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Cowboy Denny

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Posts posted by Cowboy Denny

  1. Just now, Jim M said:

    This would still rein true today 🙂 

    Okay, so you still run MariaDB 10.6.9?  I just want to do this MariaDB upgrade once so trying to get to the latest working version.  I know that comment was made in 2022 which is why I was asking.

  2. Now we are in 2024 could you please let me know what the latest version of MariaDB is supported for Invision Community?

    It appears MariaDB I'm running is very old at 10.3 and in reviewing what is the current latest version of MariaDB is 11.3 but I don't want to upgrade to that if its going to kill all my IPB sites.

  3. Not sure how to address this system error...  when I click on the System Error I see the following

    #0 /eventguyz.com/system/Member/Club/Club.php(1418): IPS\_Log::log()
    #1 /eventguyz.com/applications/core/tasks/clubrebuild.php(58): IPS\Member\_Club->nodes()
    #2 /eventguyz.com/system/Task/Task.php(375): IPS\core\tasks\_clubrebuild->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
    #3 /eventguyz.com/applications/core/tasks/clubrebuild.php(44): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout()
    #4 /eventguyz.com/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_clubrebuild->execute()
    #5 /eventguyz.com/system/Task/Task.php(237): IPS\_Task->run()
    #6 /eventguyz.com/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(72): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #7 {main}

    Any ideas on how I can fix this???


  4. First want to thank you for your efforts for this app.  I use it but am not able to figure out how to add a section in the form..  seems like its possible but not sure.

    So I have section 1 and would like to add fields for requester to fill out and then they go to the next section and fill out fields.  Can we create basically a section title?


    Customer Information <-- section title

    field text: Full Name

    field email: Email Address

    field phone: Contact Number

    Grand Entrance <-- section title

    field text: Song name - Artist


  5. Does anyone know of a timecard/scheduling app that could be used for Invision Community?

    In short I am hoping to find a way to...

    • add staff
    • create schedule with staff
    • enter time each staff member came in
    • enter time each staff member left
    • Export CSV with check-in, check-out for each day and staff name.

    Any help in finding a solution is appreciated

  6. Did something change in the last revision or so to prevent us from using dates in the past for blog entries.  I've done it when moving some articles from my other site to current site so the content reflects when I actually made the post BUT now when I try and enter a date in the past (even if its minutes) IPS doesn't allow me anymore.  Curious why this feature was taken away from us.

  7. Here is the scenario....

    Club - Topic and several comments under that Topic

    Same Club - Different Topic


    So users added some comments in topic1 that are more appropriate in topic2

    How do I move comments from topic1 to topic2 to help keep site clean?


    I was hoping I could just select the comment like this and I would be given the option (move) and I could then select where to move this comment to

    Could contain: Person, Car, Transportation, Vehicle

  8. Thanks @Nathan Explosion

    So for anyone else that didn't have there coffee yet...

    You need to create the .htaccess file under the /api folder like it said to.  Once you do and then click Continue you are given the options for OATH like you use to by clicking on System - REST & OATH

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    its just different and some of us are stuck on the way they use to do it for years..  gotta catch up. 🙂


  9. On 4/28/2023 at 4:20 PM, Adlago said:

    However, you also look at this - you have too many 404 errors on this page

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    Yea thats an issue.  Any ideas why or what I should look at?  I tried to rebuild index and sitemap but I don't think thats the correct path.  How I'm reading the screenshot is it can not find any of the image files and not sure how to relink them.  Is the only way to remove image references in all posts or reupload??  that would be a major pain

  10. 10 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Would recommend trying what Adlago mentioned, if you're an unrestricted moderator, I would also check to see if you have mod_security enabled on your server as there is a 403 error in the console when saving the editor on that post which could be related here.

    Jim you are a genius..  I looked at modsecurity and changed from tradeoff to fast and that "seems" to have fixed the issue.  Attaching image for reference for anyone else who may run into this issue

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  11. Having issues trying to edit a forum post while editing it with admin account (REFERENCE I've been trying to edit this post)

    Could contain: Text, Business Card, Paper, Tape

    I have checked the permissions and no restrictions on time for Administrators

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    And current settings for the server are

    Could contain: Page, Text

    And I am running the default Invision (un-altered theme)

    Could contain: File, Text, Page, Webpage


    Not sure if there is anything else I can provide that would help identify why I (administrator) can not edit a post.  I should be able to edit anything on the site as the administrator.

    Help is appreciated.


  12. On 4/25/2023 at 4:17 AM, InvisionHQ said:

    Version 2.4 of the app is on its way. This major release will bring a completely revised template and some new features that I developed privately for a few clients. If anyone wants to test the app before sending it to the marketplace and can install it locally, please send me an MP.


    looking forward to the release. Always excited to see improvements to a cool app.

  13. 19 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    This sounds like your host is not recognizing index.php as a default file.  

    This is typically set through the DirectoryIndex directive in httpd.conf

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    By the way...  


    If you specifically add the index.php, it works.  So yes...  this is a config issue within your server. Either you've got an existing index.htm(l) file that is being called first, or you don't have index.php as a default file.  🙂

    Since I'm running a VPS which all use the same httpd.conf I just added the DirectoryIndex in my .htaccess file and bam it worked.  Appreciate it..  very odd that all my other sites work, just not this one and then I discovered the setting in Plesk you can set Directory Index different for each site.  It was set to Default but I changed to custom and removed my entry in .htaccess and it worked.  Just sharing for anyone else that might run into this.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

  14. So this is odd.. my default homepage doesn't come up and instead I get my plesk login page

    Could contain: File, Person, Advertisement, Webpage, Poster

    BUT if I go to hosangit.net/admin I can login just fine.  I can also go to any page like hosangit.net/blogs or hosangit.net/forums and they all work..

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text, Page


    Now Pages isn't working no matter what which is default so I change the default page to blogs and all this does is make blogs AND pages not work but I can still get to forums or links or whatever.

    I reinstalled and same issue.


    I'm not at all saying its a IPB 4.7.8 issue but more looking for some direction on what the heck it can be.  I reissued my certs, I removed rewrite and re-enabled as well as reuploaded htaccess and no difference.  Out of ideas


  15. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The links on sendgrid are link tracking being enabled. You would need to switch that off which would correct the problem.

    With regard the SMTP issues, you would need to contact your SMTP provider to correct those

    Thanks Marc for the reply.

    tracking has been disabled on sendgrid but the URL links are still present with some odd urlxxx in front of my domain.  I don't have that dns record defined so its going to fail.  I messed with it for the day and gave up knowing that sendgrid isn't going to work for me for lost passwords since the link must be specific to allow a user to reset there password.

    I got email to work by getting AWS SES (Simple Email Service) to work using TLS and port 567 with the AWS supplied smtp server, user and credentials.  Now just trying to get out of sandbox mode so I don't have to confirm every recipient.

    Thanks but this can be closed..  I solve it myself but appreciate the suggestions

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