboration   
    However I feel I need to endorse that if there is a way then you will find it, you always do ?
  14. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    However I feel I need to endorse that if there is a way then you will find it, you always do ?
  15. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    I love the idea. And there is always a way. I just have no idea what that way is at the moment.
  16. Like
    Wayne B reacted to KPDub in Group Collaboration   
    First of all, love this product.   Good to let members just do their own thing and not have to worry about it (too much)
    My question though is this and my apologies if I've been really stupid here or missed this
    When I look to create a custom feed block in pages - I only see the forums created in the forum part of IPB.   However, the output results will show posts from forums within collaborations
    Is there any way to;
    Select the specific forums from with the collaborations I want to display in a feed If I can't pick which collaboration forums to display, can tagging be used to show which collaboration they come from? Basically, I;d like to create a page for each in Pages to showcase a bit more about what each of them are for so site visitors may read them, become interested and join up.
  17. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from JustHatched in Social Stream   
    @HeadStand - Could we have it so the sidebar widget auto-refreshes to please?
    Also - is there any way you can add the ability to add a reply direct in the feed when a topic is replied to as opposed to just when it is created? That would help if you wanted to chip in on the conversation without leaving the stream.
    Many Thanks
  18. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from wmarcy in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    Interesting point ... I can see a use for both to be honest. They would both be very useful but for my situation I would be happy with member can manage all, clearly others may prefer different I suppose.
  19. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    Ok I will find a solution for your good idea.
  20. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    Thanks Kevin - I just think it would be more intuitive to the front end user to have an option to adjust this without having to manipulate what is there.
  21. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    I have uplaoded a Rule Set to the Marketplace that will allow you to do just this utilising Kevin's Rules application. It is just awaiting it to be approved. The rule will also notify the author and all followers of the thread that it has been moved.
  22. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from surinp3 in Group Collaboration   
    I have uplaoded a Rule Set to the Marketplace that will allow you to do just this utilising Kevin's Rules application. It is just awaiting it to be approved. The rule will also notify the author and all followers of the thread that it has been moved.
  23. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    @Kevin Carwile Could you add the ability to set a default sort order for the collaboration list within a category. That way we can set a category to show the list of collaborations by either last reply, creation date etc. ideally from the admin on a per category basis.
  24. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Kevin Carwile in Group Collaboration   
    It seems like a simple thing on the face...
    But then it becomes a lot more complicated as soon as you get past the surface, because collaborations can contain content from every app in the system.
    For example, in order to show if there is read/unread content for just a single collaboration (and also which is the latest post), it becomes apparent that every app and every container ( forums, galleries, databases, etc ) inside the collaboration must be queried and cross referenced with permissions to see "where" the latest post is at that you actually have permission to see. This gets expensive quick, and will become only more expensive the larger the collaboration gets ( in terms of SQL, memory, processing, etc ).
    For a category, that problem only becomes more compounded because now you have to lift that load for every collaboration in the category, and every time the page is viewed because it could change from moment to moment, and it also cannot be cached because it depends on not only site permissions, but the permissions within the group also.
    Because of this, categories will only show the latest collaboration to have activity. You may think... well if you know that, then why can't you just show what the latest post was? It's because you may not actually have permission to see what the latest post was in that collaboration! So in reality, the latest ( that you are actually able to see ) may be in a different collaboration... but in order to know that we go back to the problem of having to check every collaboration in the category.
  25. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from svit in Group Collaboration   
    Kevin - You have in one update resolved the only frustrations that were outstanding to make this integrate beautifully with the rest of the suite. I can say no more other than AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME
    Well Done and Thank You for listening to feedback. You really do take on board all suggestions and then just make them happen. AMAZING
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