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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Charles

  1. I truly don’t mean this as a sales pitch 😀 but… have you considered moving to our cloud services where you never have to think about server management again?
  2. There is a full screen button in Live Topics. Try that next time and see what you think.
  3. It's linked at the bottom of every release notes 🙂 You can also follow it if you like but it's not posted to very often.
  4. We are removing support for plugins and instead you should use the applications system. Applications are more flexible than plugins and easier to manage. Any existing plugins can easily be ported to applications and we encourage third-parties to start the process as soon as possible.
  5. The friendly URL (FURL) system is highly recommended currently and will be required in Invision Community 5. All Cloud clients automatically have FURLs enabled automatically so there is no change for those communities.
  6. The profile status updates system is a holdover from decades ago and will be removed in Invision Community 5.
  7. New date ... Join us for our April release Live Topic!
  8. until
    New date ... Join us for our April release Live Topic!
  9. Sorry about that. We weren't ignoring you 🙂
  10. There is a minimum term of these services since we are doing quite a bit for you 🙂
  11. Yes, feel free to contact me or reach out to sales and we can chat about it.
  12. We hope to provide a preview pretty soon. For our first release we are going to keep this pretty simple and then get feedback from clients on how you want it to evolve.
  13. All support starts on the community. If we cannot help you in public, we will move your post to a support ticket. We do it all the time 🙂 We do not provide server-level support either way though. Anything server-related is on you to sort.
  14. Ah yes that might mean your community still has the wrong email in it. I set your new account you just made with the proper email address to be an admin so you should be good to go now.
  15. You should have received a welcome email with your starter admin login. If not, try a password recovery in your new community. You can also email support@invisionpower.com from your purchase email address for help.
  16. We can certainly do that but have always been wary of altering user generated uploads without a reason.
  17. US or EU either way we're not randomly downloading your data to our laptops and wandering around 😀 Anything we do need to do stays inside AWS systems.
  18. This new feature is now complete and will be in our May release. It will also be available on all Cloud plans. The previous post excluded the Beginner plan. Expect a blog entry soon with details. In the meantime, if you have questions @Matt Finger can answer.
  19. If you choose our EU option, all of your data is in the AWS Paris region. It is possible one of our employees outside the EU can access the data if you submit a support ticket or something like that. But then that is no different than if you were traveling outside the EU and logged into your own AdminCP. Even in that scenario, the data is still housed in the EU. Someone viewing your site from anywhere in the world (that's literally what the Internet is for 😀) has nothing to do with GDPR.
  20. I never thought I would see the day that Apple actually did this.
  21. Yes, we do just that. You can subscribe to the status page and get email updates.
  22. Be sure to subscribe to our status page. We use that for updates during events. https://status.invisioncommunity.com/
  23. Unfortunately we experienced an issue with AWS this morning that even AWS is not sure what is wrong at this point. It was not really down as long as that reports there as we put up a message and did not remove it until we were sure everything was good. Any systems can have downtime events, even something like ours with redundancy built in. It is regrettable especially when we do everything right to avoid it but something outside our control breaks. Especially when no one, not even your provider, can tell you what went wrong. This is really the first major downtime event in years but of course that does not matter in the moment. Frustrating all around 🙂
  24. We deployed WebP support today for both US and EU regions. This was honestly an oversight on our part and I want to thank @Dll for pointing out that WebP was not properly enabled.
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