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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Is it a remotely linked audio file, or is it an attached audio file? What browser?
  2. Untested in Pages... {{if $formValue}} <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsType_center"> {{$test = 0;}} {{foreach $value as $file}} <img data-src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" loading="lazy" class="ipsImage ImgMargem" alt="{$record->_title} by {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('artista_manga', 'raw')}"><br> {{$test++;}} {{if $test % 5 == 0}} <YOUR AD STUFF> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </div> {{endif}}
  3. In your theme, add this to your custom.css and experiment with the minus figure to your liking: div.neappMyBadges_wrapper > span.ipsPos_relative{ margin-right:-1px; } In your theme, edit the following templates: neappmybadges -> front -> postbit -> myBadges and neappmybadges -> front -> postbit -> noBadgesChosen, and remove the following: <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&do=badges" seoTemplate="profile_badges" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}" data-action="badgeLog" title="{lang="members_badges" sprintf="$member->name"}" class="ipsType_blendLinks" data-ipsDialog="" data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="members_badges" sprintf="$member->name"}" data-ipsDialog-size="{$dialogSize}" data-ipsDialog-forceReload="true" data-ipstooltip>{lang='neapp_mybadges_view_badges'}</a> To do the same on mobile, edit the following templates: neappmybadges -> front -> postbit -> myBadgesPhone and neappmybadges -> front -> postbit -> noBadgesPhone, and remove the following lines: <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&do=badges" seoTemplate="profile_badges" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}" data-action="badgeLog" title="{lang="members_badges" sprintf="$member->name"}" class="ipsType_blendLinks" data-ipsDialog="" data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="members_badges" sprintf="$member->name"}" data-ipsDialog-size="medium" data-ipsDialog-forceReload="true" data-ipstooltip> and </a>
  4. There's your issue right there - use PHP7.4.x, 8.0.x or 8.1.x
  5. @aXenDev This is likely to be an issue for us who use Windows on our dev machines...cue "Windows isn't supported..." So, a little playing around and grabbing out all the $skipPatterns & $pathnames involved with my single application allows me to do the following as an isolated PHP file...same issue, and easier to figure out now. <?php $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\Application.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\dev\jslang.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\dev\lang.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\hooks\code_dispatcher_front.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\hooks\theme_core_global_forms.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\modules\admin\recorder\avsettings.php'; $patterns[] = '/C\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/'; $paths[] = 'C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\sources\NeappAvRecorder.php'; foreach($patterns as $k=>$v){ preg_match($v,$paths[$k]); } Result (snipped for brevity): ( ! ) Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'a' in C:\wamp64\www\loggedin.php on line 18 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0005 363704 {main}( ) ...\loggedin.php:0 2 0.0005 364456 preg_match( $pattern = '/C\\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/', $subject = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\Application.php' ) ...\loggedin.php:18 ( ! ) Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'a' in C:\wamp64\www\loggedin.php on line 18 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0005 363704 {main}( ) ...\loggedin.php:0 2 0.0016 365328 preg_match( $pattern = '/C\\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/', $subject = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\dev\\jslang.php' ) ...\loggedin.php:18 ( ! ) Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'a' in C:\wamp64\www\loggedin.php on line 18 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0005 363704 {main}( ) ...\loggedin.php:0 2 0.0027 365328 preg_match( $pattern = '/C\\:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\/(?:hooks|setup|dev)/', $subject = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\dev\\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder\\dev\\lang.php' ) ...\loggedin.php:18 The problem is, I believe, as follows: $dir = ( ( \defined('IPS\CIC2') and \IPS\CIC2 ) ? \IPS\SITE_FILES_PATH : \IPS\ROOT_PATH ) . '/applications/' . $app->directory; On Windows, that will give you: C:\wamp64\www\dev\ips_47_dev_b/applications/neappavrecorder It's the / in there that is causing the later problems. Manipulate $dir as follows, before the $skipPattern is created, will sort it. Likely going to need to be a manual edit by us if the expected cue comes along... $dir = str_replace('/','\\',$dir);
  6. v1.7.1 is currently pending approval. NEW Added setting to control logging of valid email sending in the application's tracker FIXES Minor hook compatibility update for IPS Community Suite 4.7.x Important: please note that as we are no longer able to mark resources in the MarketPlace as compatible with multiple versions of Invision Community Suite, this update as well as any future updates can only be installed if you have upgraded to Invision Community Suite 4.7
  7. Yay - us 3rd party developers can now get out from under the bus we were being thrown under... 😄 BTW - if you have Chatbox installed then this is probably related to it having a hook in to the Donation functionality in Nexus: "Donation": { "type": "C", "class": "\\IPS\\nexus\\extensions\\nexus\\Item\\Donation" },
  8. In the front-end, there is a HTTP 500 error coming back with a "Something went wrong, please try again" response. Off to dig into the back-end logs...
  9. @Marc Stridgen - nothing is being logged in the system logs when this issue occurs while 3rd party apps are enabled (other than the preq_quote issue that is logged anyway). Not much there for people to go on as to the cause...
  10. I'll have a think about it for the next version.
  11. Just when I have sussed out your JS, someone else will come in and mess me up... Best of luck @Rikki
  12. Define 'reset'...do you simply want to delete the content that is in the stream, as opposed to the stream itself?
  13. They will be pruned eventually by the 'cleanup' task - that tasks runs once a day, and clears out those posts that are over 7 days old (I think)
  14. It would be more beneficial to turn off "Post before registering" instead, which allows guests to begin creating a post, and leave it sitting there ... which I believe then triggers that email out to them to remind them to finish off the submission.
  15. It's a profile field - go to /admin/?app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles and delete it in there.
  16. Right, I have decided to go ahead with this one, as the concept is now proven and I have started adding stuff in to the mix. I will not be taking suggestions for features at this time - I have a design that I will be working towards, and new features will be added at my discretion. Note: this one won't be cheap.
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