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Everything posted by AlexWebsites

  1. Have you updated to the latest version? There were some enhancements around this added.
  2. I use the plugin but off of content in the first post, which seems to work better for me than topic title. I also don't have elastic search enabled. Maybe try that?
  3. I've been using content statistics for downloads under the member view on three of my sites for quite some time to see what the user has downloaded. Its a nice feature, maybe even a 'hidden gem".
  4. That is per user in ACP. Search for the user to go to their member view and then see what only they downloaded. Now if you are looking for a file and then to see what users have downloaded that file, then check out @Adriano Faria solution, its more robust. You can also check out the ACP reporting for top downloads and such.
  5. in ACP, go to the member tab and click on Downloads then view as a table
  6. One of my favorite features was email notification on content approval, but it broke and probably will not be fixed in 2021. I'm biased because I use content moderation/approval a lot. I do like web push notifications and SEO improvements (waiting for that to pay off). I like achievements but would really like to see closer integration with subscriptions and group promotions. I agree. We need their plugins and apps, they often fill in the blanks where IPS is lacking a feature.
  7. @asigno are you using ezoic leap optimization settings? If so, what are you optimizing through ezoic and what are you running on your end in terms of caching and optimization server side; redis, etc. Through LEAP, I only have images and content activated. Script Execution, Minify, and CSS seemed to cause some theme issues.
  8. For one landing page/main page you can use: For unlimited pages/databases and all custom html/php/css you would need to purchase the IPS pages app/module. You can build pages with some basic coding/blocks.
  9. That's right, I forgot I may have asked you this already. Sorry.
  10. Hi @Nathan Explosion, any way to add the ability to only hide content posted by certain usergroups? So if I wanted to apply hiding forum topics and posts created by one or two usergroups to guests, is there a way to achieve this or can it be added as a feature in the future? So right now you have Hide From, but maybe another usergroup selection box to pick content from usergroups you want to hide. What I'm trying to achieve and thinking of doing is adding a subscription/membership package that comes with the privacy of having your content hidden from guests and non-logged in users.
  11. I just checked three of my sites that have all upgraded to 4.6.8 and user visits are are relative to where they where on 4.6.7, no significant change. Pageviews as well. I'm waiting for a bump in visits/activity, but that may take some time if these SEO updates are impactful. The main thing I wanted to add here @estan is that I do not see a correlation on my end of a traffic dip with updating to 4.6.8. I know it can be gut wrenching when traffic dips, so I hope this helps.
  12. I guess not, we are approaching 3 months since reporting this. How’s it coming?
  13. Yes it’s there, my bad. It’s a little different than other apps but the functionality is there.
  14. Is there an overall permission setting so the section/page isn’t visible? Maybe I can just remove the menu and set that to only visible to certain usergroups. I found it odd that there was no app permission setting. *****disregard, confused myself a bit*****
  15. I suppose maybe a custom plugin to change the price field to text of choice per usergroup would be a good idea. So subscribers that are moved to a specific user group can see text “Included with Membership”, “FREE”, or something like that, instead of the price.
  16. @onlyME I purchased but don't see permissions to restrict this to usergroups under apps. While I set this up, I'd like it only visible to administrators. Is that possible? Where are the usergroup permission to access the application? They seem to be missing. Disregard, I had to shut off application online and then uncheck all the usergroups.
  17. I don't have paid files but if they are like products, maybe you can apply a usergroup discount as free?
  18. That’s a good idea as well, but how do you automate it and display.
  19. I don't think this is really achievable currently. So just brainstorming and welcoming ideas! Lets say... All users start in community via usergroup 1 (free) "Subscription A" is purchased and user is then moved to usergroup 2 (which has more features). THIS IS NORMAL FUNCTIONAILITY How can you award "Subscription A" to user based on activity levels? You can set up usergroup promotions to move to usergroup 2 but not award them "Subscription A" for free. Possible solution #1: Task runs to see who has X amount of activity per X amount or time (not a one and done achievement, more of maintain the level of activity to maintain the subscription so users keep coming back) If member in usergroup 1 has X amount of activity per X amount of time (say 5 posts per 30 days), they have "Subscription A" added to their membership/account (moved to usergroup 2) and maybe a tag of "earned" or something like that to decipher the difference of earned vs paid. When task runs again, and member now in usergroup 2 does not meet the activity threshold, they get moved back to usergroup 1 and "Subscription A" is removed. This sounds very challenging to implement. Possible solution #2: Use group promotions to move member from usergroup 1 to usergroup 2 based on predefined criteria, activity. On the /subscriptions page, "Subscription A" has a notice or the button action is removed, and a message states the member has earned "Subscription A", or something like that. Email notifications on earned and removed status would be good too. I think solution #2 may be achievable if you use group promotions and then a plugin to run a task to: Look for members in usergroup 2 who do not have and actual "Subscription A" and remove the ability for them to subscribe to "Subscription A". Add a message on the subscription page that they earned "Subscription A". Ideas? I'm trying to find a way to give a free subscription with membership upgrade on recurring activity levels over 30 days, to raise activity levels. But be able to show it and not just use a group promotion. Show the subscription was earned set period of time.
  20. It would be great if there was a feature to rebuild posts after a word filter(s) was added. I know there are some plugins/apps to achieve this but something built in sounds like a no brainer for a complete word filter solution. Also, is there a template to use a word filter xml file? Or is this created when you have these on one site and then download?
  21. It would be great to be able to edit content within the moderator approval queue. Have an Edit button next to Delete. Ideally that then allows you to edit and move content as needed. But if that's too difficult to implement, maybe the edit button just takes you to the actual content to edit (in edit mode) and once you complete, save, and approve, maybe it brings you back to the approval queue for the next content to edit. I would also like titles editable by hover/click (like they are elsewhere) and maybe the ability to add tags within this step.
  22. Where is the “sad” face reaction when you need one…I’ll go with this.
  23. I don't think the SES sending limits change. The app uses the SES API vs SMTP so there is not SMTP relay. Bulk mail is sent via task, not sure how many at a time. You can set that cycle amount:
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