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Posts posted by ptrader

  1. Jim - I'm not following what you're saying...exactly.  I agree that the user receives the notification right away.  However, shouldn't the post be run through the spam filters before it ever gets posted?  And if it meets the spam filters criteria, it wouldn't be posted, and therefore should not be sent to the forum followers.

    It looks like the process is actually reversed - it sends out the notification and THEN runs through the spam filters.  That seems not very user friendly.



  2. Hi Marc,

    Here are two messages forwarded to me by a person subscribed to the Guest forum at https://rwaonlinechapter.org/Boards.

    I had thought that one of our mods were deleting them and asked them to stop doing that so I could add more filters to the spam IPs/URLs if needed.  I confirmed that, especially on the second one, that the user received the email, forwarded it to me, and I checked the boards less than 15 minutes.  The message was not visible in the forum and no one had deleted it manually.

    Looking forward to whatever you can figure out.



    Gmail - Spam2_ сайт.pdf Gmail - Spam1.pdf

  3. The only option when a package expires seems to be to move the user to their previous group when a package expires.  That's great - except that the "previous group" on a new purchase is...the first group they joined.  Why can't we designate a group to move a user to once their package expires (i.e. Guest, former member, etc.) instead having to only default to the previous group?

    Again, this is to automate the system better and save admin time moving people in and out of groups.  It also seems like super simple coding since that code already existings in multiple places.  The system already checks for expiry dates and moves the user somewhere - just let the admin decide in each product/subscription they create where to expire the member to.

  4. We need to be able to search our Members page for expiry dates.  I'm surprised, as much as IPB relies on this value for Commerce and subscriptions that there's no real way to do this in the member page.  Seems like we should be able to do an expiry filter with a from - to date option similar to Joined or Last Activity.

  5. We're noticing a trend where a spam message put on our only open public forum seems to being deleted properly per the spam filters and blocks I've got set in admin.  However, there are users getting the message forwarded to them anyway if they are subscribed and following the forum.  It seems like the follow activity is happening before the spam scrub routine.  Can this be reversed?

  6. I thought I remember a plugin/extension that would write a new user registration (or better, a Commerce purchase) to a forum.  Does anyone know of anything that does this?  

    The use case is simply that:  I want to write the data from a new purchase to a specified forum.  Why?  To make a non-email record and notification of the event for our records.  

    Thanks for any insight on this...

  7. In IPB 3.4.x, there were options on all of the transactions to set an expiration date on the package purchased, regardless of whether or not the package was a recurring one or not.  I used this option to edit the expiration date to ensure IPB expired the user's access on the date entered.  It wasn't perfect, but it was better than manually trying to figure out who to remove from members access and who not to.

    In IPB 4.x, that option to edit the expiration doesn't exist if the package itself isn't set for a recurring renewal option.  In my use case, we create one-time packages for workshops/memberships that are for a specific period of time and not offered again.  Since those don't renew, there's no way to expire the package and kick the user off the forums after the workshop is over (except by administrator's manual action) under the current version.

    I have long asked for the option to set every package with an expiration date, both a rolling and a hard calendar date.  ESPECIALLY a hard calendar date.  (Because why should I have to go edit them on every transaction if I can set the correct one in the package?)

    Use case:

    1.  At the package/product create or edit, the option should be Does this product have an expiration date?
    2.  If yes, present option to set expiration date.  
         A.  Choose expiration date type:
               - XX days (similar to options shown under recurring package.
               - Date:  MM/DD/YYYY (all products purchased under this package will have the same expiration date.)
    3.  If no, continue. Expiry_date is left blank.  

    Move this option out of the recurring field, but leave the invoicing options there.

    Please, could we get this feature?

    Pam Trader





  8. Hey Brandon,
    Maybe I wasn't clear ... or I didn't quite understand your response.

    If account validation is turned on - either admin or email - the user can still log in. Now, they'll be restricted to whatever is set for guests/validating members to see, but in all my testing (and I'd put it at the hundreds mark), I never was told by the system to validate the account first. I threw those messages away and continued with the subscription.

    In fact, my instructions to new users was to ignore all validation messages and immediately log in so they could get to the subscription system payment screens.

    So I guess I was wondering if that's where the bug is - when subscriptions is enabled, it doesn't seem to require the validation.

    Maybe it's not an issue, but I thought I'd make myself clear.

  9. I could only get the RENAME TOPIC function to work on the topic title, not on the subtitle/description - is there a trick to it?

    And while I agree the quick editor is the most used, I think there's extra time involved because I have to wait for the quick edit page to build and then I can ask (and wait) for the full editor to build.

    Just saying I liked options...I got spoiled.

  10. Anyone else have problems with the FAST REPLY box not displaying consistently?

    I'm seeing it show up this way on multiple machines, operating systems, and displays, on all skins including the default IPB one, so I don't know what to think.

    When a page is redrawn, the FAST REPLY box will often show huge icons and you can't click into the reply box. This is what it looks like:


    Any help?

  11. Since the editing of post subtitles from the forum index page seems to be gone (???), I've had to resort to using the full editor to edit them. (We use the subtitle to track membership actions.)

    Here's what happens to me on a repeatable basis, although not 100% of the time. But at least 80%.

    Open topic.
    Select EDIT button on first post.
    Screen goes to FAST REPLY box or EDIT display opens, then closes and goes to the FAST REPLY box.
    Select EDIT button again.
    Change subtitle.
    Save modified post.

    In 3.0 we don't have the option from the EDIT button to select the FULL or QUICK editor anymore, which adds a lot of keystrokes to my edits.

    Or, am I missing something?

  12. Here's my subscription manager wish list:

    1) Be able to set up a package to expire on a hard-coded date, in addition to the other options. (Scenario: We use a membership year, so all new memberships expire on the same date. I currently have to go in and modify the expiration date on all new members.)

    2) Move the transaction search box to the main Subscriptions page entered from the MY APPS>SUBSCRIPTION page, above the Transactions results. (Or at least move it to the top of the current page.)

    3) Be able to set the order of the packages on the display. This one may become less important since the display has been changed from the DDL to option buttons. YAY!!!! But I would still like the option to determine which package I want to display first, second, third, and so on.

    4) At the initial payment screen, when no other packages are available for selection, have the VIEW OTHER PACKAGES button not appear/ghosted/ or otherwise not be confusing. During my test today, I wanted to see what the button would do if there were no other packages (other than the one the user selected during the account registration process) available. I couldn't tell if it was my computer or the software acting up when nothing happened on the button click. An error dialogue box box, saying "No other packages are currently available for you to select. Please select a payment option."?

    And I'm also thrilled with the options to NOT display packages when they're not currently applicable. That's a great change.

  13. Brandon,

    First, I have EMAIL VALIDATION selected for my system. I use subscriptions extensively. It has been a major headache in my system to get new users to get to the payment screens. After reading your answer above, I learned something new about when they can get automatically logged in. That explains a lot.

    However, is the Validation system truly working as advertised? If a user creates an account, he/she can immediately log into the system without any further action. I just tested this numerous times while playing around with one of the features. (What doesn't happen is the automatic login, but the email (or administrators) validation DOES NOT have to happen in order to log in.

    Just an observation.

  14. Interesting discussion, but why doesn't VIEW NEW CONTENT (and the older View New Posts) work correctly? My users and I have hundreds of instances when the VIEW NEW CONTENT comes back with nothing found, and yet I can tell from the main board index there is a new topic or reply that I've never seen.

    This is a case where it's been two or three hours or more since I've last viewed the boards, come back on and see a new reply at the main page and get the nothing found issue.

    Why is that?

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