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  1. If it was a known bug, I bet it’s fixed now. Haven’t had a report lately 🙂
  2. Reported posts, you mean? I also have not been receiving emails about reported content, despite having previously. Perhaps a bug? I only recently realized this, but it has been ongoing for many many weeks.
  3. Unfortunately it is a few users experiencing this on occasion, I have been unable to reproduce it myself.
  4. This is happening to iPhone users on my forum as well, on Invision’s hosting. I disabled exif data stripping from my ACP, but the issue remains either way. A recent iOS update must be the culprit? The orientation data is lost when iOS converts from heic to jpg for web compatibility.
  5. It may have to do with exif data being stripped on upload, for the sake of privacy. That is my best guess, as it’s an AdminCP setting I recently changed. I have started to see this upside down photo orientation happening to users on my community too. @Marc Stridgen
  6. Turns out @Charles and I have the same shirt...
  7. IPS is no longer able to support the feature due to changes made by Facebook, which now requires a Facebook developer account App (free) for their oEmbed system. You can however restore the embed functionality with this inexpensive plugin, which updates Facebook and Instagram embeds to use the new Facebook App authentication system. You have to jump through a few hoops, and spend $10, but it's worth the trouble. Once configured with your Facebook App credentials, it's pretty much a 'set it and forget it' plugin. @rebraf will help ensure future compatibility.
  8. The plugin is now live in the store: @SC36DC @breatheheavy
  9. Many thanks to @rebraf for restoring this functionality, great work! I commissioned this plugin to be shared on the marketplace and supported by rebraf, to help fellow community admins get their content back on track. I can confirm this plugin works well, and also restores Instagram embed functionality to older posts with existing embeds that had broken. It will be available for download in the store very soon, it's worth the wait! Installation is easy, and it 'just works' after you enter your App credentials in the ACP.
  10. Search for 'toolbars' in your ACP and select '[System] Editor Customization' from the results. From that editor customization page, click the 'Restore Default Configuration' button to reset your editor toolbar back to default.
  11. crmarks replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    There was a bug fix posted on the IPS Focus forum, add this to your custom.css @supports (display:grid){ [data-ipsgrid=""]:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]){ --grid-fill: auto-fit; } .ipsGrid + .ipsGrid{ margin-top: var(--grid-gap) !important; } .ipsApp .SG_wrapper, .ipsApp .SG_category_container{ padding-bottom: 15px; } }
  12. Would it be possible to also automatically confirm email addresses of all new accounts that have been created via Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.? These kind of account email addresses are not validated by the IPS system, so these new users are being asked to confirm their email immediately after signing up. We can assume their email is confirmed if the account was registered within the timespan set in your app. Thanks for this great tool!
  13. Would it make sense to create a filter to exclude it from displaying for users that have registered within X days? There is no need to verify email addresses for brand new users. Keep up the good work Adriano!
  14. crmarks replied to DawPi's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I believe this is something you need to configure in your Google CSE settings. Edit Search Engine -> Search Features -> Advanced tab -> Websearch Settings -> Set Link Target to: _self
  15. crmarks replied to DawPi's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thanks for the timely 4.2 update @DawPi! Is it possible to display the search box at the top of the results? It looks like one is there but hidden with hard coded html css set to display: none. When I inspect the code and edit it, the search box works well and refreshes the results within the same search page. If the search box was there, it could also be styled a little more like the native search page box, wrapped in a matching HTML block that uses from the theme colors. Even better, a system template for the plugin vs a hard coded template would also help make it easier to customize beyond just CSS. Perhaps in a future update?