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Posts posted by tekguru

  1. Thanks for the swift reply. 1) is fixed, it threw me that the 2 column template was assigned in a different page than the one I was using which is block driven. Thanks.

    On 2)  I don't want to change the core of the system, just I'd prefer to link to the topic instead of the article?

  2. A question or two if I may. We're now using SuperGrid on www.smartphonegurus.com as you can see here:


    When we hit a title (link) we get:


    The problem is that linked page only has the content on the first half of the page, as you can see here. Ideally for us we'd love to have:

    1. A fix to the above so that the entire page width is used.
    2. As we use the system to post a copy of the article into the forum the possibility of linking to that post instead of back to the article.

    I can understand if 2) is not possible but I'd love to fix 1). I've looked through all the settings and I can't see anything that might affect the width. Oh, I have reverted the entire site back to the standard IPS theme but that didn't help.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

  3. The issues I have are:

    You did ask.....

  4. Just been looking at the settings screens, ref the image resizing options, are these all using external services, or can any of them work on site. If on site can be used once an image has been sized is it then used for every page refresh or is it resized each time the page is loaded?

    Still worrying about server load here as we're on the cusp of our host forcing us to go for a higher CPU package which will likely bust our budget and shut us down.

  5. yes, you can select multi forums, it will auto get the first image in the first post to set as thumbnail. It also supports Pages, Gallery, RSS or you can add contents manually. You can see the control panel in screenshots of this file, I haven't installed a test site yet.

    ​Thanks, last question how light weight is it? That is does it increase server load a lot? We've very limited resources.....

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