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Posts posted by PTiCA1

  1. Thanks for all the help, but none of it solves my problem. I would have to have meta tags created for each topic and that is not possible in the mail of contributions we have.

    For example, this link from the visitor's search engine leads blindly to a category that he may not have searched for.

    Could contain: Bottle, Cosmetics

    1.5TSi engines are in the last five models of the Škoda car company, and in each model they solve, for example, consumption.

    If I could see the model I'm looking for in the URL address, I would certainly welcome this option.

    I will at least start with editing the META tags

  2. Hello,
    I run a forum in which the same subcategory names are repeated and only the main section name changes.

    Therefore, I would like to be able to set the URL with the entire structure.

    For example, address: https://forum.skodahome.cz/forum/27-podvozek/
    And address: https://forum.skodahome.cz/forum/305-podvozek/
    Or address: https://forum.skodahome.cz/forum/91-podvozek/

    It is then difficult for search engines to determine the exact url where to send the user because it does not know to which car model the query belongs.

    I would like a url like this:

    Or is it possible to set the url like this already? Thanks for the reply.

  3. 1. I need to create an issue report regarding an error encountered while using the fetch() function to retrieve data from a REST API.

    When loading data from the server using SSR (Server-Side Rendering), everything loads correctly. However, when attempting to reload on the client-side, the browser console throws the following error:

    [Error] Fetch API cannot load https://forum.???.cz/api/forums/posts?sortBy=date&sortDir=desc&perPage=6 due to access control checks.
    [Error] Failed to load resource: Preflight response is not successful. Status code: 401 (posts, line 0)


    Access to fetch at 'https://forum.???.cz/api/forums/posts?sortBy=date&sortDir=desc&perPage=6' from origin 'https://???.vercel.app' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.


    2. The inability to download a TypeScript "interface" in a JavaScript application, such as Vue/Nuxt, through any method like codegen.

    3. Additionally, I would like to mention that the documentation is quite inadequate and needs significant improvement.

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