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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. I want to only use $item->commentMultimodActions() which will add automatically new actions. This is an additional work.
  2. Hello, How to add new actions in the comment multimod actions menu? You have /** * Actions to show in comment multi-mod * * @param \IPS\Member $member Member (NULL for currently logged in member) * @return array */ public function commentMultimodActions( \IPS\Member $member = NULL ) { Looks like I can use this. \applications\forums\dev\html\front\topics\post.phtml {{if \count( $item->commentMultimodActions() ) and !$comment->mapped('first')}} <li class='cPost_moderator'><span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type="checkbox" name="multimod[{$comment->$idField}]" value="1" data-role="moderation" data-actions="{{if $comment->canSplit()}}split merge{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() === -1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}unhide{{elseif $comment->hidden() === 1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}approve{{elseif $comment->canHide()}}hide{{endif}} {{if $comment->canDelete()}}delete{{endif}}" data-state='{{if $comment->tableStates()}}{$comment->tableStates()}{{endif}}'> <span></span> </span></li> {{endif}} All actions are hardcoded. \applications\core\dev\html\front\global\commentMultimod.phtml <input type="hidden" name="csrfKey" value="{expression="\IPS\Session::i()->csrfKey"}" /> {{$method = $type . 'MultimodActions';}} {{if $actions = $item->$method() and \count( $actions )}} <div class="ipsClearfix"> <div class="ipsAreaBackground ipsPad ipsClearfix ipsJS_hide" data-role="pageActionOptions"> <div class="ipsPos_right"> <select name="modaction" data-role="moderationAction"> {{if \in_array( 'approve', $actions )}} <option value='approve' data-icon='check-circle'>{lang="approve"}</option> {{endif}} {{if \in_array( 'split_merge', $actions )}} <option value='split' data-icon='expand'>{lang="split"}</option> <option value='merge' data-icon='level-up'>{lang="merge"}</option> {{endif}} {{if \in_array( 'hide', $actions ) or \in_array( 'unhide', $actions )}} <optgroup label="{lang="hide"}" data-icon='eye' data-action='hide'> {{if \in_array( 'hide', $actions )}} <option value='hide'>{lang="hide"}</option> {{endif}} {{if \in_array( 'unhide', $actions )}} <option value='unhide'>{lang="unhide"}</option> {{endif}} </optgroup> {{endif}} {{if \in_array( 'delete', $actions )}} <option value='delete' data-icon='trash'>{lang="delete"}</option> {{endif}} </select> <button type="submit" class="ipsButton ipsButton_alternate ipsButton_verySmall">{lang="submit"}</button> </div> </div> </div> {{endif}} Again you only check specific actions. In this case I should to create Template Hooks to add my actions.
  3. Hello, \system\Poll\Poll.php /** * @brief URL to use instead of \IPS\Request::i()->url() */ public $url; $output = $template( $this, ( $this->url ?: \IPS\Request::i()->url() ) ); \applications\core\dev\html\global\global\poll.phtml \applications\core\dev\html\global\global\pollForm.phtml You're use the $url variable for all buttons but not for form action. <form accept-charset='utf-8' class="ipsForm {$class}" action="{$action}" It causes issues E.g. in the Forum Poll Widget you are use the $url. \applications\forums\dev\html\front\widgets\pollFormWidget.phtml <form accept-charset='utf-8' class="ipsForm {$class}" action="{$url->setQueryString( 'do', 'widgetPoll' )}"
  4. Hello, It's looks like a core bug. I made a temporary fix.
  5. Hello, You should to change the postContainer and the post templates. You can send me PM the HTML
  6. Hello, No. You can use template plugin to show the counter on the records pages 1. ACP - Pages - Templates - Database Templates - Display - record 2. Add {readingtime="$record"}
  7. Hello, Thank you for report. I'll look into that.
  8. $record->field_34 <div class='ipsPos_right'> <a href='{file="$record->field_34" extension="cms_Records"}{$row->field_34}' download="{$record->_title}" class="ipsButton ipsButton_important ipsButton_verySmall ipsClearfix ipsResponsive_noFloat" style="line-height: 24px; margin-left: 15px;" title="{lang="download"}"> <i class="fa fa-download"></i> {lang="download"} </a> </div>
  9. $record->record_image change to $record->field_X X is field ID
  10. Ok. I'll add it in next version
  11. Hello, Debug next code (system\Dispatcher\Standard.php) try { $this->module = \IPS\Application\Module::get( $this->application->directory, \IPS\Request::i()->module, static::i()->controllerLocation ); } catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'app.js' ) ); throw new \DomainException( 'requested_route_404', 6 ); }
  12. Hello, The plugin does not related with browser.
  13. Hello, Looks like Core bug. On my dev board http://localhost/dev/news/category/13-cool-news/ redirects to http://localhost/dev/football/news/category/13-cool-news/ On the applications page move News application above Football. if this does not solve the problem then try to change the FURL template.
  14. Hello, Have you enabled the setting Enable RSS feeds?
  15. Try disable other plugins and 3-rd party applications. Maybe my plugin conflicts with other.
  16. Hello, It's very odd. I don't see the RSS link on your forum. Please try reinstall the plugin
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