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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by BradTBP

  1. Thanks! I see download button and have DLed. I appreciate your help. Brad Well... When I upload the tar file, I get this: I have 1.7.2 installed. This is 1.7.3 so I am not sure why this error.
  2. I have an account - BradTBP, I'll take a look. Thanks. When I go to Raffles, it's asking for me to re-buy at $40
  3. @Adriano, when I went to upgrade I was presented with an option to buy. It looks like my app expired on 08/12, but I can't renew on Marketplace. Is that something you can help with? When I click on manage, there is no way to renew: Are you able to allow me access to upgrade this for the fix? Thanks, Brad
  4. Thanks. If you need access or anything else, let me know.
  5. Can't change amount of tickets using arrows up/down and when clicking on "Buy Tickets" it reverts to the Tickets box and highlights it. https://www.thebullspen.com/raffles/raffle/13-autographed-brad-cecil-card/
  6. I have used this for quite some time, however...I did a typical Members Points Raffle with no limitations, 25 points to buy, unlimited tickets, users, etc. When a member with sufficient tickets goes to purchase, they receive this message: I've not seen that before and have done this type of member points raffle quite often. Would you be able to help me solve this? Thank you.
  7. I don't use it to reply to an existing topic, with each new member (through traditional "sign up") it creates a new topic. I am on latest version of IPS and the app. If you still want settings, I can provide.
  8. Hello Michael, I was wondering if you plan to have this app also auto welcome those that become new members using the social integration methods with Twitter/Google/Etc.? It seems to only pick up traditional registrations leaving out more than half of new members. Thanks!
  9. Disregard. I see where I "end week" in listing of games is. I ended first week and now second week is up for pick. that took a while to figure out..
  10. I am testing a "weekly" contest by setting up five games over five days (to test faster). I'm into Day Two and Game Two is not available to pick. No email either. What systemically should make Game 2/Week 2 come available? Game One has been picked. played, and winning team marked. Thanks.
  11. Building out a couple pick ems and so far so good. On the weekly one I am testing, I got an email reminder to pick - that is nice! If you're up for some feature enhancements, I will provide them as I get more familiar with the app. Thanks!
  12. Just to follow up I installed the update and have run sitemap and everything is fine. I haven't yet added a new contest, but will soon. Thanks for the fix!
  13. Thanks for working on this. As soon as the update is available, I will try again!
  14. It didn't stop the site, it just inhibited the sitemap generator. I actually ran it through a test pool with about a dozen people - it worked just fine.
  15. Hi @Midnight Modding, I installed and was running a test pool when I began having problems with my sitemap. I reported the sitemap issue to Invision and they suggested it was related to Pickems. I disabled Pickems and my sitemap generation completed per usual. Here is the email I received: The issue is being caused by the 3rd party Pickems' application. It doesn't seem to fully support sitemaps being generated. I have removed the sitemap rebuild tasks for this but you'll need to contact the author and ask them to implement a fix. You can send them this error log: BadMethodCallException::0 #0 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Content.php(241): IPS\Node\_Model->url() #1 /var/www/html/107695/system/Sitemap/Sitemap.php(121): IPS\core\extensions\core\Sitemap\_Content->generateSitemap('sitemap_content...', Object(IPS\Sitemap)) #2 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/tasks/sitemapgenerator.php(39): IPS\_Sitemap->buildNextSitemap() #3 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(375): IPS\core\tasks\_sitemapgenerator->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}() #4 /var/www/html/107695/applications/core/tasks/sitemapgenerator.php(47): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure)) #5 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_sitemapgenerator->execute() #6 /var/www/html/107695/system/Task/Task.php(237): IPS\_Task->run() #7 /var/www/html/107695/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(334): IPS\_Task->runAndLog() #8 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->__destruct() #9 {main} Does this make sense to you and is this a fix we can count on in the near future? Pickems is a nice app, but is currently disabled. Thank you. Brad
  16. Adriano acquired the Sports Betting App, Members Shop and Tournaments from a guy named The Jackal that did great work and then vanished. The Sports Betting app is not user-friendly at all. I have had it for about three years. I think Adriano is going to stop supporting, not enough users. Members Shop Points are integrated into a number of apps, Adriano integrated his self-built apps into it prior to The Jackal retiring. I bought the Tournaments app in simple hope of being able to do brackets, it was far more than that and not suitable for a simple bracket. There is a lot of growth in that space if go in that direction. I would love a great sports betting app and a way to do random brackets. I obviously run a sports-oriented site - anything in that genre is going to excite me!!
  17. Please disregard, links are now embeddng. Not sure why, but is working!
  18. Thanks for the prompt response. I'll likely buy it and start working with it for upcoming football season. If you do make changes, I think someone earlier mentioned incorporating with Member's Shop (Adriano Faria). That would bring in a lot of extra value for those using that app. Thanks.
  19. Hi, I installed the upgrade and now I am not getting rich embed. I looked at settings, did not see anything I thought I should change. Any recommendation?
  20. I'm very interested in this. Is there a demo somewhere, or would someone that has installed it share their URL to look at it? I also would love to have the bracket to use basketball conference championships and NCAA champ. Will you continue to develop and support this? With the price, I'm a little nervous after reading the history, TBH. Thanks.
  21. Can you check UNINSTALL message in your PMs?
  22. Thanks for your response Stuart. I would much like to upgrade, but my site does not produce the revenue to do so unfortunately. This then makes me curious if you plan to ultimately make obsolete the legacy sites. Is there somewhere I can go read about the longer term plans? Thank you.
  23. Hello, This is a great app, but I no longer use. I am unable to install, getting this message: Can you help me uninstall? Thank you.
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