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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. If I don't mistake someone from IPS Staff (maybe bfarber or Josh?) said that Subscription manager should be included in Beta 5 :o
  2. If I don't mistake Matt has implement a way to edit FURLs from ACP so is simple to change them. And even if I'm wrong about this tool you can always change them editing manually the file with the rewrite codes :)
  3. Maybe they can add something like "No Results Found" in the title page? Board Message doesn't give a correct idea of "no results found" unless you know it, so it might confuse new members :o
  4. Really.. IPB 3 Beta is not meant to be used to upgrade a live site :o However IP.Subscription is a simple rewrite of the old subscription system with no additions, a developer from IPS staff is upgrading it to work with IPB 3 (Josh or Jason if I don't mistake) and then it will become a community project after the final release of IPB 3.
  5. Beta 4 come out exactly 2 minutes ago :lol:
  6. teraßyte

    Piracy Report

    I have this same error sometimes but only if i try to insert certain specific links. If after the error i try to use a different link it goes fast as usual.
  7. Well, errors are logged fine right now (day by day on different files). Problems occur only when non-expert peoples with IPB see that generic "IPS Driver Error", adding something like the paragraph i suggested above will tell them were to search for the real error without confusing those that doesn't know were to look :)
  8. Doing what you say Tony will defeat the purpose of IPS. They have hidden the real error for security purpose (if i don't recall wrong) so showing it "hidden" in the source will give the same security problems :o
  9. A lot of peoples still post something like "I get IPS Driver Error doing that, how can i solve it?" And then every time the answer is "Look for the real error saved in a cgi file in the cache folder". If that error is going to be displayed in that same way also in IPB 3 i suggest you to add a small line below it like "Real error is hidden for security purpose, to see it check the cgi file in the cache folder" or something similar anyway. That should stop a lot of useless topics with "IPS Driver Error" as title :rolleyes:
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