Hump Day: what events would you like to participate + engage with?
Updates to the Pages app to add a more flexible approach to layouts and not be restricted to 1,2,3 columns and to be able to mix rows with different columns - I've been asking about this for almost 2 years and nothing has been done to give Pages more vavavoom. That would be a nice event 🙂
Hump Day: how do you handle trolls?
If they are a 'genuine' troll only there to make trouble, kick them out; take whatever steps are necessary to prevent them signing in again. If it's a 'genuine' member who is getting out of their collar for whatever reason, then take them to one side and attempt to discover what motivates them in to being obtuse. It could be something simple, or complex, but regardless of what it is, if it's leading to toxicity in the forum then it needs to be stopped, sooner rather than later. How either of these is handled is entirely up to the site owner, using whatever people skills or technical skills at their disposal. Everyone will be different.
- - disable app
Looks as if you've also lost a lot of your font awesome icons @bosss Also missing in other areas too. Not sure if this is an addon that's been disabled or anything to do with the update but I would check this out.
- - disable app
I'm pleased I didn't update again - there's far too many people posting issues for this to be updated until everything is sorted. My sympathies go out to everyone affected, clients and devs.
My head hurts...
Ultimate answer to the universe. Not sure which one though 😉
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
Fantastic response from @Matt that makes it clear about apps and plugins. If I had one suggestion, I would not just make the message clear on this topic, but also on the main site index, and/or in the ACP of owners sites. That way no one can use the excuse that they didn't see the message.
Strange entry in error log - repeated over and over
That was exactly my thinking Adriano - we live in weird times with lots of weird things going on, too many for my liking lol. I'm sure this will get sorted.
Strange entry in error log - repeated over and over
OK after donning my Sherlock Holmes hat and doing some research I finally nailed the app that was causing the system to generate these multiple log entries - it was this: It is integrated with Members Shop and Commerce. I'm definitely NOT intimating that this app is faulty, but the system, for whatever reason, is not liking something it's doing and it could be (I'm just guessing as I'm not a coder) something to do with the commerce integration part of the application, but because commerce is not present the system is going ape lol. I've disabled the app for now until something comes along to stop these error logs from being generated as I am continuously being badgered by the system to 'Fix This'. There are currently no more log entries being generated since disabling the app. Hope you can find a resolution to this.
IPS 4.7.2 - sys. errors log
@bosss Thanks for referring me to this topic. @Marc Stridgen usually the error log points to what caused the error, but in this instance there is no reference as to what is causing the error, everything points to the support page. Weird! The only hooks loaded are: applications/axenfontawesome6/hooks/loadJSandCSS.php applications/memberscountry/hooks/dispatcherAdmin.php applications/stickynotes/hooks/AdminOutputs.php plugins/newmembersdefaults/hooks/nmdef.php applications/movies/hooks/dbModel.php
Strange entry in error log - repeated over and over
This is a strange one: Why would I be getting errors in the system log for 'nexus' when I do not have this? I only have Pages and Forums lol. I just cleared the log about 20 mins ago and already there are six more entries. I only noticed when I went to support to clear the caches and this was flagged as an issue that needed fixing.
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
Just a very quick update before I sign off for the evening. @Adriano Faria has pulled it out of the bag and the app that I use that is crucial to my site's existence has been swiftly approved in the Marketplace and my site is back up and running now. So, a huge thankyou to @Adriano Faria and a big thank you to IPS for expediting the approval of the app. I would point out one small thing to anyone who has a similar experience, once you update you have to 'enable' the app in the applications section of the ACP as it is not automatically enabled. The locked status is no longer present. Hope that helps 🙂
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
The devil is in the detail, as is said. The detail, however was assumed that everyone was on board and up-to-date. I would still have liked to have seen a warning about third party apps possibly being locked 'before' the upgrade began. It does this with themes where you either proceed or cancel the upgrade. Running a scan after the fact is assuming a lot from people. I agree wholeheartedly that if your site is mission critical then you should test 'every' update, not just this one, before proceeding to save yourself a lot of heartache. As far as information, blogs, etc, not everyone reads them, especially if they are aimed at devs. Even a post telling people be warned that some/all of your apps will be locked, so check with the devs to make sure they are up-to-date. I would even go as far as flagging all apps in the marketplace to show that they are compatible with 4.7.2 because the 4.7 compatible flag may not always be correct, as witness in my own case where the apps are still purchasable, but will not work in 4.7.2 at this point in time. There's a lot more that could have been done to inform people of the pitfalls in an unmistakeable way - a pre-upgrade warning would have put me off upgrading until I was sure that everything would work, I never dreamed that some of the apps I use would be locked. There are plusses and minuses in all of this; the good, the bad and the ugly if you wish lol. As I mentioned it's no big deal to me, because I'm just a hobbyist, but someone else may have an even bigger headache to contend with. Fair play to IPS for moving things forward and creating a great environment for us all to play and work with, but information is thin on the ground and I believe that is the one weakness that needs addressing 🙂
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
I appreciate that Stuart, but the app has been updated and submitted to the marketplace for review. What would have been good, would be available a reassessment by the system if new compatible files are uploaded, as in this instance the dev was on the ball and provided the two files that were causing the issue, but there was no way to get the system to recognise that these files which mitigated the lockout are now corrected. This is a completely acceptable and understandable viewpoint, but for the fact that there could have been a warning to check with the dev of any apps used to be sure that they were 4.7.2 compatible, not just 4.7 which of course they are in the marketplace. So in my case, I can't speak for anyone else but I will hazard a guess there will be quite a few, the fact that this app was locked out made my site inoperable, the very thing the system was attempting avoid lol. I can wait, it's annoying to say the least, as my site is just a hobby, but for someone running their site as a business this issue could cause a lot of damage, just saying 🙂
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
I've been using PHP 8 ever since it was recommended and the apps that were locked out in the 4.7.2 update worked fine in 4.7.1 without issue. Also as @Matt noted it was prudent to check if the apps were 4.7 compatible in the Marketplace, which they were and are still available to purchase and install on 4.7.2 however anyone doing so will find these apps do not work, at least not until they are updated. So, the compatible with 4.7 flag is really no longer valid in, potentially, many instances. There should be some kind of warning 'before' updating to ensure that apps people are using will actually work.
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
Thanks @Adriano Faria you are on the ball and even though you provided me with the two files that were causing the issue, the app remains locked. So I will have to wait until the new version is approved. To IPS I would say that you really need to inform people that some/all of their apps, even though they are Marketplace validated for 4.7 may cease to function because of these issues. Some kind of pre-upgrade check should be made, rather than waiting until after the fact which then puts pressure on developers to update their apps and then get them into the Marketplace. In this instance I would advise a more swift approval of affected apps so your clients sites are not rendered inoperable, which is an incredibly frustrating issue.