Sergey_SV started following (NB41) Enhanced Advertisements
Sergey_SV started following Release Notes
Facebook login app creating negative user experience
No. I got the same message today.
Best forms of advertising?
it is up to date and still developing
Sergey_SV started following Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x , http2 , Tags in Activity streams and 4 others
Radical Tags
Hi is tag cloud widget already implemented? or will be implemented soon? I would need this to switch from Advanced tags and prefixes
Tag Cloud Block
it is part of the "Advanced tags and prefixes" app
Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x
Hi. is there a way to allow user to use only the Prefixes from this app and not the Tag Prefixes from standard IPS functionality?
AdSense Crawler
hmm.. this is a good topic, I just found out that Google have no problem display the Ads in the messenger and profile pages on my site. Only in forums locked for guests it is not... So it is somehow able to crawl there...
Random Content
Hi did you have a chance to test this? there is no random option there
Random Content
Is it possible to display random products from the Commerce?
Bookmarks - Support Topic
Hi. Thinking about buying this one. two questions 1. have the issues in post above above been investigated? 2. Haev app beeing tested with 4.3.6?
AdSense Crawler
Fully agree, but I with given absence of ture fix and no promisses of it, I would rather not loose money)))
AdSense Crawler
Since there is no update on this topic from IPS, recently I found a small workaround, unfortunatelly it is not bringing the Adsensecrawler to locked forums, but allowing not to loose this part of the traffic completely and serve the static/other ads instead But I sill hop IPS will resolve this issue with Google. ))
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
@CodingJungle in the Dupplice logger I see alot of user seen as duplicate, when users register and later log in with Google (but with different email). It would be helpfull to have "Merge users" as and action item, to merge duplicates in 1 user.
(NB41) Enhanced Advertisements
Great! worked like a charm
(NB41) Enhanced Advertisements
Hi I am trying to workaround the Adsence requiment for not serving ads in several topics with "improper" content. this I could do with, {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic' and in_array(\IPS\Request::i()->id, array(107168,164188))}} and serving the static ad with ELSE condition but also I have several forums locked for guests and because IPS could no provide solution for allowing the Adsense crawler in this forums, google serve no ads there. I tried to solve this issue with ELSEIF condition, but then whle code became too bulky and duplicate. Coudl I somehow combine the following logic to serve the ads in the topic view: If the ForumID = a,b,c OR TopicID= d,e,f then "Code1" else "code 2" Thank you
(NB40) Ads After X Posts
sorry, wrong topic! will post in the right one.