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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, You can edit the template index. football - front - main - index. Remove <ul class="ipsToolList ipsToolList_horizontal ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_hidePhone"> <li class='ipsToolList_primaryAction'> <a class='ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important ipsButton_fullWidth' href='{url="app=football&module=fixtures&controller=fixtures" seoTemplate="football_allfixtures"}' title='{lang='football_button_all_fixtures_title'}'>{lang="football_button_all_fixtures"}</a> </li> </ul> Or hide with css #elFootballMainLeagues .ipsToolList { display: none; }
  2. It's related with one of widgets. PM me with acp access and I'll look into.
  3. Hello, My plugin not related with Pages widgets.
  4. Hello, If you show me an image how it will be looks I'll look into and try to help. Check my files https://invisionpower.com/profile/293560-newbie-lac/?do=content&type=downloads_file Some has been updated from 3.X version. So I will provide support for as long as possible. Where to hide? Posts, profile? Do you want to add new tab in Account setings "https://invisionpower.com/settings/" where user can hide rating bar?
  5. Hello, Please give more info. I need to know what to do with neutral rating and what to do with existed likes/reputation points.
  6. Hello, It's default table view for items. Examples: Tutorials, Collections
  7. Not sure what you mean. Can you make screenshots?
  8. Hello, Sounds like you want tournaments. Not a bug. All widgets work this way. I can't reproduce. First was created on frontend. Second was created on ACP.
  9. Hello, I can't reproduce. What's the code you use? html, js?
  10. Hello, You can create and manage leagues on ACP Leagues hasn't categories No.
  11. HTML {{if request.app == 'core' and request.module == 'discover' and request.controller == 'streams' and !isset(request.id)}} Activity Stream After 3 post {{endif}} Selector .ipsStreamItem_contentBlock:eq(2) Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s) HTML {{if request.app == 'forums' and request.module == 'forums' and request.controller == 'forums' and request.id}} Advert after first subcategory in category {{endif}} Selector .cForumList li[data-forumid]:eq(0) Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s)
  12. Hello, 1. You mean https://invisionpower.com/discover/? 2. On index page or on category page
  13. Hello, I see you in the list of downloaders
  14. .cAuthorGroupIcon { margin: 5px 0; } Decrease 5px. You can use negative value
  15. Hello, You can increase/decrease a space using css Example
  16. I don't know how that plugin works. You can test it on inbuilt rss. Example https://invisionpower.com/forums/forum/431-ips-marketplace-topics.xml/
  17. Hello, You can add a param "secure" and check it Open nbRSSFeedAllTopicsForums.php Find if (\IPS\Settings::i()->forums_rss) Add above if (\IPS\Request::i()->secure !== 'z9h851mmceyejg2') { \IPS\Output::i()->redirect(\IPS\Http\Url::internal('')); } Change z9h851mmceyejg2 on your value Then use domain.ltd/rssalltopics.xml/?secure=z9h851mmceyejg2
  18. ACP - Customization - Themes - Select your theme and click on "Edit HTML and CSS" - tab CSS - Click on custom.css - Add a code and click on "Save" button
  19. Hello, Add in custom.css div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] { border: none; }
  20. Hello, I wrote about app and reputation already.
  21. I don't have this plugin to test and debugging. I found similar problem
  22. Hello, I can't reproduce. Please disable other plugins related with post buttons (or post template) and make sure that the Designers Mode is disabled.
  23. Hello, Yes. I was going to do it but forgot.
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