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Ocean West

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Everything posted by Ocean West

  1. Hi Kevin, I think I may be beyond help here, I gave GC a second er third attempt, at configuring it again in hopes to launch it by next year. But here are the issues that I keep coming into. I fear am just trying to force this to do something it was not designed to do. Currently i have the app disabled so I am going from memory... Goals Give the ability for end users ( by permission or group ) to create personal / customized versions of apps - sub-tenants. A faux ACP for these to create and manage these groups These groups can operate independently or collective with the site the determination of the visibility is determined by end users of the site they can decide how high to build the walls, to exclude themself from content they do not share interests with. By making it an Opt-out there is more initial discovery of site wide content. Prevent anything destructive Amin has final say - if someone created a group and they tried to nuke it it would flag it and require admin approval. Observations The hierarchy structure of the site containers with in containers the nature of creating things needs to auto create the base level category or "parent" there are too many settings that novices could never understand. You could potentially get things messed up by not having things forced in to a parent container. - For example i moved several forms over to the GC and they were just there as forums but they were not apart of any "Category" when i moved them back to the forums they just got added back in at the root level of the site not apart of any category (or their original category, were they departed from) Thus making them invisible to the site because forums at the top level are excluded by nature - the sort order was a jumble. Either they should be restored to their original location and position or when moving things back a new CATEGORY should automatically be created "Restored from Collab" and these items should appear grouped within) when you have a few dozen forums dropped on your forum list it's tedious to clean back up. The discovery process is just a bit of a show stopper for me - I feel as soon as i move several categories of forums over to GC they would live in obscurity and it would take several direct clicks to even get to them. The main landing page for the GC when you have more then one categories is just two big black boxes and some text with more buttons you have to navigate to.. and then there is the the issue of having to go resource some abstract imagery to dress up the content with in. I had noticed that you added the creation of links back in the forums but it only created links the the collab parent not to the individual groups. Leaving me to make make more redirect forums to the GC so that people looking at the forum index has a some idea they exist. - something i am trying to avoid managing the scaffolding. - Here is the narrative version of what I am trying to do: I wish have a service that i sell (or offer for free) in my storefront (commerce) when someone purchase this service it may include adding banner advertisements. Then they get elevated to a specific group. Once there they will have their Faux ACP where they can create forums, blogs, galleries, downloads, calendars, etc. This 'affiliate' is using my site as their front end tech support that their tech staff augment the community at large to assist in solving the posters issues. moderates of this group would receive notifications of postings so that they don't forget they exist and content languishes. Currently i have to manually setup a forum for each product the affiliate needs in their category - and the category list gets very long - but it is at least discoverable. I'd like to allow someone to manage these forums ( the text / the imagery / order / who is assigned to moderate etc. ) but don't want them to have access to the real ACP. - humbly Stephen
  2. great glad that alterations to the model does not retroactively change groups based on these models.
  3. Suggestion - Group models should not be a "front of site" thing but an site admin operation, when you pick an existing GC as a "model" you should be prompted to give a name to this collab something that makes sense from the standpoint of an end user (newbie) starting a new collab. Case in point: XYZ Company's is flagged as a "model" but then ABC Company wants to create their own - the name of the model should be arbitrary to the collab that it was modeled after. In addition a description - either from when the model was created - or an automated smart description based on the model's settings at the time it was created. I imagine after a while XYZ may wish to have other features such as a blog or downloads but originally didn't have this in the model so you make changes to that collab - does this mean that all existing GC's based on the model are dynamically elevated to these changes or are they static from the point in time the model was created?
  4. Suggestion - External links in the Affiliate menu should maintain click count (and a way for us to seed values ) - as would a redirect form does. It would be nice to get rid of the redirect forums (takes up space) for the only purpose that takes them to an external site, and get some sort of metrics.
  5. I may have asked this before but can't remember - Is it possible when moving a forum from the main site into CG that all participants (in all topics) (and any whom may be following ) are automagically joined to the CG? So as to present zero barrier to entry and not requiring them to do anything extra? - even if it's not instant but a background process and does it in bitesize peices until complete?
  6. Correct and this has been a long time suggestion and find it sad that its still not native since this functionality already exists in the blogs and in the pages CMS. - I have never wanted to create a post and have it "locked" and then "unlock" at a given time - however I have always wanted a way for people to post things that perhaps embargoed for a certain go live date. I hate having to get up at 6am because something has to publish at 9AM Eastern time.
  7. I noticed that when i have the app installed the entire site feels sluggish. - even if no rules are "active"
  8. Ok just dipping in to this as this seems to be the only thing to notify a user of a post being moved. (testing the lite version) This is the result - not sure why it's displaying this way. the data in the field is: I would like to have the three items include the url to the topic / Old Forum / New Forum respectively but not sure how to do that. ideally it would be nice if the name of the moderator that moved the post was present in this the body text as well but I am not sure how to invoke that. - also got this error running the support tool ALTER TABLE `rules_arguments` CHANGE COLUMN `argument_custom_action_id` `argument_custom_action_id` INT (11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ''; I ran that query in PHPMyAdmin Your SQL query has been executed successfully (Query took 0.0286 sec) That error still shows up each time i run the support tool
  9. nice improvements @Kevin Carwile nice to see the main index inclusion - is there any means to move the order somewhere other then at the very bottom of the forum index?
  10. empty tags? - Been noticing there are several posts that have blank tags even though the setting requires at least 2 characters.
  11. just had a bug, not sure if it's the core, or if its GC. disabled app and had an issue: error on public sitewhen disabled the list of forms is all wonky http://screencast.com/t/YCniwEEBy
  12. Thanks Ryan, for looking at that. One suggestion that would really help. If I have a forum that is about <topic>, and I wish to merge all the contents of that forum in to another forum. It's so much faster to move/delete the forum then it is to paginate thru the forum moving pages of posts. If you could add a feature when you delete/move, merge a forum add a tag / prefix (ad hoc) at that time since is typically a one time thing. I was merging a few forums and wanted to tag the posts as to where they 'originally' were but had to go thru a process of adding a Saved Action page thru the forum setting the tag, then did a merge. then remove the Saved Action.
  13. Question - when using the Saved Action on the selected topics to add a tag does any one know if this is smart enough to prevent duplicates (i haven't tried yet )
  14. I had to turn off GC and move the few forums I had back to the main site - Why? I've had a few requests to restore Tapatalk and in their current iteration it ignores the GC (haven't decided yet - not personally fond of that app)it may have been the smaller forums I moved over but there was zero traction in the 3 weeks they were parked there (not one person "joined" them) no one created their own group.My biggest fear that if i moved my intended set of forums over there they would be come a data island.My main goal was to create a means for select few individuals to moderate, and manage ( create ) their own specific forums - and not give them access to the ACP - which GC does but at the cost of removing the forums from the main index and loosing discovery. It could just be the nature of my site - the entire site focus primarily is technical in nature about one software program, and associated technologies. My goal was to use GC for my affiliates sponsors who are third party solution developers, my site is their front line for tech support of their products, however moving them to their own island that is several clicks away would increase the attrition rate. At any rate GC works as it was designed and am still glad to participate and hope to find a purpose that is a fit to my community in the near future.
  15. When moving content from original app to GC - there should be some operation that auto enrolls / joins any participant in the content being moved. Otherwise if new content was added they may not be properly notified or be seen in VNC etc.?!
  16. Need instructions (to edit template) or future switch to turn on or off GRID view. The current grid view the css is a bit off and there is no padding from the text to the edge of the boxes. - My only work around to get rid of grid view is to take all forums out of the parent forum.
  17. GC's with redirect forums are not displaying the redirect counts. --- Redirect forums vs something built in? ( feature request ) I would like to see something built in to the GC Description or Settings page that allows the member to specify one or two url redirect link to some other site, and also have it track clicks to that site - it could appear in in the section below the cover image next to the group leader. It would feel more modern as redirect forums take up a lot of space and break up continuity.
  18. How do I create a model and hide it but then not have to see it on a daily basis? Thoughts: 1: Model Templates ( without content and hidden) should be omitted from the default view ( and a filter next to the sort option - to show all, visible or hidden colabs) 2: Model Templates based on existing colabs should have prompt for a generic "Model Name" so that when a user is creating a new colab the display is using the template name vs the name of an existing colab - company B creating their group based on the a company A - (who is flagged as a model) - just doesn't feel right and can be more confusing.
  19. Thank's i think i found it easier to log in as them have them create a new GC then i can move the forums over to that GC. @Kevin Carwile perhaps in a future release when moving to forums to colab perhaps another field to choose the primary owner so an admin can create a colab, move and assign in one shot.
  20. I am in the process of moving some forums to GC. Eventually these will be given to a different member as owner of the group - how can I enroll these people and promote them to owner with out having to invite them and wait for them to joint the group?
  21. on reflection I decided to abandon GLOBAL header ads all together - there were just to many pages that i felt that it was annoying to have ads on and took the approach to create a block that holds a custom ad location. And spent the time and when thru each apps hierarchy to decide if that page should have a banner or not.
  22. Thanks Kevin, would love to have an option to let them choose. Also is there a way to prevent GLOBAL ads from showing in the GC? its hard if Company A's ads are showing up on Company B's pages. or vice versa. i would like these to be their own islands - perhaps a way to, eventually allow GC Authors to perhaps some how add their own ads.
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