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Posts posted by forumdev99

  1. I have a similar problem, all of my custom navigation items disappeared after the upgrade.

    **update: I discovered that my custom applications had been disabled after upgrade which is why they were missing from the nav menu. 

    Also, all of the CSS styling was completely changed so I now have to spend a lot of time updating the CSS.



  2. Hello

    I have been using your fContent slider for years and have been happy with it, however the latest upgrade to fContent v4.3.9 breaks the slider display in IPS v4.3.6 - see attached.


    Here is the console error: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).bxSlider is not a function


    The odd thing is, when I 'save' the 'page' template where my '{fcontent="1"}' code lives - and then refresh the slider page, it then displays correctly.. like it loads the jquery function in the correct order and is able to find the function or something.


    ..but when I refresh again, it breaks.

    I have disabled every other application and get same results.

    When I run the 'support tool' to clear cache in the admin I get the same result - works the first time when there is no cache, but second refresh breaks it.. something wonky w/ the cache or something?

    Can you help?


  3. This is working well - thanks for all the help @Upgradeovec 

    I ended up struggling to get the ad block to float to the right of the post content like i wanted it to - so that it isn't above or below the post text (unless on a small screen).

    float:right; didn't seem to work like it should, so I ended up w/ the below code which is the closest I could get to what I want.

    Please share if anyone has a better way of doing this.

    my code:

    <!-- adsense ad code in first post start -->
    {{if (($comment->position - 1) % \IPS\Settings::i()->forums_posts_per_page === 0)}}
    <div   style="display:inline-block;float:right; max-width:336px;">
    <ins class="adsbygoogle"
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
    <div style="display:inline-block;max-width:50%;">
    <!-- this is the post content -->
    			{{if $comment->editLine()}}
    {{if (($comment->position - 1) % \IPS\Settings::i()->forums_posts_per_page === 0)}}
    <!-- adsense ad code in first post end -->




  4. 17 hours ago, Lord Nowe said:

    Really? I was able to change all of my URLs using this trick.

    I am able to change a couple of them, actually, so let's focus on one in particular that won't change:

    I need this URL /forums/topic/{#id}-{?}

    ..to look like this: /topic/{#id}-{?}

    But when I change it and save, it reverts back to: /forums/topic/{#id}-{?}

    In /applications/forums/data/furl.json it looks like this:

        "forums_topic": {
                "friendly": "topic/{#id}-{?}",
                "real": "app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic",
                "verify": "\\IPS\\forums\\Topic"

    ..are you able to change this specific URL in your board?

    BTW I am running IPSv4.2.5

  5. I tried editing /applications/forums/data/furl.json as suggested, and cleared cache via support system, and unfortunately, the URLs still can't be changed. 

    They revert back to the default when I change them in the 'friendly URLs' section of ACP, and they reflect what is in the ACP on the live site.

    This is a tough issue as we want to upgrade to 4.x without breaking all of our existing URLs - we already went through that once when migrating from another Forum software and it killed our traffic for a long time. Still not at the level it was before moving to IPS.

    Thanks again for taking a stab at this - I'm willing to try anything, and willing to pay someone who can find a hack that works.

  6. Any updates on this yet? I am migrating from v3.x to v4.x and need to make the URLs the same, in v3.x the URL has /forum/ and in v4.x it is /forums/ and it won't let me change it to /forum/ in advanced configuration of ACP

    I don't want the URLs to change at all as a part of this migration.

  7. I found the location in the templates for where to put the ad code to appear inside of the post, I just need the if/then statement syntax to limit it to only appear in the first post, instead of all posts.

    Open this template:

    Forums > Front > Topics > post

    ..and put your code right after this tags:

    <div data-role='commentContent' itemprop='text' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'>
      [your ad code here use style="float:right;"]

    Can anyone suggest the code I would use to limit this to display only in the first post?

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