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Everything posted by sobrenome

  1. And have you seen speed improvements? 😃
  2. Clubhouse 101 is the new “forum” sensation based on audio. For some time I have been asking for a better gallery APP to better support for video and to allow stories. Maybe we should also consider audio posts, that could be translated to text by cloud services from google or amazon and vice-versa. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/02/10/what-is-clubhouse-faq/
  3. Same thing here. Google demands speed but is the main responsible for low core vitals. This is ironic.
  4. I hope that IPS becomes faster this year as long as speed is more relevant each day as a ranking factor. Maybe parts of IPS could be loaded by the API and JavaScript, following the model used by Instagram and Twitter. The basic HTML structure loads fast and the contents are lazy loaded on demand (on view port) by the API. New websites are adopting Next.js for fast loading. I think it’s time for a huge IPS modernization on terms of speed. The basic tools are already here.
  5. Any news on the updated version? 😁😁
  6. Same issue here. Instagram embed not working on latest 4.5 IPS.
  7. Crossing fingers to have big news for video in the next release!
  8. IPS is ultrafast for guests when using redis. A logged user browsing experiencie is clearly much slower.
  9. Hoping the next release supports the last elastic search version.
  10. I am using it and the website feels faster. But I have not made any speed test notes, it is just a subjective perception. Thanks!
  11. Still hoping for WhatsApp share link soon, and also Signal and Telegram, as long as many people are moving to this APPs since the last WhatsApp terms of privacy.
  12. Hello, I cannot remove blocked users from bouncer list. There is an error related to outdate theme or plugin: 2S119/1 - CSRF key does not match.
  13. Is this the best option for performance? I am using redis already for all the other cache settings available on AdminCP.
  14. I have tried this new Chrome feature content-visibility: auto on my community and had some issues with scrolling the pages: https://web.dev/content-visibility/ So I have use the trick to set the contain-intrinsec-size that is used on this video: But the tests on webpagetest show worse results on loading time and no difference on Lighthouse. Has anyone tested it? Maybe it is something to be used on future releases.
  15. It would nice to use the latest Elastic Search version with IPS.
  16. Nice! Does it block bounced emails?
  17. Hello, There is a GMAIL user that have been complaining about several blocks and that is tired of unblock the e-mail every time that comes back to my community. Where can I check the reason why the user's email is being blocked?
  18. It is the json api response from YouTube for videos from channels. It is not a user generated content, it is content delivered by YouTube api.
  19. I have checked json_last_error() and number 4 pop out: syntax error. So I have adopted a different approach to cache the array API data: serialize() and unserialize(). But I had also the same syntax issues, that were solved by base64_encode() and base64_decode(). To save in the database: {{$videos_serialized = base64_encode(serialize($videos));}} To use it again: {{$videos = unserialize(base64_decode($videos));}} Hope this helps someone using json APIs and caching the results.
  20. This is my code on a Page template: {{$videos = $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('youtube_json');}} {{$videos = json_decode($videos, true);}} {{print_r($videos);}} I have tested the content of the field and it is a valid json format. But when I decode it to use it as a php array, it is empty.
  21. Cloud hosting with auto upscale does not allow this approach I guess. New instances are launched on demand with new IPs and ranges are also variable: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html
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