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Everything posted by Makoto

  1. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    It seems to be working on my current test installation, Is it not displaying for you at all, or just not functioning correctly in some way?
  2. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey Daniel! I'll definitely look into this for you tonight and get it fixed if there's an issue.
  3. Hey @Paul E.! I've migrated my IPS repositories over from Gitlab to Github and still need to update a few broken links. Support is still to be provided in support topics however, this is just a bit of internal reworking. I do also intend to update this application for IPS 4.5 very soon.
  4. Hi @Paul E! I do definitely plan on upgrading this application with 4.5 support soon.
  5. Makoto

    Nginx support

    If you need help setting up IPS with Nginx and PHP-FPM, this guide is a bit dated but should help,
  6. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Yes, the application will be updated for 4.5! There's one maintenance release going out with some minor bug fixes for 4.4.x, then after that I will start releasing a new branch with 4.5 compatibility
  7. Hey @SJ77! That is indeed a bug and I'll make sure it's fixed and an updated release is pushed to the marketplace soon!
  8. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey Abobader, You may need to use the advanced tag editor to display your modified tags with an uppercase letter. Keep in mind this will only apply to your modified tags however. By default, the tags themselves are all lowercase for consistency.
  9. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey Sascha! Sorry for the delay, I've made note of this and will see if I can reproduce it tonight. If I can I'll make sure it's fixed in the next release which should be coming within the next few days or week at the latest.
  10. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    It does not, but with IPS 4.5 you will finally be able to search for tags in a closed tag system, which should help significantly in regards to user friendliness of the closed tagging system. I can look into adding a way to force alphabetical sorting of tags in a closed tag system on-top of this though!
  11. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey @abobader! Hmm, what browser are you using where this happens? And are you using a custom AdminCP theme by chance?
  12. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey @abobader! If you still need help migrating over from ATP, just send me a PM and I'll be happy to get it taken care of for you! Otherwise let me know if you run into any other issues and I'll be here to help!
  13. Thank you all for your patience and sorry for the delays! The member filter bug should be resolved in the latest release. Please let me know if you continue experiencing issues.
  14. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hi @abobader, At the moment I can not provide any timeline on feature additions to this application. Currently I am focusing on ensuring applications are stable and ready for IPS 4.5. Once I have an estimated release date that includes the features you have requested I will be sure to post it here.
  15. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Can you send me a PM and grant me temporary AdminCP access @Gabriel Torres? There's no reason this page should be missing unless there's a conflict with another app maybe, I'll be happy to look into it for you.
  16. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the detailed report. I'll get this fixed in the next release.
  17. Hey kmk! I sent you a reply now. Unfortunately what you are currently requesting is not possible.
  18. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    1. You can create aliases for tags, but this does not add localization to the tagging system. Tag aliases would just replace instances of one tag with another, so "生命" could be automatically replaced with "life", but you cannot currently make all three work as the same tag. Implementing localization like this would require fairly significant work and is something I'd only be able to look into if there is enough of a demand for it, and it'd be implemented in an IPS 4.5 release of the application at the latest. 2. As there is no official way of localizing tags, there'd be no way to detect which is English, Spanish, and so on, so there's unfortunately no way to do this. Hey Daniel! I actually have implemented something sort of like this myself using the Pages application, with descriptions and links to search pages for common tags. You could probably do something similar with Pages if you have it.
  19. I've had this happen before. Template caching can get bugged like that sometimes. Not sure exactly what causes it but maybe restarting the server interrupted IPS in the middle of generating new template caches, and there's currently no mechanism to detect when this happens and repair it.
  20. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hi @AA15! At the moment, you can create aliases for tags and customize the way they are displayed, but there's currently no way to change where tags link to. I can look into adding this as a feature to the advanced editor potentially but can't make any promises.
  21. We do indeed! It's fully customizable by application, member and so on as well. You can also filter specific tags from displaying among other things if needed.
  22. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Hey Abobader! It should be able to migrate all of your tags and prefixes over from Advanced Tags and Prefixes without issue in most situations, but there are a few quirks sometimes that can cause issues which I will add checks for to prevent in the next release. If you'd like, I can perform this upgrade process for you so you won't have to worry about anything. Just send me a private message when you're ready to upgrade and I'll get you taken care of.
  23. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    At this point if you're not here to get support, I'm going to have to ask that you leave this topic, as this thread is for clients of mine that need help and are actually willing to let me help them, not slander someone because they couldn't respond to your support request regarding a likely third-party plugin or server incompatibility issue (not an application stability issue) immediately due to serious real-life circumstances. You've gotten your word in. You think you've hurt me and probably take pride in that, but I think the responses your review received speaks volumes, I do my best to provide the best support I can, and I think that speaks for itself. I don't know where your rudeness and toxic hostility stems from but I don't really have patience for it. There's enough of that going on in the world right now. I won't be responding to you any further. That said, for anyone else who uses this application and has found it useful, I do appreciate anyone who can take the time to leave your honest experiences in a review. I'm always here to help if you need it. 🙂
  24. Makoto

    Radical Tags

    Yet you still felt the need to leave a 1-star review on the application over all of this. You're welcome to share your opinion naturally, but I did provide a response to that review for others to see.
  25. Glad it fixed itself, please let me know if you run into any other issues and I'll be here to help!
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