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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Draffi

  1. Plz, where is the old 3.4.6 topic? i need to read something there...
  2. I have the problem, that - after installing this "app" (BBCode) - my editor is not working properly: eg: i enter "test[SPACE]test" - all is fine! when i enter "test[SPACE][SPACE]test" it connected the words together. Inside the posting it looks like "testtest". When i disable the App, the error is gone. Furthermore it is the same with smileys....can somebody confirm or have an idea/solution for to fix this? And i have no sortable table, is this right?
  3. Will this work for 3.4.x also?
  4. this for IPB 3.4.x must be a burner....
  5. A 3.4.x Version must be nice....
  6. i visiting you site the first time, and i see your pins...
  7. Sounds great.. Count me in!
  8. +1 yeah, must be a good idea...
  9. I know....was thinking this is a "global" suggestion for to avoid upgrade-problems with your App (or generally other Apps, too)
  10. @stoo2000: Didn`t do the upgrade until now, but i have another question, please: HOW exactly i can do this? Thank you...
  11. Fine, i will give this a try... Sorry, noob here: How to upgrade?
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