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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by FZ

  1. Thanks for clarifying, Matt. Now I just need to fix the logo situation on the Hive and I will be happy to make the announcement to my members.
  2. As mentioned above, it doesn't work either. I tried.
  3. I don't want to upload my files here for the whole world to see. It is a plain old logo. I tried in .png and then I specifically made a .jpg after reading that somebody else was having the same issue. I tried to add the widget for the Community Hive in the main sidebar of the home page. It just doesn't display anything. When you have it working properly I might give it another go, but I don't have the time to do IPS troubleshooting now.
  4. Problem #1. All posts being made on the blog post here have to be approved by a moderator. They never seem to be approved unless there is a secret handshake I am missing. Problem #2. I Upgraded the forum software, enabled the Community Hive thing, went through a whole bunch of hoopla to register, etc, but when I look at my forum's feed on the Community Hive platform there is some Doris with a big black beehive like hairdo instead of the logo that I have tried to upload no less than 6 times (in both .png and .jpg formats). Problem #3. I added a tag for my community to be "discovered" but when I try to search for that tag in the discover section it shows ZERO results. My community is not appearing. Problem #4. How do the members of my community even get to know about this community hive. There is no button on the posts to show that they can follow the website there. I can only assume that this has something to do with the fact that I am using a 3rd party theme. I'd love to be able to get support for this ,but it brings me to... Problem #5. IPS have shut down the marketplace so I can no longer get support for the theme I have been using for the past 5 or 6 years. Does this mean that I must now change the entire look of my community just to be able to use this feature? I really hope that somebody here can explain in normal terms why we are going through all this pain with IPS. Where is the gain?
  5. Thanks for the input. Well that sucks. Another thing to dislike about this company.
  6. I have a spare license that I am not using and am unlikely to again. If I can find a buyer am I allowed to sell the license to them and transfer ownership of it?
  7. It didn't work that way when I made the changes. As soon as I input the digits into the first field the pop-up for re-building the thumbnails triggered.
  8. I think I figured this out. The compression settings were OK, but I had my thumbnail dimensions set to 240x240px in the Gallery settings and it seems that those were being enlarged to whatever the system shows thumbs at when viewing a gallery. I changed the dimensions to 400x400px and they look a lot better now. That said, I think there is a bit of a bug in the ACP when doing this. I have noticed since the last update that I have to change settings twice (everywhere) before they reflect as changed in ACP. Also, when you change one field in the thumbnails dimensions it wants to rebuild the thumbs before you can change the second field.
  9. 85% is the setting. That really shouldn’t be degrading the thumbnails to that extent? The full size images are looking fine.
  10. The title in the browser. I need to update it, but just can’t see where I did it before.
  11. All the thumbnails in the galleries are very soft and appear out of focus. What is causing this and how can I fix it?
  12. I have a little slogan in there that I need to change and I can’t for the life of me figure out where I changed this.
  13. I don't know much about PHP coding, but this looks like it can only be related to the math behind randomisation and how this is being implemented.
  14. I'll have to write them down then over a few days, but just don't have the time to expend right now. I only look at the site once or twice a day.
  15. Not sure I understand the question? I have images in the gallery dating back to 2006. As described it only seems to select from a handful of those randomly and then it repeats them over and over. It's been several weeks since I made the block.
  16. I ran the updates anyway and it all seems fine, even without the latest Behemoth version.
  17. I have now finally been able to upgrade to the latest version, so if you could please investigate why the block is not drawing from the full gallery that would be appreciated.
  18. Yes, also waiting on this, but of course with IPS now we will get this update sorted and then they will put us back on the hamster wheel at the beginning of December with another unnecessary update.
  19. FZ

    Blocks In Emails

    Not every community has posts being made every second. And it doesn't just have to be for posts, it could be for anything related to your community.
  20. FZ

    Blocks In Emails

    I guess there is no support for this sort of question.
  21. To be honest, I can't see this IPS platform as remaining a sustainable one for the small communities out there. The asking price for everything is way too high and now that the marketplace devs have adopted this teat-latching subscription model, all I see happening is that when "new" IPS things come out they break the old things that were working just fine and then we are expected to pay again for something that hasn't really changed other than to comply with those other things that didn't need to change in the first place. It's a form of software socialism and I have come to the end of my tolerance thereof.
  22. Whether I am right or wrong isn't actually the issue. The point I am hoping to make is that running an IPS platform is not a friendly experience anymore and based on the update policies here it ends up becoming an expensive exercise to keep abreast. In these difficult times frivolous expenses such as these constant software subscriptions are not going to keep on working as a business model for very much longer. There is no benefit to be had here and pretty soon people like me are just going to unplug the things that are constantly leeching off us. That's it. I've said what I have to say.
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