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Posts posted by joshuaj

  1. I was brainstorming I thought it might be possible to use the HTML logic to say :

    if (setting allow empty content = true)

    <--some html style to display: none -->


    {{if settings.auto_polling_enabled}}
    	<!-- Shows if the 'auto_polling_enabled' setting is true (i.e. enabled) -->



    I did a template edit and managed to get the text box to display: none with this code. It works for my purposes, but I think it would be better to use the settings logic so I don't have to update the forums in the code when I decide to use multiple forums. The problem with this is when the user edits it - it shows the text box.


    {{if request.app == 'forums' && request.module == 'forums' && request.id == 32}}
    		<div class='ipsComposeArea_editor' data-role="editor" style="display: none;">


  2. 35 minutes ago, HeadStand said:

    As I stated earlier, for a variety of technical reasons, I can't get rid of that completely. 

    Right, sorry I'm using the wrong terminology. I understand the topic needs to be "empty" - I just want to hide the box from the user so that they don't have to see it during input.

  3. Hi @HeadStand,

    I bought the app today. I really like it so far.

    I was curious if there was a way to disable the default text box if a forum is using a set and the " Allow Empty Content " check box is turned on. Perhaps there is a way to have an option to disable the text box input from showing up when a user clicks on "Star New Topic" ?

  4. 7 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    what do you mean? something like each item to have the ability to post a topic when brought? I do have a feature on the lottery app what creates a topic when the lottery is created then it will post on that exact topic with replies to anyone what won, so maybe I can do that if that is what you mean

    Yes so I run a site that has posting services. I would like to create a shop item that the user can buy with activity credits for those services. When they buy that service, I want it to make a forum post for my staff to respond to and get the service started.

    When the user buys that item I would like it to make a post in a forum I choose as well as have a predefined message I can make for each item. Also, if I could then put a time restriction on that item (example. User buys Package A - Package A has a 30 day cooldown before User can repurchase)

    Hope this makes sense or that I've explained it well.

  5. Hi @TheJackal84,

    I just bought the app and I'm trying to set a daily goal and I'm getting an SQL error

    UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups  SET `g_icon`='monthly_2018_08/member_rank.jpeg.f76d44f65f18dd0aff9e7bc32e8cdc97.jpeg',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=true,`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_can_msg_attach`=true,`g_post_polls`=true,`g_vote_polls`=true,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_append_edit`=false,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=1,`g_hide_own_posts`=0,`g_delete_own_posts`=0,`g_lock_unlock_own`=0,`g_can_report`=1,`g_links_access`=true,`ms_can_bank`=true,`ms_daily_points`=5 WHERE g_id=3 
    IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'ms_daily_points' in 'field list' (1054)


    Also , is there a way to award points retroactively based on post count?

  6. 22 minutes ago, TAMAN said:


    The application has different options.

    With theme swiper slider you cant exclude it on "Pages" pages 

    Hi, thanks for the fast response. I am guessing if I buy the application - I can use it with your themes vs the one that's built in without any issues?

  7. Hi @TAMAN,

    I'm using this and I'm working with the slider. I noticed that it doesn't have the option to exclude the slider on different pages. I'd like the slider only to show on the index page vs "pages" which displays it on all pages.

    I saw this topic - but my options look much different than this topic


  8. 22 minutes ago, onlyME said:

    Twitch changed their embed url. I will update it in the next version asap.

    Thanks for the fast reply. Looking forward to the update.

  9. Hi, I have recently updated my site and videobox. The Twitch video's are no longer showing. I'm not sure why this is happening as it worked prior to the upgrade without a problem.

  10. Is it possible to set custom triggers with this?

    For example : I have a single thread where I hold a naming contest - if you reply to that specific thread ID - you're awarded a 50 credit bonus for a single reply vs the standard 5 credits for a topic reply

  11. 15 minutes ago, onlyME said:

    It can not, I have no solution.

    Ah ok, I wasn't sure. Thanks for the info.


    Have you ever tried something like this?


    If the player is HTML5 then it seems like you can grab the first image in a frame and turn it into a thumbnail. I don't know if it's possible in your plugin though.

  12. 11 hours ago, onlyME said:

    I don't understand. What media source do you want to add?

    Sorry I added clips.twich.tv . The code I used pulls the video into the page but it doesn't generate a thumbnail. 

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