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Nathan Explosion

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  1. Nathan Explosion's post in Exclude / hide script from loading in the login page was marked as the answer   
    Give this a try - plugin instead of trying to write some javascript.
    It will insert this:
    <div class="popup" id="51f18_16504"></div> <script src="https://www.powr.io/powr.js?platform=html"> ...on every front-end page of your site, apart from the /login page.
    (NE) Exclude _ hide script from loading in the login page 1.0.0.xml
    Off to the pub now, back tomorrow.
  2. Nathan Explosion's post in Debugging Buttons added to the Built-in CKEditor (4.x) was marked as the answer   
    All plugins are in applications\core\interface\ckeditor\ckeditor\plugins\ - custom ones are cunningly named custom-.......
  3. Nathan Explosion's post in Display text only in specific forums was marked as the answer   
    {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup(array(2, 3, 4,8, 10, 16, 19)) AND \in_array($item->container()->_id,array(3, 15, 23, 56, 73))}} STUFF {{endif}}  
  4. Nathan Explosion's post in Issues with mailing settings was marked as the answer   
    OK, then Google is likely to be stopping you from logging in because it is considered to be insecure - they no longer allow the use of the "Less secure app access" setting to avoid this, they disabled it recently.
    Do the following:
    Login to the account in a browser Go to https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/security Go to the 'Signing in with Google' section and enable 2FA Once enabled, you will then have an entry titled 'App passwords' - click it Change the 'Select app' entry to 'Mail Change the 'Select device' entry to 'Other (custom name') Click 'Generate' Use that password in your IPS email configuration instead of the main account password    
  5. Nathan Explosion's post in How do I access my template parameters in javascript? was marked as the answer   
    Add this to your template:
    {{\IPS\Output::i()->jsVars["variable"]=$value;}} Then use this in your JS code (assuming it is using the IPS framework):
  6. Nathan Explosion's post in adding html in WYSIWYG editor block was marked as the answer   
    Have you enabled the "Can post HTML?" setting in your group membership, which will expose the 'Source' button in the Editor to allow you to view and add HTML?
  7. Nathan Explosion's post in Almost there! Ported over my database but the upgrade from 4.6.11 to doesn't work was marked as the answer   
  8. Nathan Explosion's post in RSS feeds look?? Issue?? was marked as the answer   
  9. Nathan Explosion's post in Problems ? was marked as the answer   
    Contact the developer of the application.
  10. Nathan Explosion's post in marketplace shows no plugins after upgrading to 4.7.0 beta was marked as the answer   
    Yep - you are shown only those items that are compatible with the version you running.
  11. Nathan Explosion's post in 2FA Security Bypass was marked as the answer   
  12. Nathan Explosion's post in Different theme per page or application, possible? was marked as the answer   
    I'm not aware of one (if I was, I would have linked to it) - shouldn't be too difficult to code, either, if it's a per-app basis that you want it on.
  13. Nathan Explosion's post in What's a featured topic? was marked as the answer   
    Flags the topic so that you can then filter the 'Topic Feed' block based on 'Featured' topics, instead of pinning a topic (which will stick it at the top of the forum listing) and using that to filter on instead.
  14. Nathan Explosion's post in Move the black notification banner that shows at the bottom of the forum? was marked as the answer   
  15. Nathan Explosion's post in How can one make an announcement widget like the one at the top of the sidebar here? was marked as the answer   
    Create an announcement via the modcp, and set the Page Location to sidebar
  16. Nathan Explosion's post in After I hide a user's signature, how can I display it again? was marked as the answer   
  17. Nathan Explosion's post in Apply Block Submission to whole Word Filter? was marked as the answer   
    (NE) Change all word filters to 'Block submission' 1.0.0.xml


  18. Nathan Explosion's post in attachedAudio is throwing an error was marked as the answer   
  19. Nathan Explosion's post in 4.6.12 upgrade failed, forums down was marked as the answer   
    Use a different browser (Chrome)
  20. Nathan Explosion's post in Tooltips in Nav icons using CSS was marked as the answer   
    It's going to be easier if you post links to your site so people can view the page source instead of just a screenshot. Why? Because you've customised the theme, therefore suggestions people can provide may not work as you may have changed the html.
    Anyway - based on the assumption that you haven't modified the template, then edit core -> front -> global -> navBarItems
    Find (there are 2 instances of this, and the ... is there to indicate that there is more code on the 2 lines you will find):
    <a href="{{if $item->link()}}... Add the following after the opening "<a ":
    title="{$item->title()}" to make:
    <a title="{$item->title()}" href="{{if $item->link()}}... Save the template.
    That's the basic title on hover.
    If you want it a little different then add this too:
    data-ipstooltip to make:
    <a title="{$item->title()}" data-ipstooltip href="{{if $item->link()}}... Save the template.
    Can you do this with CSS? Potentially, but as the 'title' is an attribute of an html element then it should be added in the html code, not using css.
  21. Nathan Explosion's post in CKEditor Context Menu Plugin Problem was marked as the answer   
  22. Nathan Explosion's post in Google Analytics ID Issue was marked as the answer   
    Which is wrong - you need to follow the instructions under the box, and provide the FULL tracking code provided by Google, similar to my third image 
  23. Nathan Explosion's post in Create Status missing from Usermenu list was marked as the answer   
    Have you enabled status updates on your own profile, on the front-end?

  24. Nathan Explosion's post in Importing Members from One Invision Power Site to Another was marked as the answer   
  25. Nathan Explosion's post in Importing data from another forum was marked as the answer   
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