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Everything posted by CheersnGears

  1. That's fantastic! I (obviously) wasn't aware of that and it changes a lot of things for me and probably the original poster too. Thanks
  2. It sounds like the Inactive Members app would be really good for this. It will send an email with no other advertising in it and it can be a simple "Hey, you've gone stale. Click here to log in and reactivate your account", and if they don't respond then it can move them into another group making them immune to emails.
  3. If you haven't already, with regards to the marking as spam, you may want to look into a combination of SendGrid/SparkPost and the MailBouncer app. This will help you maintain compliance. I am not that familiar with GPDR, but are transactional emails treated differently than bulk email? Is sending out a "Hey, do you want to keep your account open?" email after 1 year of inactivity still considered spam?
  4. I have been a long time user of the app, so I can jump in with some answers. If you have these members already separated in groups somehow, then your life will be substantially easier. You can tailor newsletters to only send to specific groups. This also answers your point about Banned members. Just make sure your newsletter doesn't point to them. Yes, easily, and if you have multiple calendars, you can do a seperate newsletter for each. Yes, you can base it on number of views and number of replies, cut off for how old it is. I don't have downloads, but it works in Commerce. You can do any manually added content you like. It is under manage profile - Newsletters. You would need to setup a new Newsletter to default to no-one and then people would need to opt-in manually. I don't see anywhere in the app that recognizes that field in IPS. Headstand can correct me obviously. See above, probably not. You would probably need an app to move users into a group after their account has been stale for more than a year and then cut that group out of all distro lists. I use https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/58978-inactive-members/ and it works well. As the Opt-in during registration does not seem to integrate with this app, I would say this isn't possible. They would need to opt-in to each newsletter. Again, if I'm wrong Headstand will correct me. It would be a nice feature that the main Opt-In for bulk emails automatically subscribes the user to the default newsletters for their group membership. Hope this helps.
  5. Any word on 4.3 compatibility?
  6. Yes, you are correct. In SuperGrid the pictures are cut off. Mine are pretty close to square as it is. Squeezed is in another plug-in I use.
  7. On the aspect ratio setting, is it possible for it to be set to preserve existing aspect ratio? We get images of all shapes and sizes, so if they don't fit the aspect ratio, they end up getting squeezed one way or the other. I do understand that there are extreme circumstances where this might make things wonky, but most pictures are in a fairly standard range of aspect ratios.
  8. Is there anything I need do when switching from Sparkpost to SendGrid?
  9. I am having the same issue for images that come from database articles. Can the images maintain their aspect ratio rather? Pages doesn't do the square thumbnail that Gallery does.
  10. If you haven't purchased already, I highly recommend this app. Great support from @HeadStand
  11. Is there a way to adjust the logo that gets included with the newsletter? My site logo uses a transparency but that doesn't work out as well in the newsletter.
  12. I just bought this and love it! One feature I would request is a date cut-off... i.e. Don't show articles older than 90 days. Usage: I plan on making a new slider for each of the auto shows that happen during the year, but I don't want to be showing articles from the prior year's show. We start getting articles for an upcoming show 90 days in advance, so I could set the slider to pick up articles from pages no older than that.
  13. I discovered the issue.. it does not work using the test button, but does work when actually sending through the distribution routine. So it was my lack of understanding of how it was designed rather than an actual error. Edit: I do wish I could format the link to something more pretty
  14. No error to be had, just emails sent with no unsubscribe link, just the tag
  15. unsubscribe is still not working
  16. That assumes they want to come back and update. I may not want to fully block, but instead want to just restrict from certain areas. Doing so leaves them the ability to PM an admin if they're having e-mail troubles (yahoo and aol frequently block). If they marked an email as spam, that should move them into a different group entirely. It also gives me the ability to do cleanup. If they bounce and get moved into that group, I can do a filter to see if they have any content items. If their content count is zero and the account is over a year old, then I would just delete the account entirely. I send birthday and holiday emails not because I'm particularly jolly, but because I want to see if the email addresses are valid. Having bounced users moved into a group helps me keep the user database tidy.
  17. On that roadmap can you put a spot to move users into a different user group? That would be extremely helpful.
  18. does anyone know how to recreate the webhook in sparkpost?
  19. Something still isn't right. I just went to make another reply to a thread and a post of mine from 3 hours ago (and a 3 posts ago) came up in the editor box.
  20. If I do use the back button, I frequently get content restored to my editor window that is very old or even from some other post. The one that this happened to me on, I lost 2 pages of work. I hit back and got some old post that had already been posted restored to my editor window.
  21. That sucks..... Sparkpost just disabled any of my users with Yahoo then.
  22. If I'm working on a long article or post that has multiple links and I accidentally click one of those links while I'm trying to edit it, the editor often has not yet saved any draft input yet and my whole article gets wiped out. I just lost about 45 minutes of work this way and this has happened to me multiple times.
  23. I just wanted to report an issue, of sorts, that I've found. If your email fails DMARC or SPF for some reason, yahoo will flag you as spam, but this isn't the same as the user flagging you as spam. I'm not sure if there is a different way to handle this in Bouncer.
  24. Add me to the list of Sparkpost suspensions. Who do you think you'll go to next?
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