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Eric BXL

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Posts posted by Eric BXL

  1. On 10/24/2020 at 3:35 PM, Eric BXL said:

    I have 12 customized themes, and none of them are showing the [Change Author] button.

    After upgrading to version 4.7.2, all customized, AND the IPS Default, themes show the [Change Author] button again.

    I wonder, if it is not related to the browser one uses: as I did not have to change any author, I admit that I did not pay attention to the plugin, after upgrading my browser, i.e. Portable version of Firefox NIGHTLY v101.0a1.

    Maybe it was already working again before upgrading the Invision Community software?

  2. Some members reported that, when browsing the forum with their mobile, an annoying black bar appears on the screen showing [home] in the middle.

    I couldn't replicate it until I installed Firefox for testing (members reporting this have FF installed), then it also appeared on my screen.

    Is Firefox not compatible with the IPS software?

    Also, when I'm using the Slimperience browser, my screen goes partly outside of my mobile screen, on the right side.

    Which browser, (excepted Google Chrome!) do you advice using?

    Member's screen:


    My screen:


  3. On 10/30/2021 at 10:04 AM, livegames.co.il said:

    Imminently After installing the app, my main forum crashed.

    The same thing happened on my forum last night after updating to the newest 1.0.2 version.
    Only the main page was showing all section pages returned the following error:
    OutOfRangeException:  (0)
    #0 C:\inetpub\vhosts\forum-andr.net\httpdocs\init.php(902) : eval()'d code(31): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
    #1 C:\inetpub\vhosts\forum-andr.net\httpdocs\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\readthistopic_hook_forcetopicforums->manage()
    #2 C:\inetpub\vhosts\forum-andr.net\httpdocs\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #3 C:\inetpub\vhosts\forum-andr.net\httpdocs\index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #4 {main}

    Strange is that the personal message was still functioning.
    After disabling the plugin, all returned to normal. Could you please check it? Your login and PWD remained the same.
    I'm on v4.6.8 of the forum software.

  4. Same thing with topics, posts and personal messages posted today.

    Yesterday all was fine. Nothing was touched or changed in the ACP, but starting from this Friday morning, all topics, posts and personal message appear two times on the same page. It is as if we post everything two times.

    The second post in the topic cannot be deleted. However, the second post of a posted post, and the second personal message of a PM can be deleted.

    Should I start a new topic for this? I didn't as this looks identical as what happens for the OP.

    Edit: My forum is on version 4.6.6.

  5. Using the Default Theme, my members started to complain that the [Topics & Posts] block suddenly shows at the bottom of the page, not at the right side anymore.
    I checked it and can confirm it shows at the bottom of the page.

    However, I am using a 3rd party theme (Twilight from IBTheme), and I still see it at the right side of the main page.

  6. 2 hours ago, The Jimmo said:

    Keep in mind it is a post counter of forum posts in your database. It won’t count other applications and won’t do manual edits to the content count.

    It is in the center footer block, right under the Top Contributors + which shows it horizontally. Previous version (2.0.4) showed it horizontally but not this 2.0.5 one.

    One of my members has 77,579 All Time reputations showing in the ACP, and the All Time in the block shows only 3,622

    I don't mind to give you access to the ACP if you want to check it.

  7. 1 hour ago, The Jimmo said:

    You will want to download the 4.4 version from the Marketplace and upload as custom.

    I did... first it showed an empty block on my forum but now after re-enabling it, it shows the posters under each other instead of next to each other.

    Is it meant to be so?

    Edit: And the post count is not correct. Example: mine shows 7,042 while it should be 17,185

  8. On 8/25/2020 at 7:19 PM, The Jimmo said:

    The current release should be compatible with 4.5.

    It isn't, at least not for Wanting to update, IPS allows updates for 4.4.

    For 4.5+ it shows "This application is not compatible with the chosen version."

  9. On 12/4/2020 at 5:03 AM, Morrigan said:

    BBcode is being phased out. So it would be best that you start to get your members to use the actual editors. It works with similar/same key presses for things like Word.

    I know, but tell that to 70 and 80 plussers ... they never listen! 🤣

  10. On 7/1/2019 at 2:12 PM, Charles said:

    Yes, point #2 is valid but I guess I have never actually seen a case where what I typed was not WYSIWYG.

    Although they could use the commands in the toolbar above, many members from my forum (mainly the oldies), still use BBcode when posting.

    And then it's never WYSIWYG.

  11. Oh, I must have missed something then.

    On the dashboard page I typed "Topics" in the search box and it only showed;

    [System] Delete Moved Links
    [Forums] Users can see topics posted by other users?
    [Forums] Users can see topics posted by other users?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    The answer is up above...


    9 minutes ago, Eric BXL said:

    But now I'm facing this problem; how to do for someone who has no access to the host's server?

    I saw that, but it doesn't help me.

  13. Me too would like to have it back like it used to be before the update.

    Now one has to click on "..." , then click on share, then click (again) on the share-link, do a Ctrl-a to select the whole link and finish by doing a Ctrl-c, or select "Copy" with the mouse. 😞

    What a job for something that was so simple before: 1 click on the share button and it opened with the link already selected.

    But now I'm facing this problem; how to do for someone who has no access to the host's server?

    Thanks in advance for a little reply.

  14. On 10/23/2020 at 3:10 AM, Antoinette Westberry said:

    Awww, no, we use a customized theme. We were using a custom theme before the upgrade though and it worked fine. 

    SIGH. This should be fun. 

    ETA: I checked using default theme and it doesn't work for us either way.

    I have 12 customized themes, and none of them are showing the [Change Author] button.

    However, as mentioned in my previous post, it shows and works fine with the IPS Default one.

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