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Vero Pepperrell

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Posts posted by Vero Pepperrell

  1. The Q&A challenge has been a great help in stopping spam on our forum, it seems.

    There are two additions that would be very helpful:

    1. Allow a question to be disabled so that we can try a new one, but without fully deleting the old question and all of its possible answers. An option to disable would be great.
    2. Allow wildcards in answers, e.g. We wanted to ask what version our software is up to, but don't want to add every minor version manually, so were planning on accepting "4.*" and "5.*" as answers, but that's not possible currently.

    Thanks for listening and considering these suggestions :)

  2. Good morning, we've had the same Q&A Challenge question for quite some time, and it's clearly now being exploited by bots, so I'd like to update it.

    Can we use wildcards within an answer (e.g. "what's the current version?" where anything would be accepted, so long as it begins with the major version number)? 


  3. @Gabriel Torres  I asked support how to edit a title from within the post, and it was pointed out to me that editing the first post allows you to edit the title. Not ideal but reasonable.

    I'd prefer to see the "Edit title" option in the "Moderation Actions" dropdown menu, rather than another hidden click + hold option (which our moderators didn't discover until we found out about it accidentally and let them know). The other inconvenient side effect of this hold + click option (other than poor discoverability) is that when used in the forum section, right-clicking to copy a thread URL causes the title field to be inadvertently made editable. 

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