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Posts posted by Flitterkill

  1. Seen a few purchases of these come through lately so figure I should give everyone a heads up.

    New version in a day or two (that's developer time so adjust accordingly...). Updates across the board.

    Also, the update may coincide with this mod (and others) moving over to my new account that is dedicated exclusively to IPS work (and not tied down on a gaming forum account circa 2004). When this happens formal support will move over to the new website and these marketplace topics will just be for general q/a going forward.

    @superj707 What version are you using? The latest? That is tied up with an IPS versioning change they made months ago - either the plugin you are using predates that or I haven't updated the Marketplace download to account for it (and no one has bothered to say anything...)

    EDIT: Hang a bit. The xml = THEME, the tar = APP. There is no plugin.

  2. No reason for it not to. 

    @JiigSaaw I'll take another pass at the symlink stuff - I thought I ignored them but apparently not? The dev build I currently have is in an in-between state with a half finished db module and moving all my "can I make a rough task system with just the settings" thing over to the task system formally.

    That, and paid work... and the next thing in the Kitchen Sink series...

  3. It should be working now. It was bugged in the 4.1.18 BETA 3, but Mark fixed the bug this morning prior to the official final release of 4.18

    If you had the beta installed upgrade to the final release now. And even though all the caches and datastore stuff should be reset might not be a bad idea to hit the support tool to clear everything again.

  4. @Mark fixed the template bug this morning prior to the official release of 4.1.18 so everything should be good to go.

    Let me know if there are any bugs that crop up or missing features, especially in the top section of topics as a lot has changed there recently.

  5. FYI all there is a bug with the upcoming 4.1.18 release and Kitchen Sink when viewing a topic. Tracking it down now.

    EDIT: The error given is just a generic template parse error saying there is an extra } somewhere. It's seems to be on topic view and I'm betting its all the new editable prefix/tags/topic title stuff as those areas in the templates have changed a ton with the new code.

    So, basically don't update to the 4.1.18 release when it comes out unless I have this patched up.

    EDIT #2: Appears to be an IPS hook incompatibility on that template with 18.3 beta

  6. 13 minutes ago, Joel R said:


    For forum attachments, can you offer an option to make thumbnail images as inline attachments (eg. 5 to a row, instead of 1 per row)


    Can you show me what it is exactly? Not sure I follow...

  7. @Sergey_SV Is KS the first plugin in the list of plugins in the acp? It pretty much has to be right now otherwise it will over-write any other plugins that modify that area.

    For the other bit I'd have to add that in, or, let me look and see if that already exists in IPS and I can use that then.

    EDIT: Of course there is an IPS language bit for that already. I'll make that change.

  8. I've taken another pass at some of the IPS Focus theme stuff. Ehren has changed enough of the userBar to make the KS option to display just the member name or just display the avatar pretty much broken. I passed on some alterations to him a few months back that would make it compatible (and keep the IPS Focus look) but those haven't been adopted. And... I'm not gonna work around this stuff. So, just leave that KS setting on default if you use IPS Focus stuff. Remember, I can only target the default theme.

    I will, since it was fairly easy to do, option into KS an IPS Focus exception for this breadcrumb junk though.

  9. fixes.PNG

    html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline.ipsPos_right > li:last-child {
        margin-right: 15px;
    [itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"] li:last-child{
    ul.ipsfocus_breadcrumb li:last-child {

    Assuming his breadcrumbs are the same across most of his themes (and I think they are) the above three bits should do it for top and bottom. Remove any other things like them in your custom.css. Tested with the breadcrumb options in KS, all good except the remove trailing separator doesnt do anything as Ehren has removed all the separators in his theme/s, replacing them with the angled border stuff.

    I can actually add this code into KS as an option for those with ipsfocus themes.

  10. Make sure KS is enabled and let me know. Then I can make the correct the correct css for you when I look at your site.

    I do have at least one of Ehren's themes. The conflict is that that nav bar isn't stock anymore. There is a new div wrapper, then the social icons are floated to the right in that div, and then the IPS breadcrumb nav is inserted in the div. Solveable problem, just need a few minutes now that I see you need the entire thing handled and not just the stuff on the right.

  11. ul.ipsfocus_social {
        padding-left: 0px !important;
    html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li:last-child, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline.ipsList_noSpacing > li {
        margin-right: 0 !important;

    In your custom add that, removing any others in there.

    Did you want all activity or unread content, or both to appear there?


    That's the end result - ignore the changed color of the breadcrumb bar, just did that to see what was going on better.

  12. Are you talking about the grey separator line to the left?

    Do you want both all activity and unread content to appear?

    EDIT: Actually, now I think I see it. Hang on.

    Remove the ul.ipsfocus_social css I gave you above.

    Then add this:

    html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li:last-child, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline.ipsList_noSpacing > li {
        margin-right: 15;


  13. This will be specific to your theme or any alterations that you made.

    Since I allow you to move those bits around I have to allow for a "Default" setting and the IPS default is both of those bits, thats why they have re-appeared. If this isn't a theme-based change then just making sure KS is at the top of the plugin list should fix things.

    Either way, just add this to your custom.css

    .ipsBreadcrumb [data-action="markSiteRead"] {

    That should remove that bit. If it doesn't just PM your site adress so I can look at the page directly and then I can give you the correct css.

    In a future KS update I will separate both of these elements out instead of treating them as a single entity. That way you mess with "mark site read" and "unread content" individually.

  14. This was all actually fixed before but there are still some minor irregularities in how the CSS files are imported. What works while in-dev might not parse correctly when the plugin is imported elsewhere. This mainly occurs when you have if-then logic in the css file. 

    I moved a few things, made a few of those if-then checks a little bit syntactically tighter and that seemed to solve the problem/s.

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