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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, - Upload image as Group Icon - Configure the plugin That's all
  2. Hello, Those plugins work fine. Why? Please post issues in the proper topics https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/421457-nb40-ads-after-x-posts/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/421955-nb40-ads-after-x-topics/
  3. 12 hours applications\calendar\widgets\upcomingEvents.php /** * @brief Cache Expiration * @note We allow this cache to be valid for 12 hours */ public $cacheExpiration = 43200;
  4. [data-controller="rsvpevents.front.widget.eventcountdown"] .cWidgetComments div.ipsType_small:last-child { color: #990000; font-size: 12px; }
  5. Hello, Sounds like you need rss list sorted by last reply.
  6. - What captcha do you use? - Have you enabled Designer's mode? - Could you give me a link on your forum?
  7. Hello, Have you configure the plugin settings and captcha settings?
  8. Create a plugin or open system\Helpers\Form\Address.php Find if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] ) ) Add above try { $location = \IPS\GeoLocation::getByIp(\IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress()); if (\in_array($location->country, \IPS\GeoLocation::$countries)) { return $location->country; } } catch (\Exception $e) {}
  9. Hello, I can not reproduce on the latest version.
  10. Hello, It's known bug. 1. The settings. ACP - System - (NB44) AS Manager - Settings 2. Moderators permissions. ACP - Members - Staff - Moderators. Click on any moderator. Click on (NB44) AS Manager
  11. Hello, Please download the file again.
  12. I can't reproduce Please show me moderator settings and group settings I made additional tests I can reproduce the issue if a topic moderator is a topic author. If a topic moderator isn't a topic author all works fine.
  13. Hello, Probably a bug. I'll check it Does this happen in all forums?
  14. Hello, Not sure what you mean. Please explain
  15. Hello, It's a bug. I'll release new version coming soon
  16. Anyway you should to add additional code This code works in adverts <img {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}src="{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}" data-{{endif}}src='https://dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/profile/photo-thumb-293560.gif' alt='newbie-lac'>
  17. Hello, Do you mean images? If so they don't support lazy load
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