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The Jimmo

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Everything posted by The Jimmo

  1. ​And you're logged in? Stupid question but gotta ask
  2. ​Alright, uploaded another. Please try again
  3. Grrr... It shouldn't be lol. I'll continue to look into it
  4. That's interesting. Try the new version I uploaded.
  5. Just uploaded the new version with this included
  6. Have a few ideas in the works for the next version, this is one of them.
  7. Not a bad idea. My thoughts were I wanted something small/short to get their attention and also to keep with the number columning.
  8. Support, suggestions and comments here for my plugin located at: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7430-jimmo-top-contributors-plus/
  9. Confused by your whole statement... IPS offers the major components of their suite: Forums, Blogs, Gallery, etc... They do not offer themes, modifications, etc... that would be 3rd parties (like myself). You get to take with you all your data in an upgrade (this is typical with versions of any software) but things made by 3rd parties such as those themes and modifications are on the old platform and not transferable for a good reason. When you buy a new car, you don't say "How come I can't take my old steering wheel, I really liked that steering wheel!" It doesn't fit on the new car because there is different linkages, sizes, technology, etc... etc... The same thing here, you can't take your old theme over because there are different definitions, sizes, the new one has more features that aren't compatible, etc... The world of web has changed a lot since 3.4! EVERYONE is in the same boat. I actually turned out 100x more happy re-doing my skin because it was a chance to rethink things since the last time I did it, put in my own upgrades and modernizations, etc... No doubt is this a small project for any admin upgrading but you can't improve while staying the same I would implore you to read the blogs IPS posted about IPS4 and everything it has to offer and why it is this way. I only am writing a small bit because I believe it is every admin's duty before they complain and do the upgrade, to read through what IPS has to say and why exactly they did things the way they did. IPS has stated that 3.4 will be "supported" with security fix and support for somewhere around 2 years, maybe longer (don't quote me though just what I've heard by reading ). Again it is YOUR duty to inform yourself and figure out if IPS4 is right for your community and if/when that upgrade should take place. I am sure there will be people who say on 3.4 indefinitely. There are 3rd party modifications that I'm waiting on fellow 3rd party developers to finish that my forum depends on so I don't foresee my forum upgrading till later this year (of course there are a lot of variables in that estimation lol)
  10. Does anyone read and understand the system and what's happening prior to upgrading? With all these posts like @recifbox's, I'm beginning to think no. IPS4 is a complete re-write, it was re-done from the ground up to be better. With this in mind, themes, mods, etc... from 3.4 won't work. This is logical as you wouldn't want old code or potentially a "bridge" to slow you down. There are a lot of positives to upgrading but only you as an admin have to weigh the pros and cons of your community and upgrading. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying you have to upgrade either.
  11. This hook was requested by someone on here so I figured I'd make it available to all who may need it. Just shows the Member ID to Admins and Mods in the post screen. The member id is just an id assigned to each of your users in the database. It is a way to identify a user as it will remain constant and not change for the lifetime of the user.
  12. ​ ​ ​I don't think any of this is related at all to @Woodsman's great tutorial here in this topic... Why he posted here I have no clue and really makes me wonder about the validity of his other claims if he doesn't even know what is going on in this topic.... In order to download skins, you need to click the "Downloads" in the navigation. Then click the version you want in the right-hand column (I am assuming previous versions is what you're looking for), and then click the "Look and Feel" category (or just go here: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/category/137-look-and-feel/) All of that is very intuitive, describes exactly what you're looking for .
  13. Support topic for my Member ID in post at: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7360-jimmo-member-id-in-post/ Any questions, comments or requests, please let me know!
  14. Support topic for my User Join Date Hook at: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7303-jimmo-user-join-date-in-post/ Any questions, comments or requests, please let me know!
  15. If this is your first time doing something like this or not confident, it is always a good idea to make a backup of both your database and files that are in production. Just in case you make a boo-boo. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it
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