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Posts posted by CP_User

  1. 12 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    For the time being you can add this to your custom.css file and edit the width

    .ipsColumn_medium {
        width: 220px;


    This is what I had to yesterday. Will this effect any custom themes that have this option added? As some will have to remember not to alter in theme settings and do it via the plugin instead.

  2. 5 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    What do you mean like last time the user was online?

    Exactly, and then it would be like.

    Last Activity: 5 Minutes ago
    Last visited: 8 Minutes Ago
    Last visit: 5 Days Ago

    If you search last visit in the market place you'll see some examples. Instead of hovering over the members name to see the hover card.

  3. Think I've found a bug but not sure if it's just for me. I've checked Move Username to see how it looks, and I went to change it back and I get a configuration error.

    Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Member::isOffline() (0)

    Turned off other options, but only Move Username is causing the issue, I've set it as on so the page loads.

  4. 11 minutes ago, iDeath said:

    @superj707 when I viewed it 2-3 hours ago I could of sworn it was free. But I know for a fact the price changed within that time frame. Perhaps I'm naive and feel that people shouldn't have to spend $10.00 on something that could be easily done adding a few lines of code into your forum container. I will say the cover photo behind the avatar is hot but none the less useless as cover photos tend to be large and would only shrink it down into a pile of pixelated rubble.

    There're two files currently out by the author. This one and a member info panel (which is free) which looks the same, maybe that was it. But to come into someone's thread and tell them how to price their product isn't on.

    16 minutes ago, superj707 said:

    ou know, .. I WISH.. mobile looked like this..

    Can it happen??? :D:D



    P.S. Interesting site lol

  5. Just now, TheJackal84 said:

    That's because your rank/title is too long its breaking the css hide it and see if its fixed, I might need to add a setting to place the rank under the avatar because of the lengths of some

    This is a good point, I have some custom fields which will be longer than the space provided. Is there a way that the custom fields will show last which would allow longer text without breaking the layout, but still look decent?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Lack of space in sidebar is bad thing. Add one more line will make things look weird. I'll make a test.

    Ah indeed, valid point, is there not space next to the user name?

  7. Sorry if this has already been said.

    Are you able to add the advert types to the sidebar block under the date/time? For Sale/Wanted/Exchange - This way people can tell what they're before clicking them. Can be added on the support site to if it's something you wish to add.

  8. 1 hour ago, TAMAN said:


    separate the properties by comma 


    background-image: url('left image'), url('center image'), url('right image') !important;
    background-position: left top, center center, right top;
    background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat, no-repeat !important;


    Thanks, Taman! Is there a way to stop the center image over lapping the left and right image? The image would stop when it hits the next image.

  9. On 20/12/2016 at 6:43 PM, TAMAN said:
    background-image: url('#') !important;
    background-repeat: repeat !important;


    Hi @TAMAN - wondering if I could bother you for an update to the above code?

    I'm looking to have an image aligned Left | Center | Right

    I'd like the left and right images to not repeat but the middle image to repeat so it stretches to the width of the title bar.

    background-image: url('http://#') !important;
    background-position: left;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; !important;
    Then for the Center
    background-image: url('http://#') !important;
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: repeat; !important;
    And finally for the right side
    background-image: url('http://#') !important;
    background-position: right;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; !important;

    All on one title bar - Thanks!

  10. 2 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

    Well, i haven't tried, but what im sure about is the slides are all on top each others, so basically your current active slide image and the background color hides your other slides otherwise it is messy slider if you remove the slide images and background color, overlay pattern...

    it can be done with css but needs alot of work, i would help but really dont have time to work on this now, sorry mate, maybe another time :) 

    Well thanks for answering, I'm looking at your other dark theme, but I seem too attached to this one as it suits my needs more. Cheers!

  11. 2 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

    No, not really, because the slider needs an overlay to hide other slides

    Is it something that can be done at a later date? Or just wouldn't work?

    Also, would you ever do a dark version of this skin?

  12. 11 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

    All custom profile fields is hided on phone 

    you can remove ipsResponsive_hidePhone in customFieldsDisplay template : ) 

    Thank you,

    What's the correct way to edit it out, I want to make sure the line break remains.

    {{foreach $author->contentProfileFields() as $group => $fields}}
    	{{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}
    	<li class='ipsType_break'>
    {{foreach $author->contentProfileFields() as $group => $fields}}
    	{{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}


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