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Everything posted by JohnCourt

  1. Well I think that would work for my purposes, so there is an option for a button to display in each slider, for example a button could be titled "Widget Forums" within the slider image, and the user clicks the button and is directed to "Widget Forums". Correct?
  2. Taman, can I assign links to the slider images? So if the slider image is clicked, the user is directed to a page or specific forum? Thanks.
  3. Good day Opentype, I have Topics feed displayed at https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/home/ You'll see a topic titled Eames Design and the topic contains only a video one of our members posted. The Super Block is only displaying the title of the topic as it cannot pull in the video, thus leaving a blank space. I completely understand why, but is there any possibility in the future during further dev of this template, to allow videos to show in a Topic Feed via Super Blocks? Thanks
  4. TAMAN, I know I am missing something, my eyes are not working well right now, but when I download the latest version, I cannot seem to find the .xml, there is a .tar is all I see. What am I doing wrong?
  5. That did it, thanks sir!!!!!!!!
  6. @opentype, I am in the same boat, it does work with the default IP Theme. But with my custom IPS Focus "Shift" theme, I am having the same issues, I opened up my test site to the public just now if you care to see this article at http://tpwtestuser.com/ip/index.php?/sponsors/laguna-tools/laguna-tools-r1/ I applied the custom.css fix in my custom theme as you show above, and I cleared cache, and nothing changed, do you have any guidance on this? Thanks.
  7. Good day Open, just purchased the plugin and I love it. I am trying to get the Record View to work but I am not sure what I need to do in order to get this view to show, EDIT - I figured this out, sorry for the early question before going through everything diligently. I simply had to assign "Display Template Group" as SuperGrid RecordDisplay in the database settings.
  8. Good day folks, we are running latest versions both IP and Member Map, seems our members are having issues viewing member map with IE 11. They can view map with Edge, FF, Chrome and others, but not IE11. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  9. Stoo is there a way for members to delete their own marker, if they decide they don't want their marker up anymore? Tahnks!
  10. Hey Mike, personally on my site, I would not force members to enter a location, but that's just within my community. If folks want to remain private, and not disclose their location, I think they would appreciate that. In my community I made a suggestion to plot their location, and if they don't want to disclose their actual location, they can always just provide their Town Hall address or some land mark in their area rather than their actual address. Our folks seem to like that idea, typically they'll enter a land mark location in their town.
  11. Oh Jeez, there it is! I was entering lat and long and other things, I never thought of actually typing a location by name in the field! Thanks Neej!
  12. Thanks for a great app guys, I am trying to use the "Defined Force Bounding Box". The instructions are as follows: "Use the field above to search for a location that will always be in center of your map. The map will only focus on this area, regardless of markers outside of it. Try a few of the results from the search untill you find one that suits your needs." Yet I do not see away to search for location. Here is a screen shot of what I see, with the latest version of Member Map (110006) Any help is greatly appreciated. John
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