Community Answers
Nathan Explosion's post in emoticons size was marked as the answer
.ipsEmoji{ font-size:96px; } -
Nathan Explosion's post in Persistent search flags? was marked as the answer
Template edit:
core -> front -> messaging -> template
<li class='ipsMenu_item {{if ! empty(['recipient'])}}ipsMenu_itemChecked{{endif}}' data-ipsMenuValue='recipient'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[recipient]" {{if ! empty(['recipient'])}}checked="checked"{{endif}} recipientvalue="1" id="search_recipient"> {lang="messenger_recipient_name"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item {{if ! empty(['sender'])}}ipsMenu_itemChecked{{endif}}' data-ipsMenuValue='sender'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[sender]" {{if ! empty(['sender'])}}checked="checked"{{endif}} value="1" id="search_sender"> {lang="messenger_sender_name"}</a></li> Remove the if/endif either side of ipsMenu_itemChecked and checked="checked"
Nathan Explosion's post in Default font and text size was marked as the answer
edit your globalTemplate template and add the following prior to the closing </body> and save your template.
<script> if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){ CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia;}"); CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel='Georgia'; CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel='20px'; } </script> What does it do...
If there is a CKEDITOR on the page then... It changes the CSS of the editor to be the font/font-size you want and then... It changes the label of the font dropdown box and... It changes the label of the font size dropdown box.
Nathan Explosion's post in Template Syntax: How to filter by App was marked as the answer
{{if =='forums'}} {{endif}}
Nathan Explosion's post in PHP 8.0 Broke My Board was marked as the answer
That's actually an indication that your PHP version doesn't have the mbstring extension available to it.
Download this and upload it to your site's root. Switch to PHP 8.0.x, open the file in the browser, fix any of the red items, then go from there.
Nathan Explosion's post in New second license was marked as the answer
If the 2 licenses include the exact same suite elements, go for it.
But if they differ (example: 1 has Pages, the other doesn't) then download the correct package for the license.
Nathan Explosion's post in Remove alert "The application/zip file format(s) are not supported" when uploading a .zip file? was marked as the answer
This happens if you drag/drop a file into the editor's text box, as opposed to the location that clearly states "Drag files here to attach..."
Same situation as this...
Nathan Explosion's post in Count the number of pictures uploaded by members was marked as the answer
You'll probably have to do some formatting of the date in Excel to get correct values - I'm just exporting what is displayed in the ACP.
If you can't get that sorted, then here's a change that will export the date as a UNIX timestamp instead.
(NE) Download attachments report 1.0.1.xml
You can then use this formula to recalcultate the UNIX timestamp to a numerical value that Excel can use for a date/time:
Nathan Explosion's post in PHP8 doesn't like the file applications/rules/sources/Secure/Application.php file was marked as the answer
If 'Rules' = 'Automation Rules' then that's a dead application...long time ago.
Nathan Explosion's post in Mass deletion of members was marked as the answer
Use the search functionality in the Members listing:
And when you get the results then you will see a "Prune Members Found" link that will allow you to mass delete.
Nathan Explosion's post in Error trying to access a private message was marked as the answer
Easily reproducible:
Create an alert that requires the user to respond View the alert as a targeted user Send the required PM View the PM as the intended recipient - all good Delete the alert View the PM as the intended recipient - yep, it's f.... I've got 3 PMs on my test site that have this issue - and I know they are all associated with my alert testing, and all my alerts are since deleted.
Stick a var_dump($conversation->alert); in before this, and you'll get NULL for a normal PM, and an integer for a PM that came as a result of an alert:
if ($conversation->alert) { try { $alert = \IPS\core\Alerts\Alert::load($conversation->alert); } catch (\OutOfRangeException $e) { } if (!$alert->forMember(\IPS\Member::loggedIn())) { $alert = NULL; } }
Nathan Explosion's post in Turn off @ tagging of members was marked as the answer
It's not a ckeditor plugin - it's an IPS plugin, so go into that section of the ACP and manually install it (assuming you are on a plan that allows custom apps and plugins)
Nathan Explosion's post in Create a custom redirection. was marked as the answer
In Pages, do the following:
Create a folder called 'central-de-ajuda' (click 'Add folder') In that folder, create a page and set the filename to 'centraldeajuda.html'
Nathan Explosion's post in Delete all members on community without loss content ! was marked as the answer
Pretty sure that if you perform an advanced search in the Members list, and then click on the 'Prune members found' link on the top of the results - the members are removed, but the content is kept behind as 'Guest'
Test it out with a single user (perform a search that will find that single user) to confirm, then try it with a search that will return 2 users to further confirm.
Nathan Explosion's post in PHP end of life emails was marked as the answer
Yes - you likely have your tasks set to use CRON (check that in the ACP), and the command line for your CRON entry needs to be updated to reflect the version of PHP you are using (check that on your hosting)
Nathan Explosion's post in Getting error while in DEV mode was marked as the answer
Got DEBUG_TEMPLATES in your constants? Try removing it.
Nathan Explosion's post in Setting to prune conversations after x days was marked as the answer
On this tab - scroll down
Nathan Explosion's post in Issue with downloading embedded attachments was marked as the answer
Do those clicking the link have permissions to 'Download attachments'?
The behaviour you see is because anyone is allowed to view the video, because it's a direct link to the .mov file and no check is done on permissions there. But the fallback to the attachment.php file does do a permissions check.
Been that way since 4.3 was released:
Nathan Explosion's post in When people post code, is there a way to put the code in a small space with a scrollbar? was marked as the answer
.ipsCode{ height:250px; overflow:scroll; }
Nathan Explosion's post in Changing Text to Add More Instructions for New Topic Titles was marked as the answer
The field 'Title' uses a language string called 'topic_title', so you could edit that language string instead?
Alternatively....there is no language string called 'topic_title_desc' so you could take advantage of that - I've sent you a plugin xml file that literally does only that.
Note: if IPS decided to implement that language string themselves at a later point, you would need to disable the plugin before upgrading to whatever version it is that introduces the language string, otherwise you might end up with an issue during upgrade.
Nathan Explosion's post in Remove clubs from forum index was marked as the answer
In Clubs -> Settings...
Nathan Explosion's post in How to tell what needs updated under "Plugins tab" was marked as the answer
It does the same for Plugins...
It's a Marketplace installed plugin (just like applications) OR
If it is custom, then the author has to have populated the "Update Check URL" value of their resource so that when they release a new version, there is a URL that can be checked to see what the next version is (requires that the author has also updated that item that it being checked) -
Nathan Explosion's post in Paste as rich text was marked as the answer
You are not editing a JS file - you should be editing the globalTemplate in your theme.