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Everything posted by AlexWebsites

  1. This is what I use for images, you can adjust the style elements. Displaying them in an inline-block should work in most email clients. <div> <h3>{$params['title']}</h3> {{foreach $items as $item}} <div style="display: inline-block;"> {{$image = \IPS\File::get( 'gallery_Images', $item->thumb_file_name );}} <a href="{$item->url()}"> <img src="{$image->url}" style="width:100px; height:100px; margin:4px; padding:4px; border:1px solid #333;" alt="{$item->mapped( 'title' )}" title="{$item->mapped( 'title' )}"> </a> </div> {{endforeach}} </div>
  2. How does the publish link work for the newsletter vs enabled/disabled. Is the publish link to "activate" it or is it a "send now". I created a newsletter and it's "active" but I did not hit the publish link I never got a pre-distribution email to any of the 3 admin users I have set up. Just wondering if it needs to be published. I don't recall if I hit that link and I don't want to click it again and send out.
  3. Is there any way under Manage Newsletter Subscriptions to spread out the text and stretch it out a bit? looks like its using .ipsFieldRow_title Also, if using *|member_name|* in the email subject, is there a way to display the member name under Manage Newsletter Subscriptions? So if I have a newsletter title *|member_name|*, Weekly Newsletter, it would show the actual member name like the email topic. Or just hide *|member_name|* if used on that settings page.
  4. Stoo, I just tried to login to your site. Are you connected to IPS because it had my updated display name. I tried to reset my password but it states its validating or something like that. I went to run the support tools on my site and got: There are some problems with your database There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_members` DROP INDEX `bouncer_disabled`, DROP INDEX `bouncer_warning`, DROP INDEX `bouncer_spam`;
  5. I just purchased this app and switched back to sparkpost form Amazon SES. Amazon sent me a warning that my bounce rate is too high at 15%. If Amazon SES is added, I guess I'll switch back because they seem to have a higher deliver-ability rate. A few questions: I read above this doesn't work if you send a bulk mail, is that correct? What sparkpost setting do you have it on, all emails? Will it work if an app is sending mail using the built in IPS mail? I have one of the newsletter mods and am wondering if it will conflict.
  6. Same here and I set up SNS to stop the emails but it's not working. Would be great to have this working with Amazon SES.
  7. I was thinking of adding the text from a custom profile field I have for business name into the user marker hover card. Has anyone done anything like this?
  8. Thank you for fixing this for me. @Martin A. fixed some bad analytics code I had on my site that was preventing the map from displaying. He took the time to help me with this and I really appreciate it.
  9. Ok will do thanks. I uninstalled and reinstalled and lost all markers, so will have to rebuild. Still no map after reinstall.
  10. Tried all of that but it isn't showing the main map. Tried chrome, FF, IE, Edge, iOS phone..no map. Is it ok to uninstall and just reinstall? I'm on php 7.0.16 and have zend opcache alongw with memcache running..if that has anything to do with it. It was working though, so it's odd.
  11. After the last IPS update, my map stopped showing. The markers individual map when you look them up is working but the main map is not. Tried default theme and also different mapquest key, still nothing. Has anyone else run into this?
  12. I'm not sure either, I'm just using their terminology from the post. Sounds like it'll work for what I need then in preventing bad emails from going out f you are using the built in mail functions. Continuously sending to bad emails reduces deliver-ability with ISPs. I have a few older sites with members that have changed or deleted their emails.
  13. Does this app use the built in internal mail send? see this post: I'm thinking of using that plugin in conjunction to stop sending newsletters and other mail to old members who's emails are no good and just kill the ISP mail ratings.
  14. What does your next distribution time say? The distribution settings are a bit confusing. Daily should be every day and weekly should be once a week on the days you pick. I would just remove that daily choice all together and just have weekly and then pick every one of the days you want for the week. Picking all 7 would essentially make it daily. Actually I see it says next week. Do your tasks run via cron or community activity?
  15. Seems to be working now, maybe it was a cache issue.
  16. Thanks for this plugin. For some reason if I put the similar contents block above or below this one under topics the similar contents block will not load. Any ideas?
  17. Yes that sounds like it could be the issue. Thanks for the reply on this. As far as selecting weekly and daily, what's the difference if you are selecting the days in each? Just so I understand, If I select daily and check off Monday and Thursday it will send every Monday and Thursday? If so, what's the difference if I select weekly and check off Monday and Thursday? Same or different?
  18. Just to follow up, I put my actual time in the distribution time (matches my server time and php time I set) and the newsletter sent according to that and not the GMT time that it shows on the distribution setup page. I guess it would be good to change that or just put in the php or server time. Just a suggestion because it was a bit confusing.
  19. I scheduled my first weekly newsletter and received complaints that it sent every hour for up to 10 hours. Is there a log that shows this or has this happened to anyone else? I'm assuming it has something to do with the hourly task, but my settings show weekly distribution. I've disabled it and will run some checks sending to the admin group, but something went funky here. Members complained of spamming... Maybe the issue is that the PublishNewsletters task is set to send hourly but the PruneDistributionHistory is set daily? i also notice that after it sent the next distribution time did not change, which should have been one week from now. I manually ran the PruneDistributionHistory task but it did not change. EDIT: I just noticed that my next distribution did not change to next week with the weekly interval setting. The daily and weekly intervals act the same for the next distribution time. I changed it to every two weeks in the interval setting and now the distribution time shows a week from now....funky. So I took a look at some of the files and not sure if this is the reason or not. Looks like in /applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Newsletter.php you have the code below: switch( $this->publish_interval ) { case static::PUBLISH_DAILY: case static::PUBLISH_WEEKLY: $day += $daysToAdd; break; case static::PUBLISH_WEEKS: $day += $daysToAdd; $day += 7; break; case static::PUBLISH_MONTHLY: $month++; break; case static::PUBLISH_ANNUALLY: $year++; break; } My choices are Daily, Weekly, Every Two Weeks, Monthly, Annually, and Manually when in settings. I seem to only be able to get a weekly +7 days by choosing Every two weeks which is your Publish_weeks in the code above? every 2 weeks should be +14 and weekly I would imagine should be +7 like; switch( $this->publish_interval ) { case static::PUBLISH_DAILY: case static::PUBLISH_WEEKLY: $day += $daysToAdd; $day += 7; break; case static::PUBLISH_WEEKS: $day += $daysToAdd; $day += 14; break; case static::PUBLISH_MONTHLY: $month++; break; case static::PUBLISH_ANNUALLY: $year++; break; } When I change this, it shows correctly in my "next distribution" when picking weekly. I would have the weekly with just a start date and from there +7 days send it weekly and then on the Daily, to actually pick the days of the week to send. But that's me.. If you have weekly, and pick two or more days it'll actually send in an interval that's less that a week. I think this is what happened to me. I accidentally had Friday and Saturday checked off under weekly because I was messing around with it the day before. Since the task sends every hour and the distribution time only updates once a day, it kept going even though I assumed it would only send once a week regardless. I also think that update distribution time should be changed to hourly if the send is hourly.
  20. Is there a way to see who unsubscribes and a total count of subscribed members as opposed to just looking at the subscribed member pages?
  21. I've changed the server time and php time settings to America/New_York and verified it's changed. However, I am still getting the same time output in newsletter distribution settings. I did see that in the language settings the time zone text seems to be Distribution times are calculated according to GMT. Time now is %s. The time zone isn't set as a variable so I just want to make sure it's not manually set. Any ideas? Not a huge deal, but I'd like to sync with my time if possible.
  22. I just changed my server time and its not that. It's actually php time zone if anyone is looking.
  23. No problem, I'll have to check my server didn't realize that. Thanks.
  24. Is there anyway to change the sync time and does that run off the server time? Distribution times are calculated according to GMT. Time now is 02/09/2017 01:47 AM
  25. The *|member_name|* works well if you put it in the name of the newsletter and it's then included in the subject of the email. However, when the member goes to manage their newsletters it shows the variable instead of their display name under Manage Newsletter Subscriptions. Is there anyway to omit that if using it this way?
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